

Warhammer 40000

A table top war game created by Games Workshop and Citadel Miniatures, set in the 41st millennium. It uses 25mm scale models, rules, dice and measurements, and is staged as a battle between two or more forces.

500 Questions

What are all the Space Marine stats?

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Look in the Space Marine Codex, that's what it is there for.

What are warhammer 40k point values based off of?

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Points in warhammer 40k are based on how good a person is. An HQ unit is better than the normal people of the army and is therefor more points. you also add points to things to give them better weapons or special powers.

Do necrons talk?

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Yes they do.

What is concurrent forces in space?

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Asked by Satyendrarajpandey

When all the forces of a force system act in one plane it is called coplanar force system. If the forces act in more than one plane then it is forces in space. In this case forces are not contained in one plane.

When all the forces of a system pass through a common point they are called concurrent forces. Thus we have concurrent coplanar forces when all forces are in one plane and pass through a common point. Also when forces in space pass through a common point we have concurrent forces in space.

What are the duties and respondsibilties of a marine watchkeeper on a Unmanned machinery space?

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The duties of the watch-keeper is to go through all the control systems to check its proper functioning. He also has to report to the chief if there is any abnormalities (such as in the pressure readings etc.). He should be always alert to sound, light and heat. If hears any abnormal sound, he has to check it immediately without any delay.

What is a twin linked bolter?

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AnswerA twin linked bolter is the same as a normal one but on the to hit stage you may re roll any fails

How did Roboute Guilliman die?

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Technically, he's not dead, just very close to dying. He currently resides in a stasis chamber after being stabbed in the chest by Fulgrim's poisoned blade.

How many points is a Necron lord?

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A Necron lord is 100 Points. Then you can add war gear, the most important of all being a resurrection orb (which keeps your army alive for much long) which costs 40 points. Other war gear is available up to a maximum of 100 points, meaning the most your lord can cost is 200 points.

What are dreadnoughts?

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A dreadnought was a battleship of the early 20th century, of a type modelled after the revolutionary HMS Dreadnoughtof 1906. Dreadnoughts were distinguished from previous battleships, known as pre-Dreadnoughts, by an 'all-big-gun' armament and by the use of steam turbines for propulsion.

What color is trim on Raven guard shoulder pads in Warhammer 40000?

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According to Index Astartes IV the trim should be the following:

Left Shoulder: Black

Right Shoulder: Depends on Squad Type (see below)

Tactical - Green

Assault - Red

Devastator - Yellow

Veteran - Black

Some commanders / high ranking veterans have all white shoulders (as well as helmets and sometimes arms).

Note: The current Codex: SM (5th edition) depicts Raven Guard trim painted with company colors (namely red, for third company). This is believed to be wrong by much of the fan base as it goes against established fluff / lore.

Should you play as tyranids or eldars?

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Tyranids seem more fun with their biomorphs and such, but Eldar seem very cool, and elite. In the end the decision is if you want a horde of monsters (Tyranids), or a group of cool, calm and composed alien warriors (Eldar).

What makes a good Tyranid army?

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A lot of gaunts, an equal mix of the two types, never take a unit with less than 15 gaunts in it or it will be destroyed before it reaches there lines. take a venomthrope the 5+ cover save it gives has saved my units more times than i care to imagine. make sure you have a synapse creature from each force organisation slot. once your opponent gets smart and tries killing all of those you can never have to many. once you have lost a unit to instinctive behaviour it can be hard to get it back. lastly it is always good to have a carnifex and tervigon to soak up some fire and replenish your units, when you take a tervigon always give it catalyst feel no pain on a large unit of hormegaunts is amazing the look on your opponents face as his shots fail to kill them is hilarious.

How to beat Chaos Space Marines using Tau?

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Chaos Space Marines are deadly in close combat, and most likely (Me being a Chaos player) will try to get Berserkers across the field ASAP, if we get into close combat, your going to have to play smart by using crysis suits with Close range hit and run attacks. Kroot are worthless againsts Berserkers or just pretty much any CC Chaos Unit. Tau's killing power is at range, if you roll 1's again and again. Odds are, your men are going to die for the Greater Good. If the Chaos player is using possessed, you need not be to worried about it. They're a plague on any Chaos player's army list.

From the Tau perspective (me being an IG and Tau Player) there are two things to keep in mind against Chaos. The first is that they'll be coming to you. The second is that your Crisis Suits (Plasma and Missile, or Plasma and Fusion) are the big killers against them, and the killing range for your Crisis Suits with Plasma rifles is when they hit rapid fire at 12". The real trick is not to fear close combat - manage it. Use Railguns to kill as many tansports as possible, then expendible blocking units like Piranhas, Kroot and Drones to slow down squads of Berserkers and screen your valuable units, then wipe them out in manageable chunks with the Crisis Suits. Think of it like this: by trying to enter close combat, your opponent is putting himself into the range band (12"-18") where you are best able to kill him. You want to back up, yes - but not too far! Hold him in that band as long as possible, pouring on the rapid fire, without letting him actually assault your crisis suits. So long as you can ensure (through manuever, screening and blocking) no more than one or two enemy units make it into range of you every turn, you should be able to handle them.

Basically you have to stay mobile and funnel the enemy in, so you can defeat him one manageable chunk at a time.

Is the Space Marine Captains extra attack from his chainsword and bolt pistol already added into his attack score?

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No. The newest edition of the Space Marine Codex gives the Captian 3 attacks and a bolt pistol and chain sword without upgrades, so he will have 4 attacks with no other bonuses. It is updated to the 5th edition rules which never includes weapons in attacks.

What are the rules for a Tau XV9 Battlesuit?

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It will vary depending on their war gear. Due to copyrights, we can't answer any questions on rules, so I encourage you to buy and read the codex for your answer.

Where are Johnny and Luther Htoo of gods army now?

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Current Location: Karen refugee camp in Thailand Biography: Luther Htoo and his twin brother Johnny were the boy leaders of God's Army, a Karen militant group in Burma. Only nine years old at the time they founded the group, the boys would eventually surrender to Thai authorities in 2001 after the Burmese army had all but destroyed the operational strength of their outfit. Much of the publicity surrounding the God's Army was a product of its young leadership. The group became famous after a picture (see right) of the two brothers was published in newspapers around the world. Luther is widely regarded as more vocal and gregarious then his twin, but it is possible that this information was simply extrapolated from this famous image. According to sources within the tribe, in 1997 a local pastor (the Karen believe in a blend of Christianity and animism) brought the two boys to a military commander, saying they had been touched by God and they could bring salvation to the Karen who had been fighting against the Burmese government for nearly 50 years. The story continues that the two brothers then led a successful military operation against the Burmese army, despite overwhelming odds. The story of the brother's prowess soon spread to the rest of the tribe, and men flocked to join the God's Army from other Karen militant outfits. Rumors spread that the boys had magical powers and were immune to bullets. At peak strength, the boys reportedly commanded 500 militants. Despite this, the God's Army soon found itself the target of a renewed Burmese crackdown, and by 2001, the boys' supporters had been whittled down to about 20 fighters. Exhausted, the two brothers crossed the Thai-Burmese border and surrendered to Thai authorities in late January of that year. Johnny and Luther were 13 years old at the time. The Thai government re-settled Johnny and Luther in a Karen refugee camp where they were re-united with their mother. Despite efforts to bring the Htoo's to the United States, the family continues to reside in this camp. In July 2006, Johnny reportedly left the camp to return to Burma where he promptly surrendered to Burmese authorities. It is unknown why Johnny left the camp, and by all accounts, Luther remains in Thailand. Some have speculated that Johnny and Luther were nothing more then figureheads for the God's Army. Thai military officials have commented that the boys were a front for older militants in an effort to raise morale and attract fighters. While this theory certainly seems plausible, and a great deal of information surrounding the Htoo brothers is clearly myth, Johnny and Luther are still widely considered the youngest military commanders in history.

cut & paste source: MIPT Terrorist Knowledge Base


What is 40k Images?

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How many points is a Tau Battleforce?

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The Tau Battleforce is about 600-700, which is good for starting an army, or boosting one.

Searchlights in 40k?

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They affect Night Fight rules, otherwise they dont do anything.

Can terminators fly?

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No they can't, but they can teleport into battle, if a model on board is equipped with a teleport homer.