


Torture is the infliction of severe physical pain, psychological pain, and possibly injury to a person or other living being on purpose. In most cases, the victim is restrained and unable to resist the violence of the perpetrator. Torture has been used and continues to be used by individuals, organizations, and governments, regardless of numerous governments' and international organizations' laws opposing torture. This is because there are numerous motives for torture such as: punishment, revenge, political re-education, deterrence, interrogation or coercion of the victim or a third party, or simply the sadistic gratification of those carrying out or observing the torture.

500 Questions

What is waterboarding used for?

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I got this from an ABC news site:

"Water Boarding: The prisoner is bound to an inclined board, feet raised and head slightly below the feet. Cellophane is wrapped over the prisoner's face and water is poured over him. Unavoidably, the gag reflex kicks in and a terrifying fear of drowning leads to almost instant pleas to bring the treatment to a halt."

Waterboarding is a form of torture, recognized as such under international law and under U.S. law since at least the 1940's.

Was water boarding done during Obama's Presidency?

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If it was, it was W's fault. Right?

O'bama - the most irresponsible president in our country's history. Just ask him. "Nope. Wasn't my fault. That was George Bush's fault."

He take responsibility for nothing therefor he is responsible for nothing. Isn't that how it works?

Why do people tickle torture?

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People generally torture for one of these reasons:

1. They want information from a person.

2. They do it for self-satisfaction.

3. They do it to boost their self-esteem/self-worth.

4. They enjoy seeing people beg and plead.

5. They need a large sum of money.

6. They hate the person or want revenge.

Really, the above can be placed in 3 categories, with information/property/money, sadism, and revenge being those.

How do you play truth dare double dare kiss love pash promise torture?

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Truth - ask the person a question which they must answer truthfully

Dare - dare a person to do something of your choice

Double dare - read above but you and that person must do it

Kiss - the person chooses someone that they want to kiss and where

Pash - a open mouth kiss using tongue

Torture - you torture the person by various things (non painful) examples are tickling them.

Why was chillingworth torturing Hester and dimmesdale?

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To get him to admit that he slept with Hester.

Did Muhammad torture?

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Of course not, he was a noble man who cared for nothing more than the rights of human beings regardless of whether they were Muslim or not. Muhammad (PBUH) constantly told his followers of the importance of human rights regardless of religion. Even during the prophets lifetime he was subjected to hate by some of the people around him, regardless of this he never ever said any bad words about them but instead prayed for them to become better people.

People who say otherwise are ignorant and have not truly studied the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

May Allah bless you and keep you on the right track.

What tortures did the concentration camp prisoners go through?

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Simply put - most Jews were worked to death. They often worked hard labor for up to 16 hours per day - having only 1 small meal - which generally had little or no nutritional value. On average, they lived for about 45 to 60 days after arriving at the concentration camp.

Of course there were exceptions - if one could cook or play an instrument well or had some exceptional ability - they were used as entertainment. Often attractive women were used as sex slaves to several Germans - but his was a VERY tightly kept secret; a German man should never have sex with a Jewish woman - it made the man "dirty" according to Hitler. This was rare because everybody (even children) had their heads shaved upon entering the concentration camps - to control lice.

As far as tortured - this may take some explaining! Being in the camps was torture iteself - but the Germans never tortured prisoners - they had no reason - they were not looking for answers to anything - all they wanted from their Jewish prisoners was for them to die. But of course there were exceptions to this - often there was sadistic guards that beat women and men to death for fun - rare but it did happen. ALso it must be taken into consideration that most knew they were there to die - and things like "showers" that were actually posionous gas - were well known. So lining up for a shower - would be considered torture.

What are symptoms and problems associated with sleep and sleep deprivation?

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Inadequate rest impairs our ability to think, handle stress, maintain a healthy immune system and moderate our emotions. In fact, sleep is so important to our overall health that total sleep deprivation has been proven to be fatal: lab rats denied the chance to rest die within two to three weeks.

Moodiness, feeling "run down", sore throat, aches and pains, loss of appetite....

it's dangerous not to get enough sleep. Get some sleep, babe!

Which amendment forbids the torture of prisoners?

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Which Amendment protects Americans from being tortured as a punishment for a crime.

What do you call a person who loves torturing other people?

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A person who tortures and gets enjoyment out of it is called a sadist.

How did torture begin?

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People when the captured their enemies would torture them to get them to talk!<------ partly true...

Torture started because people went to war with neighboring towns, camps, etc. and they wanted answers from the prisoners so they used torture to try to get answers. This method didn't always worth though. what happened mostly is they never spoke and either were killed by the people that captured them or died of an infection or desiese. please improve if you can

What are some of the torture methods in the medieval times?

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In the medieval ages there was many gruesome tortures used. One was where they would take the victim and have him/her stripped naked. Then their feet would be tied to two poles then four men would carry them around town, then finally they would spread the victims legs and then take a two person saw and saw down the middle. Another torture was when a victim was tied down to a table and a box with a hole was set on his stomach and tied down. In the box would be a rat and the top of the box would be lit on fire. The rat would panic and try to go through the hole but since the victims stomach was there the only choice the rat had was to dig through the opponent stomach.

One that was most commonly used, was being drawn and quartered. What would first happen is that the victim would be hanged till half dead, then they would be taken down and their arms and legs would be cut off. After that they would cut open the skin above your stomach and would take out the organs and lay them on top of you while you are still alive and light them on fire.

Another torture that is probably one of the most painful is called the Blood Eagle. The bones protecting your heart would be sawed open. Then they would tie you to a pole or stake and then rip open your rib cages. Then they would slowly stretch out your lungs and hang them on your rib cages. This is to represent an eagles wings. The person would either die of the constant bleeding or of their lungs being pierce by their own rib cages.

Did the white man torture Indians?

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Yes. Torture through the spread of disease, trail of tears, unjustly killing, etc.

Is it right to use torture to get information off them?

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It is an effective way of getting 'information' but not necessary accurate information. When people are in severe pain most will talk but they might just say what what they think the torturer wants to hear.

Why does john torture himself- brave new world?

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He is disappointed with the world state and thinks he is filthy from being at such a grotesque place. He whips himself in order to cleanse himself.

New Answer (11 May, 2012) - He tortures himself because he feels that is the only way to show himself as being human, to feel pain, to be an individual, to bleed and not take soma. If I remember right, he also does it when he gets aroused from thinking of Lenina, so it is also to say no to the temptation, the temptation that all the Alpha-Plus' do. The main thing is to interpret it how you want, but this is what I gathered when I read it. ~ DK

What type of torture do they use on Winston 1984?

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Winston specifically is tortured in a number of ways. These include (but are not limited to): starvation, deprivation, electric shocks, betraying his secret love, being threatened to be eaten by rats, and accepting the government.

How can you tickle torture your girlfriend?

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The first thing you need to do is find a girl that has a crush on you, on you have a crush on them. Make sure they are ok for tickling, if so, tying the victim will be ideal, preferably in the eagle position. Remove as much clothing as your victim is comfortable with, preferably in a bikini. I have found that the armpits and belly have been very ticklish for girls. So start with either one. With the armpits, you will want to start from the elbows going down to the armpits, continuing to the armpits, you will want to do little circles around the armpit, then once you get to the center, you would go crazy. With the belly, you would want to start from the sides, working your way to the bellybutton, in which is fairly ticklish for girls. Try using spirals on the belly, and around the bellybutton, after that, is pretty much just tickle her until she’s had enough. 10-25 minutes is a good time for a session. PS: If the belly and bellybutton don’t work, then try just armpits, if that doesn’t work, they’re probably ticklish at the feet of neck.

What is the best way to torture your sister?

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To torture your sister if your getting ready for school in the morning and your straightening your hair and she wants to stand in the place your standing pretend that you can't hear her and if someone walks into the room say"hey can you hear dogs" that should wownd them up

What are the pros and the cons of torture for terrorists?

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It's pretty hard to legally, ethically, morally or especially practically justify torture in any sense. First, from a practical standpoint, it's hugely ineffective. From a purely practical perspective, and setting aside other concerns, the fact is that torture just doesn't work well. The problem is thus: If you actually do increase the subject's stress levels to a point that overcomes inhibition, it also overcomes the need to provide accurate intelligence. The subject's primary goal is not to inform the interrogator; it's to avert further torture. This means that any intelligence gained in this manner has to be extremely suspect, as now the interrogator has provided the subject with an even greater incentive than they previously had to misinform. Due the the need to verify intelligence gained in any less-than-ideal manner, the subject knows that telling the truth will typically not stop the torture -- so an answer that will is sought. In addition to this, as the subject's stress levels increase, the ability for them to assemble and deliver complex intelligence decreases. In short, torture doesn't work. And this alone should provide reason to avoid this means of intelligence gathering. Additionally, the attrition rate in interrogators is very high, and varies directly in proportion to the level of torture. The ideal interrogator should not be motivated by a psychopathology such as sadism, as it complicates the transferance greatly. And it's very very hard to keep a healthy, motivatged interrogator both healthy and motivated when they engage in activites that normal people -- including the interrogator -- find deeply abhorant. Other reasons include the psychology of interrogation from the subject's perspective. In criminal investigations, interrogations involve some pretty complex psychology, much of it targetted at making the subject feel more comfortable in identifying with the interrogator(s). In criminal cases, this is somewhat easier than military interrogations. The subject in a criminal investigation may actually be a criminal; wartime interrogation subjects consider themselves heros, the interrogators, villians, and they're not reflecting a pathological delusion; they're perceiving the way their countrymen and even the rest of the world look on them. A subject convinced that right is on their side and that their interrogators have lost the moral highground (which is typical of military interrogations) are far more resistant to torture. Finally, torture tends to swing world opinion against the interrogator in a number of levels. This can have negative effects that are in scope far too numerous to discuss in this context. In summary, I have a very difficult time envisioing a likely case where all the factors invovled combine to yield positive results.

Why do women torture their husbands?

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It's about power and control. It's not an anger management problem as some people believe because the husband is able to manage his behaviour when he is feeling angry with others, say for example his boss. It's also a form of discrimination in so far as the powers that be in Western society have made the punishment for beating your wife much less than if that same man beat his boss or a stranger. It can also be learned behaviour that a child witnesses in the family home and later repeats in adult relationships. I believe men who beat their wives would benefit from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy while they are serving their sentence for violence toward their wife.

How did the Japanese torture Malays?

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I got a better answer.I'm Singaporean and learning History in school and currently learning about this.There are a lot of torture ways,I'll list them out for you,I don't know everything but I'll list what I know =)

1) Stuffs a hose into a person's mouth then fill the person's stomach with water till it's bloated then jump on the stomach and the stomach bursts then the intestines and internal organs flies out.Creepy right!

2) They place some mice under a metal cover on your stomach then heat it and then when it's hot then the mice will start to scratch the person's stomach until it's full of wholes and won't stop till they find a way out or when the Japanese stops.Eew

3) They hang you onto something I don't know what then place a growing bamboo under you and wait for it to grow until it pierces through your whole body 0.0

4 ) This one a little bit disgusting.They use a certain kind of nail clipper to pluck off your nails.Then when it's pluck off it bleeds right? After that they sprinkle salt and vinegar on the wound...OMG then it will start to get infected and rot but the worse is that after every 3 or 4 days they will come back and sprinkle some more till the fingers rot away...

There's still a lot,like raping and if you come past a Japanese soldier and don't greet them then off you go to heaven.If you're not Singaporean I suggest you come to Singapore and learn about our history,its interesting and the place here is very nice =)

Another word for torture?

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The adjective forms for the verb to torture are the present participle, torturing (a torturing sun), and the past participle, tortured (a tortured prisoner).

The adjective form for the noun torture is torturous (a torturous procedure).