

Sirhan Sirhan

Sirhan Sirhan assassinated Senator Robert F. Kennedy on June 5, 1968. He was sentenced to life in prison.

30 Questions

What type of gun did Sirhan Sirhan use?

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A .22 caliber Iver-Johnson Cadet revolver.

Was Sirhan Sirhan a Christian?

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He had an interest in religion and may have attended a church of that denomination at some time.

Was Sirhan Sirhan a Muslim?

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Asked by R4444b

No, he is not, Sirhan was born in Jerusalem to Christian Palestinian parents and was raised in the Maronite Church. In his adult life however, he made several religious conversions, joining Baptist and Seventh-day Adventist churches, and dabbled in the occult.

Where is Sirhan Sirhan imprisoned?

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He is serving a life sentence at the California State Prison, Corcoran.

Who tackled sirhan sirhan?

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Football star Roosevelt Grier did the job here!

When did Sirhan Sirhan - militant - die?

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He is still alive. He was stabbed by another prisoner and taken to hospital, where his condition was reported as stable. He then returned to hospital two days later, after his discharge from the hospital.

Was Sirhan Sirhan who assassinated Bobby Kennedy a Muslim?

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Yes Sirhan Sirhan killed bobby kennedy. ADDED: Although there are conspiracy theories to the contrary, all available credible evidence leads to the conclusion that Sirhan Sirhan fired the fatal shot(s).

Is Siran Siran still alive?

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Yes, Robert Kennedy's assassin Sirhan B. Sirhan is alive and in jail.

Sirhan was convicted on April 17, 1969 and was sentenced six days later to death in a gas chamber. The sentence was commuted to life in prison in 1972 after the California Supreme Court, in its decision in California v. Anderson 64 Cal.2d 633, 414 P.2d 366, (Cal. 1972), invalidated all pending death sentences imposed in California prior to 1972.

A parole hearing for Sirhan is now scheduled every five years. On March 15, 2006, he was denied parole for the 13th time. He did not attend the hearing, nor did he appoint a new attorney to represent him after his attorney Lawrence Teeter passed away in 2005. His next possible chance for parole will be in 2011.

Yes, he is at Caliifornia State Prison, Corcoran.

Why wasn't Sirhan Sirhan put to death after he killed bobby Kennedy?

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Sirhan Sirhan was not put to death after he assassinated Bobby Kennedy because the Death Penalty was taken away in California just before the assassination took place. So they could not give him the death penalty so he is forced to rot in jail for the rest of his life.

Why did Sirhan Sirhan assassinate Robert Kennedy?

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Because of Robert F. Kennedy's support of Israel.

How old is Sirhan Sirhan?

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Sirhan Sirhan is 67 years old (birthdate: March 19, 1944).

Who was the prosecutor for Sirhan Sirhan?

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The lead prosecutor was Lynn "Buck" Compton, a former Los Angeles police detective who later became a judge in the California Court of Appeals.

Who seized the gun from sirhan sirhan?

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The man who FIRST removed the gun from Sirhan's hand in Ambassador Hotel Pantry after Sen. Robert F. Kennedy was shot was in fact former FBI agent Bill Barry (see Barry's interview /statement in SUS files @ California State Archives, Sacramento, Ca.) Barry was currently employed by RFK in the capacity of his security adviser.

Here is what happened: Barry was the first person to remove the gun from Sirhan's hand, and having taken possession of the gun, Barry then placed the gun on the steam table where he left it, then turned away to go to the fallen Senator Kennedy's side. I should also add that that steam table was where Sirhan was being subdued , punched, choked and beaten. Was it possible for Sirhan to regain possession of the gun in all of that chaos ? Possible, but questionable at best due to the fighting and shoving that was taking place on that small steam table .

What happened next is that Rosey Greir also wrested a gun from Sirhan's hand and then gave the gun to Rafer Johnson whereupon Rafer put the gun in his jacket pocket. Rafer then took the gun to his home (he lived but a short distance from Ambassador Hotel). I later met with Rafer to ask him what did he do with the gun which he had possession of for almost two hours and did he write the gun's serial number down? This is what Rafer told me: He went to his home where he removed the gun from his pocket and examined it and wrote the gun's serial number down in his diary. He then went to Central Receiving Hosp. where he was met by LAPD Intelligence Ofc. Jean Scherrer, whereupon they went to Good Samaritan Hosp. (to check on RFK condition) and from Good Samaritan Hosp. Scherrer took Rafer to Ramparts Headquarters where Rafer turned the gun over to Sgt. McGann and Sgt Calkins. When I examined the transcript of Rafer's interview I found the McGann/Calkins description of gun model was incorrect.

Additionally, photographer Boris Yaro also momentarily held the Sirhan gun in his hand during that hectic struggle in the pantry.

There is so much more to the Sirhan gun story. (also see , Part Five , page 20 for Bill Barry's interview/statement re his putting Sirhan gun on "counter" - actually the steam table - in the pantry after he removed it from Sirhan's hand) Additionally, SUS records contain statements from pantry scene witnesses who saw " a gun lying on the ( steam) table".

Rose Lynn Mangan

Rose Lynn Mangan

Who tackled Sirhan Sirhan with Rosey Grier?

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Olympic champion Rafer Johnson.

Who is sirhan sirhan?

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Sirhan Sirhan is the Jordanian convicted for the assassination of Robert Kennedy.

Did rosey greer tackle Sirhan Sirhan when Robert Kennedy was assassinated?

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Essentially that is true - the footballer tackled the suspect in short order as an announcer ad-libbed We don't want another Oswald.

Who broke Sirhan Sirhan's arm?

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Rosie Grier, former NFL lineman and friend of Robert Kennedy

How long has Sirhan B Sirhan been in jail?

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Sirhan has been in custody ever since June 5, 1968 when he killed Robert kennedy.

Does irhan sirhan have A COLLEGE DEGRee?

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He attended Pasadena City College, but had no degree.

Why did Sirhan Sirhan kill JFK?

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He did not kill John Kennedy, he killed Robert Kennedy.