


Stomach Flu

Stomach flu or gastroenteritis is the inflammation of the small intestines and the stomach, which results in acute diarrhea. This may be caused by different bacteria like Staphylococcus, Shigella, Salmonella and many more.

500 Questions

Why are you constantly having stomach aches?

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Asked by Wiki User

Mr t Found out that 1 person had a eel stuck up his anus don't rule this out it eat away his colon

Stupid is Stupid does. What a dump thing to say. Anyone, child or adult, with constant stomach pain has to see their medical provider. There are causes, but you need to see the doctor to get a reasonable answer, not junk like you just got.

Why did you get diarrhea and nausea two weeks after flu shot and pneumonia vac?

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Asked by Wiki User

A guess would be that it had nothing to do with the vaccinations and, instead, was coincidental. Diarrhea would be an uncommon side effect of those vaccinations.

Side effects from vaccinations would also ordinarily occur immediately after the inoculation, rather than after such a long time period as two weeks. Since many viral infections take a week to ten days or more to start symptoms, perhaps you were exposed to a virus that caused viral gastroenteritis ("stomach flu") while in the public location where the injection was administered. That may have been from another patient or other source, and would be much more likely.

Always keep in mind when in public places, that you should wash your hands frequently to avoid picking up viruses, especially if you are in places where people with infections may frequently be, such as a doctor's office, pharmacy or clinic, etc....these are just the types of places where flu shots are given.

Remember during cold and flu season to wash your hands often. See the related questions below for more information on protecting yourself and others from viruses and flu.

Why are you vomiting green vomit?

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Asked by Wiki User

Vomit is not green.

Vomit is commonly orange or white.

Cartoons make vomit green because they don't want to make it too realistic.

How easy is it to get stomach flu?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's if you have been hanging around people who have been sick recently you may get it but to avoid getting it try and look after yourself with simple hygine, but it is very easy to get with every one breathing in the same air and such

What are the symptoms of HIV?

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Asked by Grace Tillman

Most symptoms of an HIV rash you can see such as enlarged lymph nodes, diarrhea, and white spots in the mouth known as thrush. Other symptoms also include headaches, muscle aches, and flu-like symptoms as well as a fever.

Can you catch a stomach virus from someone who is incubating it but doesn't have symptoms yet?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, many viral infections can be spread 1 to 2 days before symptoms begin.

Do you get a little stomach flu after quitting smoking weed?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, not usually. Of course, if you haven't been taking care of yourself-- not eating healthy foods and not getting enough rest, for example; or if you have been around a lot of sick people (there are many contagious strains of flu during the winter), you might have been developing the flu without realizing it. It's probably a total coincidence that it occurred right after you quit smoking weed. It should be noted that we are not a medical site, and if you continue to have stomach flu symptoms, you are probably better off to talk to a doctor, so that you can get the proper medicine.

Why do I still have a stuffy/runny nose even after I was sick?

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Asked by Rachael Donnelly

This might lead to a cold, you still might be sick, that is your evidence.

Emily Haverty.

Is colitis contagious to others?

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Asked by Wiki User

So far there has been no evidence that it is contagious to others.

Can you get influenza and then a week or to later get the stomach flu?

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Asked by Wiki User

I believe so. The stomach flu isn't the flu at all and is a digestive system ailment. The flu is influenza, a respiratory virus.

What might cause vomiting pain in the lower abdomen and feeling cold?

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Asked by Wiki User

Any number of things could be the cause. Check with your doctor especially if it persists.

Is it dirty to make soup with the one in the cup apple cider vinegar that was out of the unopened bottle versus some still in a cup you used to soak mytoothbrush?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is not dirty to make soup with a cup that had apple cider vinegar out of an unopened bottle in it. However, it is dirty to use a cup that you soaked your toothbrush in to make soup.

What causes throat bleeding?

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Asked by Dianna Carter

I guess its excessive heat in body that causes bleeding. Try taking more water and fruits. Avoid spicy food.

Does man flu really exist?

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Asked by Jolie Roob

Well it used to exist now it doesn't only stories. Man flu use to be a big problem in the underground wars just like COVID- 19 but since they found a cure there has been no sign of it for almost a hundred years but for safety be careful for we have a new virus COVID- 19!

Can you have the flu in your rectum?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well for the sake of giving a good answer to an interesting question: oddly enough, I'd say yes.

Influenza viruses attack our bodies by attaching to the specific cells of our mucous tissue. This type of tissue is in the lining of the respiratory system and also in the lining of the gastrointestinal system. So, it is possible to catch the flu if the virus gets on your mucous tissue regardless of where it is in your body.

So, since the rectum is also lined with this type of tissue, it is possible (although unlikely) for a virus particle to enter into your gastrointestinal system at the top and not attach to the mucous tissue cells until it gets to the bottom and then manages to attach to one before it is excreted. In that sense, you would have flu virus particles attached to the cells of your mucous tissue in your rectum. And that could be considered having flu in your rectum.

Alternately, if you had the virus on your hand (or an object) and if that managed somehow to touch the mucous tissue at your anus, then virus particles could be introduced and attach directly to the mucous tissue of the rectum near the anus, and then you could also have flu in your rectum.

The symptoms would still be of the respiratory flu, not the "stomach flu" (gastroenteritis), however. It is the kind of virus that determines the symptoms, not the location of the introduction of the virus.

Are flu like symptoms such as body aches and aching eyes symptoms of pregnancy because you have heard flu like symptoms can happen in pregnancy?

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Asked by Wiki User

You may have body aches but aching eyes would not be a typical symptom of pregnancy. Usually when it is said that you might have flu-like symptoms with pregnancy, it is referring more to the malaise, unexplained fatigue, and nausea and vomiting (such as with "stomach flu"), not the upper respiratory symptoms like cough, sneeze, sore throat, runny nose, watery eyes and high fever.

Where the gag reflex is located?

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Asked by Wiki User

I am not 100% sure but i think it is the uvula, that little thing hanging down on top of the back of your mouth.

What should be safe to eat if you keep throwing up?

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Asked by DeacAAA187A

  • You need to drink alot of liquids. But the best is to ask a Dr.

How do you catch a stomach bug?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can catch a stomach bug by not washing your hands and you can catch it from a friend or family member.

I have been on the pill for 8 months now. I just got my period 12 days early. I did miss a pill last month while having the stomach flu and then one this week. Can this be normal to get period early?

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Asked by Mauram7

Yes, it is normal to get a withdrawal bleed if you miss a pill.

On the pill you do not menstruate, the bleeding you experience is a withdrawal bleeds caused by the drop in synthetic hormones when going from active to inactive pills. At any point when there is a drop in synthetic hormones, such as missing a pill, it can trigger your withdrawal bleed.