


Tumblr is a microblogging website with a simple interface that allows users to easily reblog others posts.

320 Questions

What are two ways a SEO blog differs from a Tumblr blog?

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Asked by Wiki User

A blog that specializes in SEO is often compared to a Tumblr blog, but there are some key differences. For one, SEO blogs are more focused on marketing and web design, while Tumblr blogs tend to be more focused on content. SEO blogs also often have a dedicated focus on one company or industry, while Tumblr blogs tend to be more open-ended.

Example of a URL Tumblr address?

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Asked by Wiki User

A URL in tumblr is www.(insert URL here)

URLs can hint towards others what your blog is about, something about yourself or it can be completely random. My Tumblr URL for instance, is

How do you put emoticons in Tumblr posts?

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Asked by Wiki User

click create post and there is a little button on the right under the title that says html. simply click it, paste the code of the emoticon, and save the post.

How do you edit your Tumblr theme to make it look nice?

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Asked by Run921

You can't directly edit the theme in terms of changing it's layout or information. You can change the apperance however, which often allows you to change the background color or picture, the font color, etc. To change the apperance you go to Customize -> Apperance.

What are Geeks and Bloggers?

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Asked by Wiki User

You would think the term "geek" was just invented from this modern generation, but I've known this word since the 50's. Geeks (in our minds) wore horn-rimmed glasses, had bad skin, kept to themselves and got straight A's which was uncool for even my time. Funny, those "geeks" probably ended up becoming scientists or doctors or psychiatrists which many of us use! The laugh is on us!

Bloggers started soon after 9/11. They consider themselves bright, overly intelligent and non-stoppable. The are the "new journalists" etc. of the modern generation and, take great delight in so-called "uncovering the truth" (and sometimes they do succeed.) They are taking over on-line and have their very own websites (like small diaries chatting back and forth re their ideas) You don't even really need to know that much about computers. They are also "case crackers" and love a good challenge. They are often regarded as "self-important" but many are tired of the second rate form of journalism and to be honest, many are extremely bright. They don't need editors or publishers.

Their mission ... to remake political journalism and an attempt at changing the democracy itself. To make a run around the media by becoming publishers on the internet. One blogger is Matt Druge who wired the news and gossip and broke the story about Monica Lewinsky's affair with Bill Clinton (Matt is a blogger.) They are forcing mainstream news media to follow the stories they're pushing, such as the scandal that took down Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott. Bloogers run free, while "Geeks" need proof, but both get along together (intellectual minds coming together.)

Is this good or bad? I feel (my own opinion) there is a high price to pay for such things as this and one day they will. As out of control and as mistrustful as they can be about our jouranlists, news coverage, etc., Bloggers too will succumb to their own egotistic ways and be taken over by another foreign body such as they just did.

If you are interested about "Bloogers" go to


AnswerPeople With too much time on their hands.

What are tumblr themes?

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Asked by Wiki User

How do you center the description on your Tumblr?

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Asked by Wiki User

Try using HTML to the text. Add <CENTER> and </CENTER>, Take a look at the example below;

<CENTER> Your texts </CENTER>

<CENTER> use before the beginning of the sentence.

</CENTER> use to close the text/sentence

Hope this helps.

How do you sign up in Tumblr?

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Asked by Wiki User

i dont post my photos or any entry in my tumblr but yet i just reblog the quotes, the gifts the amazing pictures. but first important thing in using tumblr, u should follow as many awesome tumblr. by doing that, u can enjoy using it:)

Tumblr gif not moving and it very small size less that 1MB?

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Asked by Wiki User

Your GIF is most likely not moving because it is too large for Tumblr. Tumblr GIFs have to be under 500mb or else they won't move. To remedy this problem you can try resizing your GIF to a smaller size!

What is the age restriction for tumblr?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, you must be over 18 to use it.

How do you change your profile picture on the new Tumblr?

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Asked by Wiki User

On your Dashboard on the top it should have your Tumblr there, usually it says what your Title is; click it. Or go to*put your tumblr name here*. Then on the side it should say 'Blog Settings' click it. Then it should say 'Portrait Photo' and right beside it, it says choose file. Click that choose the photo that you want and click save.

Or if you are talking about a sidebar on your tumblr, you go to your blog, Click 'customize' on the top right. then something grey should pop up on the side. Scroll through that until you see something that says 'sidebar' right beside it, it should say upload. Click that, choose the photo, and click save and close.

I hope that helps. xx

How do you post comments on Tumblr?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can only comment on a post of someone's tumblr if they allow replies to their posts. You can see this option under Customize-> Community -> Replies.

What is dashboard on tumblr?

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Asked by Wiki User

Your dashboard on Tumblr is where it redirects you to after you log in. On your dashboard you will see all of the things that the people that you follow post, and sponsored posts. You will also see your sidebar when you can see your blogs statistics.

How do you use multiple blockquotes on Tumblr?

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Asked by Wiki User

In order to do multiple block quotes on the social website Tumblr, one must use coding within the text they are typing. this code is called HTML code, and there are several tutorials available on the Tumblr website for using this feature.

How do you become Tumblr famous?

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Asked by Wiki User

By reblogging lots, liking things, asking questions and following people. But you should blog to express not to impress.

Mine is
There are a few ways you can become tumblr famous. The easiest and fast way to become tumblr famous would be picking a catchy name, picking a theme, knowing the difference between re-blogging and re-posting, known about tagging and learn how to follow.

How do you make things underlined on Tumblr?

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Asked by Wiki User

Tumblr now has a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor with the 'B' button meaning bold. Simply select the text you wish to make bold (or un-bold) and click the 'B' button.

What does queued mean on Tumblr?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's when you add certain posts to a list that will be posted automatically. Queues are great if you're going out on a vacation but you still want to update your blog without actually being on tumblr.

What are some good blogs to check out?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is a new blog called it is an animal jam blog! If you play you have to try it out! The girl that started it I know, and she needs viewers!

Who writes teenager posts on Tumblr?

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Asked by Wiki User

The answer is anonymous. The writer likes to keep her identity secret. The writer is almost definitely a girl. Please tell me if anyone finds out her real identity

How to Tag people on Tumblr?

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Asked by Wiki User

Step 1: Press reblog on a picture.

Step 2: When the page shows up the picture and the buttons reblog or cancel, on the right there is a small box titled Tags.

Step 3: Type something and press enter.

Step 4: Press reblog.

Step 5: You're welcome

Does mobile Tumblr cost money to post?

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Asked by Wiki User

Tumblr for iPod Touch is free and no it doesn't cost any money to post stuff on Tumblr from your iPod. I have Tumblr for my iPod Touch and I LOVE it. I'm not too sure if it costs anything to post from an iPhone,but I don't believe it does. Hope this helped(:

How do you erase pictures from Tumblr?

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Asked by Wiki User

What do you mean ?

In your dashboard:

1. You can block people who post unwanted pictures.

In your posts:

1. go to your dashboard

2. click posts

3. find the photo that you want to delete and hit delete

Hope it helps.

Why isn't Tumblr working?

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Asked by Wiki User

the server tends to get overloaded/ crash sometimes. it should be up soon, they try to keep it from staying down for long periods of time

What websites are like Tumblr for blogging?

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Asked by Wiki User are high PR websites for web 2.0 .