

UK Jobs and Education

Workers in the United Kingdom are protected by the UK employment equality law (a component of the UK Labour Law) which prohibits discrimination in the workplace. Each country in the UK has a separate educational system.

405 Questions

How can someone in the United Kingdom become a pastor?

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Asked by Wiki User

The term pastor is not generally used as a job title here, and only occasionally as a description. It would be more usual to say minister or priest. Training would depend on which Church you belong to. In the Catholic church, for instance, you would go through a rigorous selection process and then long (I think it's seven years) training at a seminary. Any process would best begin by talking to your own minister.

Does anyone know how to unsubscribe from transtutors Homework Help?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is nothing like that. You can delete your account or you can unsubscribe from their newsletters but I don't quite understand what do you mean by unsubscribing from Transtutors Homework Help.

How do you get your certificate to teach horseback riding lessons?

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Asked by Wiki User

normally, you don't get one. if you are working out of you own barn, you don't need one. However, depending on where you work people may require ceritfication in first aid and things of that nature

How do you check if someone went to sandhurst?

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Asked by Wiki User

Contact the records office at the Military College at Sandhurst.

What is the function of the LRD?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Labour Research Department of the UK is an independent research organization that provides a ton of information for UK trade unions, or labor unions as they're known in America.

How bad was the great depression in Great Britain in 1932?

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Asked by Wiki User

One out of every 4 British workers was unemployed, 40% of the German Labor force was unemployed at that same time, and the Unemployed and homeless filled the streets. The unemployment rate was not that bad everything was fine great Brattain was in a economic bomb.

Why was the Great Depression?

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Asked by Wiki User

The great depression was a human characteristic of the stock market which caused no food some no clothing and lost of lives so be sure to help people poor today cause one day you ll be in depression soon answers from nika love the world and remember the world is full of depression

Where is punt Egypt?

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Asked by Wiki User

Dimitri Meeks wrote a chapter titles "Locating Punt" for the book "Mysterious Lands", by David B. O'Connor and Stephen Quirke. In this chapter Meeks stated that "Texts locating Punt beyond doubt to the south are in the minority, but they are the only ones cited in the current consensus about the location of the country. Punt, we are told by the Egyptians, is situated - in relation to the Nile Valley - both to the north, in contact with the countries of the Near East of the Mediterranean area, and also to the east or south-east, while its furthest borders are far away to the south. Only the Arabian Peninsula satisfies all these indications." He points out that ancient inscriptions in the Sinai show that Punt incorporates the land of Wetjenet, which is associated with the production of turquoise. Wetjenet is also associated with the land of Fek-Heret, (fek = turquoise) which is described as being "at the height of the land of Punt". Punt thus incorporated the turquoise producing areas of the Sinai. He points out that in ancient inscriptions at Kom Ombo (in Southern Egypt) Punt is described as being "between Byblos (Lebanon) and Cyprus", and also as being in the middle of Upper Retjenou (Palestine) and Pa-Bekhen (northern Mesopotamia) and Persia, and two other points believed to refer to Babylon and Susiana, both in Mesopotamia. Dimitri Meeks concluded: "The hypothesis of an African location for the land of Punt is based on extremely fragile grounds. It is contradicted by numerous texts and has only become an established fact in Egyptology because no-one has taken into account the full range of evidence on the subject, regardless of place of of such an African hypothesis becomes self evident. The only way to reconcile all the data is to locate Punt in the Arabian peninsula. The territory of Punt began quite close to that of Egypt, once Sinai had been crossed, in Arabia Petraea or the Negev. It incorporated in a rather imprecise manner the whole coastal zone of the Red Sea down as far as present day Yemen and the actual heart of Punt probably corresponded more or less to Yemeni Tihama".

If you marry a person from a different country who is here on a work visa from Europe do you have to get married in both countries because you don't know which country you want to live in yet?

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Asked by Wiki User

All EU countries recognise UK marriages between a man and a woman but some do not recognise same sex marriages or partnerships. There will no need to get married again.

The legalities of being married in terms of property and legal rights may also be different in the country you are thinking of moving to. You would need to check with the authorities of the country in question.