

Tubal Ligation

Also known as tubectomy, tubal ligation is a major surgical operation wherein the fallopian tubes are pinched shut, sealed or severed to prevent fertilization. Some studies show that tubal ligation lowers the risk of ovarian cancer.

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How old do you have to be in the state of Montana to get your tubes tied?

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I went online to and was reading Properative details and it states If Federal money is used to fund the BTL, the required form must be signed 30-180 days prior to the surgery. Furthermore, this consent cannot be obtained if the patients is younger than 21 yrs, in labor, under the influence of drugs or alchol, mentally incompetent, or having an abortion. I hope this was helpful.

Answeri was 20 when i had my tubal donei also have 3 kids, i wanted it done after my 2nd but the doc wouldn't because i was to Youngi also think i may be pregnant!! AnswerI had mine done at 22. I never had kids. I am just really phobic about it. I gave sound explanations to my surgeon who complied after explaining over and over that while there was a small chance that the procedure I had performed (metal clips on fallopian tubes) could not be reversed, in all likelihood it could be at a later date. let me repeat that, with metal clips in tubes, 95%+ reversibility. its been a good perm tp sperm option for me, b/c my uterus is too small for a copper IUD and I did NOT want to take hormones anymore. AnswerI was 19 when I had mine done. I had just had my 2nd child 4 months prior and was still with the father, (still am :) not that it matters really). But anyhow, I had to write a 6 page essay as to why I wanted it done. Then it had to pass before the hospital board and then get approved. Honestly. It was a good thing for it to have been done then, as I am now 28 and still only have the 2. BUT on the other hand, I find myself getting depressed at times, as we are both working now and doing ok, but I would have loved to have had a little girl, and the thought that I will never have one now really hurts. Here in Canada, we have to pay to get it done. i stiil have sex today.and it fills so good but knowing i cant have a baby hurts


I was 18 when I had my tubes tied. In Maryland, the law is 18 and up or delivery of your 2nd child. I had my 3rd baby at 18.

Can you still get pregnant 5 years after tubal ligation?

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I think it comes down to whether or not the woman is still fertile, as many women start going through menopause at/before this age.

HOWEVER... stastically speaking, theres more chance that the tubes can re-heal themselves as stats show women become slightly more probable of falling pregnant after 10 years or so.

any woman, no matter of the age, has a 1.4% chance of falling pregnant after a tubal ligation (its not 100% as some women think) 8-10 years after the tubal a woman is 1.8 % likely to fall pregnant.

This isn't even counting the fact that a lot of women have had subsequent hysterectomies or gone though menopause by this age, so there is a change, if youre stil ovulating (havent reached menopause yet) that you could fall pregnant, more chance than a 20 yr old on the pill.

goodluck :)

What are the odds of getting pregnant with tubes tied?

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It is estimated that 1 in 250 tubal ligations fail (0.4%), leading to a pregnancy. These are usually ectopic pregnancies. They are said to be 99% effective in the first year after the ligation, however, with time the failures can increase since our bodies try to heal themselves, and sometimes can actually reconnect the ligated Fallopian tubes.

What are the requirements for getting tubes tied in Tennessee?

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I am more than certain that the requirements, in Nevada, are that you must be at least the age of 24 and/or a mother of at least 3.

What is modified pomeroy's method of tubal ligation?

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The Pomeroy, or "modified" Pomeroy, technique for bilateral partial salpingectomy is the preferred method for interval surgical female sterilization (Fig. 1) via partial salpingectomy. The popularity of this technique is based on its inherent simplicity and its long-established efficacy. Following accurate identification of the fallopian tube, a Babcock clamp is placed around the proximal portion of the tubal ampulla and the tube is elevated to reveal the vascular supply of the mesosalpinx (see Fig. 1A). It is important to follow the tube distally to its fimbriated end to ensure that it is the fallopian tube and not the round ligament. A single strand of rapidly absorbable suture material (1-0 or 0 plain catgut) is placed around the elevated loop of tube and firmly tied. The fallopian tube is thus ligated and the blood supply is occluded simultaneously (see Fig. 1B). A hemostat may now be placed on the suture strands immediately distal to the knot, and the excess suture may be excised. The hemostat now becomes a useful holder for the next step in the procedure. At this point, a second tie of the same suture material may be applied at the discretion of the surgeon, but this is not usually necessary. While gentle traction is maintained on the elevated section of tube, the open blade of the Metzenbaum scissors is used to pierce the mesosalpinx and approximately 1 cm of tube is excised (see Fig. 1C). The excised tube should be appropriately labeled and sent to the pathology laboratory for documentation. With the contraction of the muscularis, the white avascular endosalpinx appears as an elevated area in the center of each cut segment. The proximal and distal ends of the divided and ligated oviduct are now examined for bleeding and then the tube is returned to the abdominal cavity and the procedure is repeated on the opposite tube.

Fig. 1. Pomeroy technique. A. A loop of the proximal portion of the tubal ampulla is elevated to reveal the vascular supply of the mesosalpinx. B. A strand of absorbable suture material is used to bilaterally ligate the tube and simultaneously provide hemostasis. C. A hemostat is placed on the suture strands immediately distal to the knot to prevent the tube from retracting into the abdomen. The open blade of the Metzenbaum scissors is used to pierce the mesosalpinx and approximately 1 cm of the tube is excised. D. The end result following dissolution of the absorbable suture material is return of the proximal and distal portions of the tube to their normal anatomic position.

The end result following dissolution of the absorbable suture material and return of the proximal and distal portions of the tube to their normal anatomic positions is shown in Figure 1D. The use of absorbable suture material allows this separation to occur and is probably a critical factor in the development of the anatomic discontinuity. This factor is undoubtedly related to the low failure rate reported for this procedure. Accordingly, the newer synthetic absorbable suture materials with longer dissolution times are probably less desirable than simple plain catgut.

The major advantages of the Pomeroy technique are that it is easily taught, is simple to perform, and is highly effective. There has been some evidence that the effectiveness is related to the length of tubal segment removed. Its acceptance for both postpartum and interval sterilization is quite high. It can be performed either abdominally, vaginally, or laparoscopically and the complications are minimal. It has no major disadvantages; however, it can be difficult to perform in the setting of tubal adhesive disease due to the inability to elevate a knuckle of tube. The reported pregnancy rate is two to four pregnancies per 1000 procedures.

Does the va medical cover tubal ligation?

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It depends on the company, the policy and/or its medical necessity; some do, and some don't.

Can you get a tubal ligation right after or during a cesarean section?

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The best thing to do is have your tubal at the same time as the c-section. Many women opt for this. If you know it is your last baby, you should just do it then. It is very easy for the doctors to do it. If you had a c-section and didn't know that you wanted it to be your last baby, but now you want a tubal, then you should give your body a little time to heal. I am not a doctor, but I don't think you need to wait more than a year, some doctors suggest waiting 1.5 years to have another baby after c-section, so maybe that it a good time to wait.

Can your tubes come untied if you got them burn?

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It is not possible.

It is not possible for a woman to get pregnant if her tubes are already tied and burnt .

It is simply because no riped egg cells can come out and meet sperm to form a baby.

Unless the surgery was insufficient and the tubes had enough time to grow back together

But if it happens then it means your doctor did a horrible job and you can easily sue him

Can you still get pregnant if your tubes is tied?

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No. When your tubes are tied, your body stop eggs from dropping down into your uterus from your fallopian tubes. When an egg is in the uterus it can be fertilized by a sperm and make a baby. Having your tubes ties is 100% effective contraception, But i am pretty sure its reversible if you later decide you want kids.

With a tubal ligation can you have a period and be pregnant?

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when you get your tubes tied

yes and no when you get your tubes tied you can still have your priod but no you can no get pregant.

yes you can become pregnant after your tubes are tied, burned, etc. It is very rare but possible.

What are the symptoms of pregnancy after you have had a tubal ligation?

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Hi my name is Elizabeth and i had an infection after my tubes were tied. My symptoms were a very bad fever and shaking all over, i got released and one day later were my stitches were open in one spot it leeked with infection all over. The presure was gone when it leeked out. I did feel a lot better after. And i just let it heal after that. keep it clean and use salean water to clean it.

Can you get pregnant after weight loss surgery if you have had a Tubal ligation?

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You are an idiot.

If you have had tubal ligation, you have effectively rendered yourself sterile and done a great service to humanity.

If you want to make Darwin cry, however, you would have to get your tubal ligation reversed (which wouldn't be covered by insurance) before anything else. After your tubal ligation got reversed, any doctor would recommend you wait for at least a year following weight loss surgery before attempting to get pregnant. Then, even if you did get pregnant, you would want to make sure to remain in constant contact with bariatric specialists for proper prenatal care.

What is the cost of tubal ligation in Canada?

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Yes the costs are covered, but if you want to reverse the surgery you flip the bill.

Are there signs that tubes grow back after tubal ligation?

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I cant seem to find any information on this but i had my ligation almost a year ago and my boobs feel significantly larger and I'm measured at a dd now, having always been a b or c gal. No medical evidence but i say it is possible and due most likely to hormonal changes after the procedure.

What is the procedure code for pomeroy bilateral tubal ligation?

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Complete Cesarean delivery code is 59510,this includes: routine ob care, antepartum care, the C-section and postpartum care. The code for the bilateral tubal ligation is 58611. This is the ligation or transection of fallopian tubes (s) when done at the time of c-section delivery (not a separate procedure).

Chances of getting pregnant after Novasure and tubal?

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The tell-tale signs of pregnancy after the procedure of Novasure, are dependent on the woman. Every woman experiences different symptoms, however, the general symptoms are missed period, feeling nausea, sensitivity to smells, and aching breasts.

What are the surgical methods of sterilization?

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Dry heat,steam under pressure,chemical agents

How can you stop yourself from producing sperm?

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Wearing a condom in addition to using a backup method.

A great combination (but not always best for 'the mood') is a condom with a spermicide. They come in many different forms. There are gels, liquids, films.

Always use the pill or a spermicide in conjunction with condoms.

How long after having your tubes tied do you need to wait before not using protection?

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Once your tubes are tied after your next period just in case you've already ovulated (max of 4 weeks depending on what part of your cycle you are in) To be sure, ask a doctor about this before or after the procedure.

Your Falope Ring Hulka Clip Filshie Clip removed can you get pregnant?

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Yes, many women (some say as high as 90 percent depending on age) can become pregnant after having rings and clips removed. It is higher for the clips than for the rings, because the clips damage only a small portion of the tube. What many women fail to understand, is that it is not like a hair barette that you can just "unclip". You have to go and have tubal reversal surgery, where they cut out the clips, or rings and reattach your tubes together. From the moment they were put on, the damage was done and surgery is the only way to repair the damage. Many places do this on an outpaitient basis and it will cost anywhere from 5000 to 8000 to have this done.