

Vincent van Gogh

Vincent van Gogh is a renowned post-Impressionist painter who was recognized only after his death at the age of 37. He is now widely regarded as one of the greatest painters in history.

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Vincent Van Gogh's most famous pieces of work?

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Here are a few:

Wheat Field with Cypresses

Starry Night

Wheat Field with Crows

Vincent's Room


Self Portraits

Where are all Van Gogh's paintings kept?

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Some he stored in his studio, but most he sent to his brother, who tried to sell them at the art dealer's where he worked.

What did Theo van Gogh die of?

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Van Gogh suffered a mental breakdown after only ten years working as an artist. The story goes that in December 1888, Van Gogh cut off the lower half of his left ear and took it to a brothel, where he presented it to a prostitute friend. The reason for this unusual behaviour has been theorised upon by many; the most likely cause was that it was the result of an argument with his painter friend Paul Gauguin, although that does not explain his bizarre behaviour. Regardless of the reason, shortly after this incident, van Gogh admitted himself to a mental institution. Two years after this, suffering from severe depression, Van Gogh shot himself in the chest and died two days later, on 29 July, 1890.

What inspired Vincent van gogh to become an artist?

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He wanted to do something worth while after having failed in different jobs.

Vincent Van Gogh did it to express himself in ways people could see and understand.

Why did Vincent van Gogh become interested in art?

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He had tried several jobs and failed. Now he wanted to do something worthwhile.

Did Vincent van Gogh have only one ear?

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Vincent Van Gogh had two ears but he cut one ear off and sent it to his girlfriend.

How did Vincent van Gogh's death affect Theo his brother?

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dementia paralytica, a syphilitic infection of the brain.

Which of van Gogh's paintings used pointillism?

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Van Gogh adopted pointillism for a short while when he was in Paris, but soon found out the process was not suitable for his temperament and used it and its bright, unmixed colours to find his own style. That happened under the bright colours of the French sun in Arles.

Two of his pointillist pictures: Interior of a Restaurant of the summer of 1887 (Kroller-Muller Museum, Otterlo), and Garden with courting couples: square Saint-Pierre of May 1887 (Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam).

What style of art did Vincent scarpace use?

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The very special genre of fish painting.

What influenced Vincent van Gogh in France?

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Vincent van Gogh was inspired by many ancient Japanese prints

How long has van Gogh been painting?

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Vincent Willem van Gogh was born on 30 March 1853 in Groot-Zundert, a village close to Breda in the province of North Brabant in the southern Netherlands

How to Store oil stained paint brush between use?

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Clean it with the solvent of the material that you used. If it was an oil-based or alkyd product, pour approx.4 oz of mineral spirits in a plastic mixing cup, rinse brush repeatedly and clean brush w/ a "brush comb". Store brush in original wrapper it came packaged in (higher quality brushes). Keep a lid on rinsed solvent for future use or dispose of according to local environmental laws. For water-based or latex paints rinse w/ a warm water and laundry detergent solution and comb brush and store in same fashion as above.

What tools did van Gogh use in 'The Starry Night'?

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he used oil paints on canvas and paint brushes

How did Vincent Van Gogh stand out in history?

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Vincent van Gogh was a special artist because of the way he painted. In his time people were not ready for his art. Today, we find his paintings a wonderful piece of work. And we are ready for his art, which makes him special.

Who is the artist that signs their paintings Vincent?

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ye s there is a painter named Vincent and his full name is Vincent van gohg

Where did van Gogh get his materials?

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By constantly asking his brother for money.

Did Vincent Van Gogh try to express himself in his art?

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That is exactly what he did.

Did Vincent van Gogh graduate?

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No, he did not.

What tools did van Gogh use to paint?

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He used paint brushes, oil paint and canvas he also used water colours as well as paint brushes, oil paint and a canvas

How did Vincent's paintings change over the years?

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Click link below! You can see a lot of van Gogh's paintings in chronological order and note the changes.

Who were important people in Vincent van Gogh's life?

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Theo, Wilhemina (sister), Mauve (cousin), Pere Tanguy (art supplies shop owner), Madame Ginoux (cafe owner's wife), August Roulin (the postmaster), Dr Gachet, the artists Anthon van Rappard, Signac, Pissaro and his son Camille, Eugene Boch, Emile Bernard and Paul Gauguin.

Were can you find Vincent van Gogh's work?

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Van Gogh's paintings can be found in most major art museums like the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, the Musee d'Orsay in Paris, the Hermitage in St. Petersburg, Russia, and the National Gallery in London. The most extensive collection is likely at the Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh in Amsterdam.