


The Republic of Sudan is a northeastern African country with a total area of 967,500 sq mi, making it the biggest country on the continent and the 10th biggest in the world.

500 Questions

How much rain does the sahel get in Sudan?

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hi, what a stupid answer, the answer is obviously, hello my name is penis

When did Sudan get freedom from Britain?

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Sudan became independent in 1956. The Sudanese people are still ruled by a dictatorship, though, so they are not truly free.

Why do people live near the Nile in Sudan?

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Because it provides water in an otherwise desert environment and the soil along the Nile is fertile for growing crops.

Before the invention of modern plumbing, it was necessary for people to live near a water source. As societies developed, they tended to stay near the original settlements. This is especially true in the harsh desert environment of Egypt. The Nile was also used for transportation, as it is easier to float a barge or boat than ride across sand dunes.

Does Sudan have a nickname?

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Azza is the nickname of Sudan. The name came from a famous poem by Khalil Farah in 1930's. Khalil Farah is poet, singer, and song writer.

Is the genocide in darfur still happening?

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Its not stopped, though killings are sporadic.

Why have the Darfur people left there homes?

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Most of them have left their home countries because of war.Some of them have left their home countries because of a fear of persecution, or because they have been forced to migrate within their home countries.

What type of plants does Sudan have?

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The Desert Rose-which looks like a large tree trunk with flowers from pale to dark rose red leaves which store water- Ephemerals-a wildflower that with shallow roots and have a short life span- Leptadenia Pyrotechnica-a flowery plant that lives in the hot desert area's and needs little water to sustain

Why is London colder than Khartoum?

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It depends on the season. London, Ontario is located at a much more southerly point and is located more inside the continent which means that summers are hot and humid and winters are cold and snowy. Although London, England is more northerly, it has mild winters and warm to cool summers thanks to the moderating effect of the Atlantic ocean and the warm waters of the gulf stream coming from the Eastern Seaboard of the United States and Canada.

What are Sudan's national sports?

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1. soccer

2. cross country

3. singing(not a sport but is popular)

4. basketball

5. hunting

Find out more about soccer in Sudan search Google Sudan soccer team.

Cross country because sudanese people are fast runners.

Singing because it's tradition.

Basketball because it includes running.

Hunting because The don't sell meat in shops.


What is the population of Sudan as of 2011?

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the issue of religion and ethnicity does not proclaim officially in the 2008 census, but some resource estimated the Muslims population is around 32 million which is 80% of total population number.

What is the War-torn region of western Sudan?

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Darfur region is located in the western part of the Sudan.

Because of the war in Darfurbetween Sudanese government forces and the indigenous population, the region has been in a state of humanitarian emergency since 2003.

Are there any mountains in Sudan?

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Morocco is the doorway to the Sahara, the largest desert in the world. As you look out onto the desert landscape, the cares and trappings of modern life drift away - fading into the soothing views of softly hued mountains and rolling dunes. The wonder of the Sahara can be enjoyed via a traditional camel ride or from the convenience of an all-terrain vehicle. As the sun begins to slip west, set up camp for an evening under the stars. An unspoiled night sky displays a sea of stars - clear and bright. The sweet and cool night air and the silence of the desert will lull you to sleep. Peaceful, like a celestial dream.

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What is the summary of the lost boys of Sudan?

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Boys ages 6-17 who fled terrible conditions during civil war in the 1980s, the survivors of which who have done relatively well for themselves, becoming caring, giving and productive citizens. They are worthy of great respect.

What is the largest problem preventing Sudan from taking advantage of recently discovered oil in the nation?

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In Sudan, continuing political conflict has gotten in the way of progress. Food shortages have occured due to civil war, the transportation and communication systems have seen little or no investment in recent years, a vast majority of settlement is rural, and secondary school enrollments are currently under 25% of school-age population. However, the fertile soil in Sudan can support more farming, and its new oil pipeline suggests that petroleum's role in Sudan's economy is expanding. But still, the country's sustained economic development appears delayed by continuing political instability.

What agriculture product does Sudan produce?

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Sudan mainly export, live animal,meat, hide and skins, oil seeds,gum Arabic and mostly oil.

When did Sudan become independent and from who?

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Sudan gained its independence from the British.

How many miles is it between Khartoum Sudan and Tripoli Libya?

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Approximately 1,700 miles

What is the best holidays in Sudan?

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Sudan is predominantly a Muslim country and as such celebrates all Muslim Holy days such as the Eid holidays, The Prophet's Birthday, the celebrations and fasting of Ramadan. In addition to this the country also celebrates a number of local holidays such as National Day as well as the Christian celebrations of Easter and Christmas and public holidays on the 26th of December and 1st of January.

What famous river flows north through Sudan and Egypt to the Mediterranean sea at Alexandria?

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The rivers of the Sudan are - Akobo River Angereb River Atbarah River Bahr al-Arab Bahr el Ghazal River Bahr el Zeraf Baro River Dinder River Jur River Kidepo River Mareb River Blue Nile Pibor River Pongo River Sobat River Tekezé River White Nile

What would you see in Sudan?

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