



This category deals with all questions about unemployment: statistics, how you deal with it, and eventually how to rise above it.

500 Questions

What measures has the government of Kenya put in place to reduce unemployment?

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The government of Kenya has implemented various measures to reduce unemployment, including supporting entrepreneurship through programs like the Youth Enterprise Development Fund, promoting industries that create job opportunities, such as tourism and agriculture, and investing in infrastructure projects to stimulate economic growth and create job openings. Additionally, they have focused on enhancing technical and vocational training to equip people with skills that are in demand in the job market.

How many people were unemployed during the dust bowl?

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During the Dust Bowl, the unemployment rate in the United States reached approximately 25%. This translates to around 15 million people who were unemployed during that time.

In economics what does the Gini coefficient measure?

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The Gini coefficient is a measure of income inequality within a population. It ranges from 0 (perfect equality) to 1 (perfect inequality). A higher Gini coefficient indicates greater income inequality within a society.

How many biochemist who are unemployed?

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There is no specific data available on the exact number of unemployed biochemists at any given time. Unemployment rates can vary depending on factors such as location, economic conditions, and individual circumstances. It is recommended to check with local job market reports or professional organizations for more specific information.

What are the four types of unemployment?

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The four types of unemployment are frictional (temporary job transitions), structural (mismatch of skills and job openings), cyclical (due to economic downturns), and seasonal (due to seasonal variations in demand).

Why in the Pakistan unemployment?

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Unemployment in Pakistan can be attributed to various factors such as slow economic growth, inadequate skills matching the job market, population growth outpacing job creation, lack of investment in key sectors, and political instability. These factors contribute to a mismatch between labor supply and demand, resulting in high levels of unemployment in the country.

What is a true unemployment rate?

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The true unemployment rate refers to the actual number or percentage of people who are actively looking for work but are unable to find employment. It may differ from official statistics if certain groups like discouraged workers or underemployed individuals are not included in the official calculations.

What is the percentage of unemployed teachers in the US?

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As of 2021, the unemployment rate for teachers in the US was around 2.8%. This rate can vary depending on factors such as location, subject, and level of education.

What is the Unemployment Rate for Osteopaths?

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Manual osteopathy has been rated as one of the top 25 occupations in demand in Canada, in a report prepared and publsihed by the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC).

There is no employment in thsi profession as all manual osteopaths either find employment or open their own private osteopathy clinics.

What would the unemployment rate be with 9 million people unemployed?

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To calculate the unemployment rate, divide the number of unemployed individuals by the total labor force and multiply by 100. If 9 million people are unemployed and the total labor force is, for example, 150 million, the unemployment rate would be 6%.

What was the unemployment rate at end of Clinton administration?

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The unemployment rate was below 5% for 40 consecutive months of Clinton's presidency. Economics were different in those years, so a comparison that does not include the current conditions (recession, European bankruptcy, congressional laws) is incomplete.

What is the current unemployment rate in Nevada?

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As of October 2021, the unemployment rate in Nevada was 6.1%. This rate is subject to change monthly based on various economic factors and trends.

Does the overall unemployment rate provide an accurate picture of the impact of unemployment on all US population groups?

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No, the overall unemployment rate may not accurately represent the impact on all US population groups. Certain demographic groups, such as minorities or those with lower education levels, may experience higher rates of unemployment than the average rate. It is important to consider specific demographic data to understand how unemployment affects different population groups.

What are your recommendation for unemployment in the Philippines?

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To address unemployment in the Philippines, I recommend investing in education and skills training programs to enhance the employability of the workforce. Additionally, promoting entrepreneurship and creating a conducive environment for business growth can generate job opportunities. Strengthening labor market policies and ensuring fair wages and job security can also help reduce unemployment rates.

What's the percentage between US ans EU unemployment. The US unemployment is 8.5 percent the EU27 10.4 percent .Is EU unemployment 22 percent higher than the US or 1.9 percent?

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EU unemployment is 22% higher than US unemployment. This is calculated by taking the difference between the two percentages (10.4% - 8.5% = 1.9%), and then dividing that by the US unemployment rate (1.9% / 8.5% = 0.22, or 22%).

How many people are unemployed and broke in the US?

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As of October 2021, the U.S. unemployment rate is 4.6%, which translates to roughly 7.4 million people currently unemployed. It is challenging to determine how many of these individuals are also financially broke as financial status can vary significantly among the unemployed population.

What is current unemployment rate in Bangalore?

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I do not have real-time data. You can check the current unemployment rate in Bangalore by visiting the official website of the Bureau of Labor Statistics or contacting the local labor department for the most up-to-date information.

Why does the government undercount the real unemployment rate?

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The government may undercount the real unemployment rate due to discrepancies in how unemployment is defined and measured. For instance, discouraged workers who have stopped actively seeking employment may not be included in official counts. Additionally, different methodologies or criteria used for measuring unemployment can lead to variations in reported rates.

What was the unemployment rate in the US for August?

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The Official Unemployment rate (U-3) in US for August 2011 was 9.1.

Below are the other unemployment rates in US for August 2011 :

  • U-1 Unemployment rate : 5.4
  • U-2 Unemployment rate : 5.3
  • U-3 Unemployment rate : 9.1
  • U-4 Unemployment rate : 9.7
  • U-5 Unemployment rate : 10.6
  • U-6 Unemployment rate : 16.2

How many people are unemployed in the Philippines today?

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As of October 2021, the unemployment rate in the Philippines stood at around 6.9%. This corresponds to roughly 3.07 million Filipinos who are considered unemployed.

Is the unemployment rate high or low in the us?

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As of October 2021, the unemployment rate in the US is around 4.6%, which is considered moderate. It has been decreasing since the peak in April 2020 due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

What is the unemployment rate in the Republic of the Philippines?

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The most recent Labor Force Survey (LFS) conducted by the National Statistics Office last April 2011, shows that the unemployment rate in the Philippines is 7.2%.

It was 7.3% in 2010(estimated), according to the CIA's World Factbook (as of issue July, 2011). See the Related Link below.

How do you calculate labor force participation rate when given people employed unemployment rate and labor force?

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To calculate the labor force participation rate, you need to divide the labor force by the total working-age population and multiply the result by 100. The labor force includes both employed and unemployed individuals actively seeking work. It does not include those who are not actively seeking work, such as students, retirees, or people who have given up looking for a job.

How did the unemployment rate change between 1929 and 1933?

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The unemployment rate increased significantly from 3.2% in 1929 to about 25% in 1933 during the Great Depression. This drastic rise was due to the economic collapse and widespread job losses across various industries.

What is measured in unemployment rate?

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Unemployment rate measures the percentage of the labor force that is currently unemployed and actively seeking employment. It is an important economic indicator that provides insight into the health of the job market and overall economy.