

Water Polo

A water sport with two teams of swimmers each of which tries to pass a ball into the other's goal.

198 Questions

If you were at 20n and 60w would you be on water or land?

If you were located at 20 degrees north latitude and 60 degrees west longitude, you would be in water, specifically in the Atlantic Ocean, north of the islands of Antigua and Barbuda in the Lesser Antilles.

How do you fix a punctured waterpolo ball?

Green goo puncture repair liquid can repair small punctures and pin-holes.

Pump ball and identify the area where the pinhole is (mark the area).

Deflate until pressure is not forcing air out of the ball.

Fill with green goo, pump ball to normal size and pressure

try to get the goo around the marked area of the pin-hole or puncture.

When the goo pushes into the hole, it will dry and set flexible, and solid, it will also form a seat across the surface of the interior of the ball, closing the area and coating it to protect from any more air escaping.

This should form a good seal and stop future issues from this puncture.


What is the stick used to play billiards called?

'Spider' is the most common, or the 'extended spider', or a 'swan neck' rest.

How do the horses not drowned in water polo?

In 2013, 17 horses drowned in international water polo competition. This was the highest equine death toll since 1972, when 28 horses died in a single match (the so-called "death derby": Ecuador vs Trinidad and Tobago on July 23, 1972). It is very hard for horses to breathe underwater, even when they are given snorkels.

How deep in feet are Water polo pools?

For top standard water polo matches the water has to be a minimum of 1.8 meters

it depend on the pool but it can be quite deep

How do you play water polo?

Water polo is a game played in a swimming pool, with six players from each team in the pool at once, one being a goalie. For every goal the shooter's team is awarded one point, and the goals are similar to soccer goals, but they float on the water and are a little smaller. There is one ball, which floats in the water, and if you lean on it too hard it'll go under water and it becomes the other team's ball. There are penalties, etc., but I won't go into that too much. There are penalties if you touch another player (on the opposing team) on the head, if you put the ball under, if you attack the goalie, and yeah, you pretty much get the idea. There are 4 quarters in a game, and to keep yourself afloat you have to be able to tread water, which can get tiring at first, but when you get used to it you should be fine. Some people call this 'egg-beater' because your legs move in a way that makes them look like egg-beaters. Good luck to anyone beginning water polo or if you're just generally interested in the sport.

Is waterpolo a hard sport?

YES! water polo is intense.You are playing probably the most toughest and roughest game ever invented. You like many others will feel this intensity when you play. Water polo is the most intense game anyone will ever play.

What sport is played at the mcg in summer?

The Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) is an Australian sports stadium located in Yarra Park in inner Melbourne. Ciricket is played during the summer and Australian Rules Football during the winter

Can a water polo ball be taken on a plane?

Yes, you can bring a soccer ball on a plane as long as it goes through passenger security checkpoint X-ray machine. Additionally, make sure it doesn't go over your luggage limit as a carry on.

How do you get an exclusion in water polo?

it is when someone is 'ejected' from the pool for 20 seconds

Are you allowed to hold onto the side of the pool in water polo?

no, nor touch the bottom of the pool or the water polo goals, this will lead to a foul. when you swim for the ball at the start, you must be out 2 meters, not touching the sides.

What about Hungarian water polo national team?

László Jenei, István Hevesi, Dezső Gyarmati, Kálmán Markovics, Tivadar Kanizsa, István Szívós, György Kárpáti, Ottó Boros, Mihály Mayer, Antal Bolvári, Ervin Zádor and Miklos Martin - Water polo, men's team competition

Have there been any reported deaths of people playing water polo?

There is no official report on the amount of deaths caused by water polo, but it is considered one of the most dangerous sports. Drowning and injuries have caused players to die. It has even been called the most dangerous high school sport.

How did water polo start?

water polo started as a version of rugby football that was played in British lakes and rivers in the late 19th century with a ball made of Indian rubber. The name comes from the Balti word 'pulu' meaning ball.

It was a demonstration of strength and swimming skill and was often a feature of county fairs and festivals.

What questions do you ask to a water polo player?

Do you learn more from wins or losses? And why?

What inspired you to do tennis? Why not any other sport?

Just take general ideas and make them into questions!

Hope i helpd :)

What are the points worth in water polo?

There are no points in water polo, the aim is to score goals as in football (or soccer)

How much does a polo team cost?

It all depends on the arrangement the professional player makes with his patron. Several things goes into account: location, handicap, whether the patron provides the horses or the pro does, indoor or outdoor leagues, history with the patron, if he's paid per game or per month, if there are lessons in addition to the games, etc.

Hope this helps!


Should you wear a cup for water polo?

Yes, I am a diver and believe me YOU NEED A CUP. Especially if you are a beginner you are going to need protection for your testicles. The best way to wear it is if you wear a speedo wear two speedos and put the cup inbetween. If you wear a jammer, first put on a speedo, then put on a jockstrap and put the cup inbetween. Then just put your jammer on over it. If you really don't care what you look like than put on compression shorts then a cup the the jammer and on the outside put on a jockstrap. The cup that I like best is the Nutty Buddy it protects and supports your balls.

What team has the most womens NCAA championships?

Connecticut, followed by Tennessee. Everyone else isn't even close.