

Space Food

Space foods are food products made for consumption by astronauts in outer space.

231 Questions

What does space food taste like?

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Space food is typically described as bland and lacking robust flavors due to the way taste buds are affected by the zero-gravity environment. Foods are also often in dehydrated or thermostabilized form, which can affect taste and texture. Some astronauts have reported that spice and condiment packets are used to add flavor to meals.

How much does space food cost?

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The cost of space food can vary depending on the type and quality of the food, as well as the supplier. Generally, space food can cost anywhere from $5 to $50 per meal, with some specialty items costing more.

How do you make space food?

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Okay, making space brownies is pretty simple. So I expect you'll buy a box with a pre-made mix, yeah? So the box should say add oil, eggs, and water. What you do is instead of adding regular oil, you add cannaoil (cannabis oil). The way to do this is light your stove and slowly boil cannabis and cooking oil in a pan until your oil turns green. If it turns brown, that's not good. So when it's green you take your oil, put it in your mix with the water and eggs and bake that sh*t... When your brownies are done, take them out and let them cool (duh, lol)... After that eat a couple and you will be trippin good. Hope that helps. :)

What does food smell like in space?

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Well it depends because I went to this space camp and we made rockets and stuff like that and we had space ice cream and it was all dry it was not cold and it tasted horrible. You can buy them somewhere but I don't no the place.

How did valentina tershkova eat in space?

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nowone really knows sorry but face now one will know

How do you make crops grow quicker?

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Controlling the environment is key to this process. That's the idea behind the use of hydroponics. By giving your plants 24 hours of sunlight each day for it's first month of life, you will see three months worth of growth. Then drop back to 16 hours a day (for one month to six weeks). Then change your fertilizer to a flowering base and drop back to eight to ten hours of sunlight per day. You can almost hear the flowers pop. If you are growing tomatoes, you will need to 'set' the blooms at some point. Always start out with the best seeds you can get, and be sure to hobnob with every knowledgeable person that you can, regarding this life-lengthening hobby.

What is the use of space food in space?

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To prevent food from spoiling in space they use methods like rehydratable, temperature stabilized, irradiated and natural form foods. Natural form foods they have to consume within short days.

How is space food stored and eaten?

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Space food doesn't stay on the plate unless it is sticky. If it is not sticky then it floats around wherever it wants to.

Who invented space food?

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Space food was invented during the early 1960s which were semi-liquid and could only be eaten by sucking through a straw. By 1965, the food was more palatable with wider variety such as turkey bite and butterscotch pudding.

What do people eat in space colonies?

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Of course there aren't any space colonies just yet, but when when we do build these settlements colonists will eventually grow certain plants for food so that people won't have to bring any from Earth. Eventually, Livestock such as cows, sheep, goats, and perhaps pigs will be sent from Earth, providing a more diverse diet.

What was neil armstrong's favorite space food?

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Now if some-one asks you "What was Neil Armstrong's favourite food?" and you said "Dried up chicken,", YOU'RE WRONG!

He loved a good roast beef, chicken and turkey fried up into one with soggy parts and crispy chunks.

2nd most was 4 rashers, 3 Black puddins and 3 white. And he couldn't beat it without ham slapped onto the top, with the succulent juices sizzling up, and the ham ends up drying onto his beans. The beans were fresh baked, then caked all over his four slices of toast. He had a big 2 litre bottle of Coca Cola to drink, and refused to leave his "BREAKFAST CHAIR" until it was drank. "I suck it out of my special curly straw, and I like watching the Coke guzzle up my yellow straw!" he reports at 10:00 am.

Now at 06: pm, it's a different story. He enjoys a few mediem size squabs, freshly C.K.R.(Caught, killed and roasted). I don't know why he enjoys combining his food, but instead of the tender meat drying together, he pours this stuff that I'd rather not tell you exactly what it is, all pasty and gluey all over his squab feast, even though he only needs it between the squabs. To top it all off, he has a little cocktail with a slice of lemon and a mini umberella.

What type of food do they eat in space?

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Astronauts eat 70% less food than people on Earth. Astronauts eat the same food as people on Earth, but their food is specially preserved to avoid contamination by bacteria. To combat the problem of microgravity, food is carefully contained and drinks are packaged as dehydrated powders. The astronauts add water to beverages through a special tube before drinking. Astronauts attach their individual food containers to a food tray with fabric fasteners. The tray itself connects either to the wall or to the astronauts' laps. Astronauts open the food packages with scissors and eat with a knife, fork and spoon. Astronauts don't use bread as the crumbs may float around. Inhaling these crumbs is dangerous. They also avoid hot foods, as it may burn them if it floats onto them.
you can bye astronauts food at hawkings bazzar
Astronauts ate a variety of foods in space. Some of their foods were freeze dried fruits, and vegetables. They also had meals that were freeze dried so they could just add water and eat them.
They eat food like pizza, chicken and nuts BUT the food they eat is powered so it would be powered nuts, powered chicken and powered pizza
United States astronauts eat vacuum - sealed food packages that are significantly modified from their state on Earth to an in-space state (the food has the consistency of peanut butter.) Everything and anything is converted to this space form and fed to the astronauts during their mission via pre - packaged containers of the food.

Astronauts eat nuts or peanuts when up in space. They also eat space food.
Freeze dried food that is packaged before takeoff.

Tang, don't forget the Tang.
Angelfood cake and Starburst. These represent two of the major food groups, anyway. I'm sure they eat other things too, like Milky Way and Mars Bars.
Dehydrated, pureed food that tastes like yogurt. A number of freeze-dried foods can be rehydrated to taste like the original, more or less.
Freeze-dried MRE's (Meals Ready- to- Eat). They are the same that soldiers use.

== == See the Related Link below and choose the 'Space Foods' link within the page. Space candy
The astronauts eat the same food as men on earth , but in smaller quantities , like peanutbutter is daily food dated on a tray.
the dry kind...
In a space station astronauts eat many things like chicken, steak, pork, fruits, veggies. When in a space station trying to reduce the amount of crumbs a piece of food makes is key. For example if you where to eat bread in space the crumbs would float in the air (due to no gravity) and the crumbs could possibly get into air filters and other equpiment used by the astronauts so reducing the amount of crumbs you make is deffinetly important

What kind of food eat in space?

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People eat food in space which is giving them energy. Nutritious food full of vitamin is only there.

What can astronauts do to prevent food from spoiling in space?

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the food is freeze dried at extreme temperatures and then sealed into a special foil packet NASA or other space agencies then supply the missions with enough food to last the trip and extra if you get stranded.

the food when you eat it tastes similar to those that you would eat on earth it is like a powder substance and the saliva in your mouth melts the powder turning it into the real deal. while there is no gravity in space it doesn't matter as you don't open your mouth when chewing

How the food is taken by the astronauts in space?

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Food is taken into space in freeze-dried packets.

But i am not sure if they add water or not.

Yes, water must be added. However certain foods like the freeze-dried icecream are fine without adding water.

Why does our mass change if we go to the moon?

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Mass is the measure of how much material is present. So if you travel somewhere, your mass does not change (except if you get fat or go on a diet)

What was Yuri gagarins favorite food?

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Yuri Gagarin's favorite food was "belyashi" - it's a kind of small roasted meat pie.

At least Gagarin said so in one interview.

When did kalpana chawla died?

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Died on February 1, 2003 over the southern United States when Space Shuttle Columbia and the crew perished during entry, 16 minutes prior to scheduled landing.

Can strong birds fly in space?

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no it's common sence

What is the advantage of the space shuttle?

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The shuttle has a large payload and it is reusable.

Did anything exciting happen during Neil Armstrong's journey?

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Hell yes! He went to the damn moon!