

Semi-Aquatic Mammals

Species of amphibious mammal, that are adapted for living both in water and on land.

500 Questions

Do otters fight each other?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, otters are known to fight with each other, especially during territorial disputes or competition for food. These fights can be quite aggressive and may involve loud vocalizations, biting, and physical confrontations. However, otters also have social behaviors and hierarchies that help minimize conflict within their groups.

How many baby's do sea otters have at one time?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sea otters typically give birth to one pup at a time. Twins are very rare in sea otters.

What is the main producer of the upper layers of the ocean?

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The main producer of the upper layers of the ocean is phytoplankton. These are tiny, plant-like organisms that use sunlight to photosynthesize and produce food. Phytoplankton form the base of the marine food chain and are essential for supporting the ocean ecosystem.

What is being done to protect sea otters from dying?

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Asked by Wiki User

Efforts to protect sea otters from dying include creating marine protected areas where hunting and pollution are restricted, implementing regulations to prevent accidental entanglement in fishing gear, and conducting research to better understand threats such as oil spills and disease outbreaks. Additionally, conservation organizations work to raise awareness about the importance of sea otters and their ecosystems to promote public support for their protection.

What rodents live near water?

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Asked by Wiki User

kingfishers, frogs, ospreys, polar bears

Why does a platypus store fat inside of its tail?

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Asked by Wiki User

Platypuses do not always have a big tail. The size of a platypus's tail is a indication of how healthy it is, and how much food has been available. A platypus stores most of its body fat in its tail to help it survive when food is limited, and to prepare for when the female must incubate her eggs and care for the young when they hatch.

The tail is also useful for other purposes, and needs to be a good size in order to perform these functions. During the breeding season, the female digs herself a chamber within her deep burrow, and this chamber is lined with leaves and other nesting material. The female with carry this nesting material rolled underneath her tail as she climbs up and down steep riverbanks. In addition, the tail of a platypus helps the animal to swim and acts as a rudder when it dives.

Where do River Otters sleep?

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Asked by Wiki User

River otters sleep in their holt's (dens), which can be found under tree roots along river banks or in dense undergrowth adjacent to rivers. Natural holt's are becoming pretty rare nowadays, due to the removal of old riverbank trees; however conservation groups are providing artificial holt's in strategic places to allow their natural habitat to recover. Otters may have several holt's a long the river bank, which provide shelter when out feeding and patrolling their territories.

How much room does a platypus need to survive?

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Platypuses which are kept in carefully maintained sanctuaries, in environments which emulate their natural habitat, and able to survive in areas smaller than a standard room. In the wild, of course, their range is much wider.

Are river otters omnivores?

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Yes, river otters are considered omnivores. They eat mainly aquatic plantation, but they also frequently eat shellfish they come across.

How long does it take a beaver to give birth?

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Gestation lasts about three months and females have one litter of kits a year between April and June.

Body Parts of a Sea Otter?

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Asked by Wiki User

Adult sea lion- Ears, dark eyes, closable nostrils, pointed snout, sensory whiskers (vibrissae) and wing-like foreflippers. The adult sea lion has thick, short fur which is brown to buff coloured.

Baby sea lion- Sensory whiskers (vibrissae), dark eyes, closable nostrils and a pointed snout. Baby sea lions are dark grey to light brown in colour.

*I got this information from the Singapore Zoological Gardens when I visited that place. To confirm my answer, I checked the Singapore Zoological website and also asked my teacher:)

What are the ways otters reproduce?

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Asked by Wiki User

The male sea otter can have as many as fifteen females in his region at a time. When otters mate, it can be a very violent, sometimes causing the female scarring. Now imagine David Attenbergh saying that.

What are the three species of monotremes?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are just three species of monotreme: the platypus, the short-beaked echidna and the long-beaked echidna. Of the three species, the long-beaked echidna is the largest.

Are sea otters ectothermic?

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A porcupine is endothermic, able to maintain its own body temperature. It is a mammal, and mammals and birds are endothermic. The term 'endothermic' is the biological term for an animal that is warm-blooded.

What are facts about the ringed tail possum?

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Asked by Wiki User

Behavioural adaptations of a ringtail possum include:

  • They nest in hollows in trees, enabling them to stay clear of predators
  • When habitat is cleared, they adapt quickly and easily, moving into the roof space in houses, or any other available space such as dog kennels or fireplaces
  • Possums are nocturnal, which means they feed at night
  • Although social animals, possums are intensely territorial, defending their territory with loud screeches and hisses, and sometimes fighting
  • Also, they carry out coprophagy - Ringtail possums consume their own faeces which helps it reabsorb the same nutrients once again.

How much does a chincoteague pony usually go for at pony penning days?

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Asked by Quarterstick

== == Well, the normal range of foals can be from $450-$900. Yes, there will be prices lower and prices higher. The reason why I didnt say $10,000 is because I'm about to get there. The buy-back foals normally go for a lot more than foals who arent buy-backs. The buy-backs go up to $10,000!

Are earthworms Sexual or Asexual?

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Asked by Wiki User

Earthworms are hermaphrodites, meaning every earthworm has female and male body parts, as in testes and ovaries. However, they do need a mate to reproduce. They line up with their head ends facing away from each other and exchange sperm through the seminal receptacles.

Where does a river otter usually live in north Carolina?

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No. Sea otters are found only in the northwestern Pacific. The river otter is found in North Carolina.

Do sea otters have hands?

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They hold hands so they don't drift away from each other.