

Road Running

This category is for questions and answers about road running. The sport of road running takes place on a preset course down an established road.

500 Questions

What is the fastest 5K run by a 6 year old?

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Asked by JohnRayJohnson

Considering I can`t find an answer. Here is one. I am sure this isn`t the fastest but my 6 year old daughter ran an 8:16 mile yesterday. I don`t know what the fastest is but I have found that is over 3 minutes faster then the presidential 85th percentile standards.

Who is the fastest runner in Canada?

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Donovan Bailey he was the first Canadian to legally break the 10-second barrier in the 100 m. Particularly noted for his top speed, Bailey ran 27.07 mph (12.10 m/s) in his 1996 Olympic title run, the fastest ever recorded at the time.

What country has the best long distance runners in the world?

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the country called runners country is Kenya

What is the average time for a 34 women to run 10km?

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Asked by Wiki User

5 km isn't a marathon, it's about 1/8th of a marathon.

And the time would be hugely dependent on the fitness level of the runner. Somewhere between 20-40 minutes for someone who do manages to run/jog the whole stage.

What are some fun things to do while running?

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Which makes u burn fat and loose muscle

Should you eat after running?

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You are actually supposed to drink water after a run because when you are dehydrated, you need something to quench your thirst. The best type of drink to consume after a good run is something like cool water or a cool drink that has electrolytes added to it (sports drink). One thing you should NEVER drink after running is an energy drink such as Monster, Red Bull, Amp, ect. because it makes you even MORE dehydrated and destroys some of your minerals, which causes you to feel dizzy and drowsy.

Should you take long strides or short strides when running short distances?

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Asked by Wiki User


Depends on like the background.

You can run faster in different kinds of shoes in different places.

Go lower....



I am doing a science project on shoes so I don't know. TTYL!

Which side of the road should you walk on in Texas?

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Asked by Wiki User

Its normally illegal to walk on the highway.

But on regular roads, you're supposed to walk against traffic.

How many miles in a 5K marahton?

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Asked by Wiki User

A 5k is 3.1 miles.

Fastest 3 mile run in the USMC?

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I don't know if the marine corps has records of this, but am also curious. My best was 14:35 in nco school in 1984. At the time it was a nco school record.

What percentage of Americans run in 5k events each year?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no accounting for the number of American's who run marathons each year. Marathons are run at many school levels, as well as at city, state, and national levels.

What are Rules of 100m sprint?

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* The length of the track and the width of each lane are specified by the IAAF. * If the number of competitor is more than ten in the 100 meter sprint event, then, preliminary heat races are held. The winners or the top sprinters will qualify for the next round. * Any sprinter with a false start will be warned after the first attempt. After the next false start, he will be disqualified. * The records may be made only on the track which is made of such a substance which allows runners to run with spiked shoes. * The athlete is not given any credit if he or she does not finish the race. * The time of the event has to be measured with a permitted automatic timing device. * The radius of the outside lane of the track cannot be more than 50 meter. * No athlete is permitted to run inside the inner curve of the track. Even stepping on the inner line of the track is not allowed.

How many miles a week are suggested for marathon training?

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Asked by Wiki User

A lot depends on whether you are a beginner or expert. 35 miles is the recommendation for first timers taking it easy; 70 miles is recommended for those who want to finish near the top. Here is a lot more info on training for your first marathon:

What is the fastest 10k race ever run?

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23 June 1967 Bakersfield, Cal. 3:51.0 Filbert Bayi Tanzania

17 May 1975 Kingston 3:49.4 John Walker New Zealand

12 August 1975 Göteborg 3:48.95 Sebastian Coe United Kingdom

17 July 1979 Oslo 3:48.8 Steve Ovett United Kingdom

1 July 1980 Oslo 3:48.53 Sebastian Coe United Kingdom

19 August 1981 Zürich 3:48.40 Steve Ovett United Kingdom

26 August 1981 Koblenz 3:47.33 Sebastian Coe United Kingdom

28 August 1981 Bruxelles 3:46.32 Steve Cram United Kingdom

27 July 1985 Oslo 3:44.39 Noureddine Morceli Algeria

5 September 1993 Rieti 3:43.13 Hicham El Guerrouj Morocco 7 July 1999 Rome

What is the average time it takes for a 30 year old woman to run a mile?

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Asked by Wiki User

Much depends on the condition and experience of the runner. On average, a mile will take anywhere from 10 and 12 minutes for a person in reasonably good health to run.

Can you train for a half marathon in 9 weeks?

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Asked by Wiki User

By drinking alot of water. but not so much you'll drown yourself. you should be drinking half your body weight in water (oz). Eat healthy. Proteins, carbs, vitamins. Wear your sweats when you run to warm up. Stretch alot. Run 30-1 hour minutes at least 5 times a weak. But once you're start getting into shape run longer distances. ICE ICE ICE your injuries and make sure your shoes have full support.

How much time would it take to run 5K at a 8 minute 6 second mile pace?

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Asked by Wiki User

Since 60 minutes is "an hour" and you are running at 5.2 miles per hour for 60 minutes, the answer would be 5.2 miles. (Maybe it would be easier to under stand if you change miles per hour to miles in an hour.)

Who was the First person to run 100 sub 4 minute mile races?

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That was Don Bowden on June 1, 1957 with a time of 3:58.7 at Baxter Stadium on the campus of the University of Pacific

What are the negative effects of exercise on bones and joints?

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Asked by Wiki User

I would imagine most all of us would agree that exercise is beneficial to the body. However, many individuals do not understand how the body reacts or responds to exercise, and therefore do not take the appropriate course of action when going through a routine. In other words, the body must warm up first by stretching, or (if using weights) starting light.

Too much too soon, and muscles tear, bones can break or fracture, sprains can occur, etc. Some older adults can have a stroke, or heart attack when exercise is excessive. Everyone (no matter what age) should have a physical before starting an exercise routine.

In addition, everyone should obtain good counsel from an appropriate source through researching articles and books, and by a good coach or mentor. In addition, for exercise to be effective, the body needs to tightly couple exercise with a proper diet. They go hand-in-hand. If one is going to a fitness center, make sure the leading individuals have the appropriate training to guide correctly, and know how to handle emergencies if they should occur.

For information about all the benefits of exercise, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

What is the average time to finish a half marathon for a man over 60?

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Asked by Wiki User

How many years over 50? What is your weight, gender, present fitness level and training status.
I could still run a 1.19 at 50, however at 53 I am now only managing 1.24 at present. (I was 1.15 at 47). After 50 it is more difficult to predict times, the body cannot take the same effort required in training. It is really important to include rest days in one's schedule, it is better to set 1 mile target times and stick to them i.e. 8 mins very mile etc. The most elementary error to make is to not do the training and too start off too quickly.
Best of luck in your challenge, a time of under 2 hours would be considered to be acceptable and suitably challenging and would require 9 minutes per mile.

How long should a person rest after a marathon?

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Asked by Wiki User

After personally finishing 35 marathons I can still say this is not a simple answer. It certainly depends on how hard you pushed it. I have completed marathons totally exhausted and followed the "rest one day for every mile rule." (26 days) I have friends that "participate" in marathons but run very slowely and run one marathon each month. Frank Shorter, silver medalist in the Olympic marathon said, "Run your next marathon when your blue toenails have grown out!" It takes about 6 months to regrow a toenail!

How fast has the fastest person ever run in Miles Per Hour?

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26.0 is the fastest person ever

Marathon in miles?

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A marathon is 26.2 miles.

Who do you call a person who starts a race?

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This may sound really weird but they are called a starter. They can either shoot a pistol or wave a flag. Hope that helped!! (: :):)

How long will it take to run 5k at 11kmh?

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Asked by Wiki User

Approximately 27 minutes 30 seconds.