

The Afterlife

Nearly every religion in the world examines some belief in life after death. Some are similar; many are different. Even science has attempted to answer the question of what happens to us after we die.

500 Questions

How did afterlife affect everyday life in Egypt?

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Asked by LoveHurtsaLot

Egyptian belief in the afterlife affected jobs the Egyptians did because most of their jobs were focused around getting the dead ready for the afterlife. These jobs were building pyramids for the dead bodies and embalming dead bodies.

What did the egyptians believe determined whether or not someone had an afterlife?

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In the egyptian religion, what determined if a person made it into the afterlife?

What are the kingdoms of the Mormon afterlife?

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Well, that isn't exactly how a Mormon would put it, but we do believe that there will be at least three degrees of glory, or kingdoms, in the afterlife.

The Celestial Kingdom ("highest"/closest to God), the Terrestrial Kingdom, and the Telestial Kingdom ("lowest"/closest to what this Earth is like).

We think that all of them are way, way better than where we are now.

How did Cleopatra live in the afterlife?

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well she took all of her important stuff with her.Like the stuff she wore (gold stuff)

Which philosophers belief in the afterlife?

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Jesse Laursen the famous philosopher from New Zealand

Did Paleolithic people believe in an afterlife?

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Probably, but because they had no writing and their cave-paintings are enigmatic, it's difficult to know what their concept of it was. Some have suggested that it was similar to the North American Indian idea of the 'Happy Hunting Ground', others that it equated vaguely with the Aboriginal belief in 'The Dreamtime'. We'll never know for sure.

What do ghosts do in the afterlife?

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I learned in my Tibetan Buddhism class about those born into the 'hungry ghost' realm. Existing as a ghost, however, is a temporary situation in the round of rebirth (cyclic existence, reincarnation, samsara) as a result of bad karma from a past lifetime. Everything is impermanent, even the afterlife. Tibetan Buddhists believe that hungry ghosts can live for hundreds of years, during which they suffer from hunger and thirst. "Hungry ghosts are obstructed from getting food and water by internal obstructions such as horribly malformed bodies, by external obstructions such as being born into a place that has no food or water or into a place where, even if there is nourishment they are kept from it by guards, or by both internal and external obstructions." The main cause of being reborn as a hungry ghost is an action of desire such as stealing or miserliness. So basically, I guess ghosts may spend their afterlives desiring but not receiving while wallowing in their misery. -bayk

What are the different beliefs about the afterlife?

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Asked by Tamalover

In the Christian beliefs, a person's soul will either spend eternity in heaven or hell. In pagan beliefs, the person's soul is reincarnated many times, until all of lifes lessons are learned, then the soul will travel to the summerlands.

In Judaism, the soul continues to exist and is treated in accordance with the person's actions while he or she was alive. Some cases illustrate this point, since this entire world wouldn't be enough to reward a Moses or punish a Hitler.

How long did it take to get to the afterlife?

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Asked by Wiki User

6 days the stars, the heavens, the earth and all that is in them was created. This cannot be taken as 24 hour earth days, this could be thousands, millions, or billions of years. This gives light to the creation and existence of the dinosaurs, which were not within the garden of Eden therefore were subject to death. Adam and Eve may have spent millions or billions of years in the garden of Eden because they were perfect and not subject to death. The garden of Eden did not encompass the entire earth because Adam and Eve were cast out into earth from the garden. It only makes scientific scense that the earth outside of the garden of Eden with its water and building blocks for life would continue to grow while Adam and Eve were in the gardn.

Why don't Jews believe in afterlife?

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Hell is not mentioned in any part of the Jewish Bible. It is only in the New Testament where Hell is first mentioned, along with the concept of eternal damnation. As it has no part or history in Jewish tradition, it is not believed in.

The question is mistaken. Does Judaism believe in the existence of hell? The name and details are probably different than in other religions, but the short answer is yes. "And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcasses of the men that have rebelled against Me; for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched" (Isaiah 66:24). One of the central beliefs of Judaism, as codified by Rambam (Maimonides, 1135-1204), is that the soul continues to exist after death and is treated in accordance with the person's actions while he/she was alive. All outstanding accounts are settled after this life. Some cases illustrate this point, since this entire world wouldn't be enough to reward a Moses or punish a Hitler.
The afterlife is discussed at length in the Talmud, though the exact nature of the rewards and punishments is generally not given since it would be like describing the colors of a sunrise to someone who was blind from birth. See for example the Talmud, Rosh Hashanah 17a, for a few details.
It is important to note that Judaism is a rare case in that it does not condemn non-adherents to eternal damnation. Worthy non-Jews are able to merit the rewards in the afterlife without conversion.
Another important point is the efficacy of repentance, which can change one's spiritual "balance" relatively easily. See for example Deuteronomy 30:1-10 for one of the Tanakh's many passages on this topic.

Why is it so important that a pharaoh made it to the afterlife?

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==new answer==In the book " Atlantis Remembered, the History of the World volume one" some of the early visitors to this planet preserved bodies for possible re-use later. This and much more information on that time period was gleaned from the akashic records which are stored in mind and is a record of all thought and action.

What things did you need for the afterlife in ancient Egypt?

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They needed the items that they used in their first lives. They needed the items that they used in their first lives to take to the afterlife.

How did grecian beliefs about the afterlife diffrer from those of the Egyptians?

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The Egyptians believed in judgement after death and in being rewarded for having lead a good life. Sumerians did not believe in judgement and reward and assumed that everyone suffered the same grim fate after death, regardless of how you had lived: "you live in darkness and eat clay".

Can you have children in heaven?

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Asked by Carriegoss33

No one really knows what happens in Heaven, so it is not known if you can have children while in Heaven.

Jewish answer:

Jewish tradition (Talmud, Berakhot 17a) is that there is no childbearing in the afterlife.

Why were Egyptians buried with their possessions?

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Asked by Wiki User

Because they believed that the objects could be taken into the next life. Also, they did not want anyone to take their things when they passed so they kept it themselves for their new lives to remain who they were.

What are the beliefs in afterlife for hinduism?

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Hindus believe in reincarnation, the cycle in which a child is born, lives their life, dies, then is reborn as another living thing, whether human, animal, or plant, and lives that life until death and rebirth as another. XX!

Can afterlife be proved?

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Asked by Wiki User

Another Answer from our community::

Dr. Zakir Naik in his book 'Answers to non-Muslims common questions' reply to this question as; 1. Belief in the hereafter is not based on blind faith? Many people wonder as to how a person with a scientific and logical temperament, can lend any credence to the belief of life after death. People assume that anyone believing in the hereafter is doing so on the basis of blind belief. My belief in the hereafter is based on a logical argument. 11. No concept of human values or good and bad without concept of hereafter It is clear that without convincing a person about the hereafter, i.e. life after death, the concept of human values and the good or evil nature of acts is impossible to prove to any person who is doing injustice especially when he is influential and powerful.

How do you get the ability to see the dead?

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Asked by Wiki User

I will give you two answers to your question. First you do not "Get the ability to see the dead" not by summoning the dead to appear. Though many people have seen their dead relatives it is done with a special purpose in mind. The deceased may be given permission to come to earth to let their relative know that they are alright and not for them to worry. That they are happy where they are.

The other reason is when a spirit comes to give you a message as to how to conduct the remainder of your life, as you will soon be called up to the spirit world. They may forwarn you regarding something or someone who will do you harm. They will come as resurrect beings or as spirits.

What people are polytheistic and believe in an afterlife?

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Most polytheistic religions (as most religions generally) include beliefs about what happens after you die. Generally, these beliefs fall into two groups:

1) There is an Otherworld that is not this world that the soul goes to. (What the other world is like is different from religion to religion. For example, Hellenic polytheists divide the afterlife into various realms: one for heroes in which there is constant feasting and merriment, one for people the gods particularly hate in which there is constant suffering, and a third and much larger world for the souls of normal, everyday people, which is sort of grey and uninteresting. By contrast, Kemetic polytheists believe in a single afterlife that is only for the righteous, and the souls of the unrighteous are destroyed. In the Kemetic afterworld, however, not everyone is treated the same even after passing the initial test. Further refinement is made according to what gods or goddesses the soul was devoted to and how faithfully the soul served.)

2) Souls are reincarnated into new bodies and reborn into this world.

3) A mixture of the two. Celtic polytheists, for example, had a belief that when you died, you went to another world that was much like the one you were currently living in, and that when you died in that world, you were reborn here. There is some historical record of contracts made in life that would be honored in the otherworld, or after a certain number of transitions.

Why did the Chinese believe in the afterlife?

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I've asked a Chinese person this and they replied, 'Science'.

PRC China is officially Athiest, although a number of them practice Buddhism. There are also many minorities in China that believe in Christianity and Islam. Some sources say China holds the second largest Muslim population in the world, almost 11% of the population.

I am a Chinese and I don't really believe in anything like how the Greeks believed in Zeus, Poseidon, Athena, etc. As long as my family and friends are okay, and there is no huge bad thing like a war coming right at me, I'm fine and I don't pray to anybody.

I would also say "science" since it is something I believe to help us, I don't trust gods to help me. I trust my brain and my knowledge to guide me.

How do Muslims achieve afterlife?

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Any Muslim should prepare for the after life by full obedience to Allah (or God in English and same God worshiped in Christianity and Judaism) and His prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as for what to do and what not to do.
Quran says (meaning English translation): "And whoever obeys Allah and the Messenger - those will be with the ones upon whom Allah has bestowed favor of the prophets, the steadfast affirmers of truth, the martyrs and the righteous. And excellent are those as companions" (4:69). Refer to related questions below.

How do hindus reach enlightenment?

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Enlightenment is attained by overcoming ignorance and realizing the truth. When we realize that everything in this world is a cosmic illusion, it's not real, it's like a dream, this realization leads us to overcoming our ignorance. It leads us to enlightenment. It leads us to Mukti in Hinduism, which is liberation when alive. A person who is enlightened that they are not the body, mind and ego, is liberated from the triple suffering - pain of the body, misery of the mind, agony of the ego. At death, this liberated Soul does not take rebirth, because they realize we are not the body and mind, we are the Divine Soul. Such a person who is enlightened in Hinduism attains a state of Moksha, of liberation and unification with the Divine.