

Web Usability

Web usability refers to the calculated approach of insuring that web sites are user-friendly. It requires that information in the sites is presented in a concise and clear manner so as to remove any ambiguity.

500 Questions

Can I delete someone else's website without being found out?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, if you login with gmail or twitter orfacebook and then you click delete site and say yes.

Why is it important for a website to be accessible?

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Asked by Wiki User

The more accessible, the larger your audience.

No two computers (or users for that matter) are alike. Settings, software, and hardware vary from system to system. Also the skills of your potential users will vary as will their disabilities, if any.

You want your website to be easily readable and navigated for less experienced users, attractive and appealing to experienced users, and easily accessible for screen readers for those who have disabilities. The larger the audience you can provide for, the more response you will have to your website.

Not only are you looking for that initial view from a new user, but it is important to be able to lure them back time and time again. A website that is not easily accessible for certain users, will leave them frustrated and thus no return.

On top of that, you have various browsers, both on computers and now on mobile devices, that you need to be able to reach. Each device or computer has their own hardware to work off of that determines what can be processed.

So really you need to decide. Is it more important to reach only your target audience, or is it more important to reach the largest audience as possible. It depends on your goal you need to accomplish with the website you are creating. But when it comes down to it, more accessibility means a better (and happier) response.

Describe pros and cons of advertising to the society?

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Asked by Wiki User

The pro is that they will see something that they like and they will ask their parents to buy it for them. This is good for the manufacturer because he sells his product and good for the family if they want to know what their child will like so they can buy them something they want.

The con is that if the parents don't want to get it their child will pester them constantly and it is annoying. Sometimes they give in and over spend. Then they wish they didn't spend the money. Also the con is that the child will never be happy with what he/she has because there is always something being advertised that they still don't have.

What country has a CA at the end or its web address?

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Asked by Wiki User

Austria is the country with .at web addresses. Australia, however, has .au addresses instead.

What does a webpage consist of?

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Asked by Wiki User

Usually HTML Code. Although 'what you see', depends entirely on 'what your Web Browser is capable of displaying'. For example... If the Web Page was written in HTML, Flash and Java, but your Web Browser only supports HTML, then you may not be able to see some of the Web Sites 'Java Applets' or 'Flash Animations & Images'.

When were pagers Web-enabled?

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Asked by Wiki User

In 1921, the first pager system was used by the police department in Detroit, Michigan. Al Gross patented the first telephone pager device in 1949 and it was used by the Jewish Hospital in New York n 1950.

What web software program is used to retrieve the page and display it?

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Asked by Wiki User

The software used to retrieve a web page is called a web browser, such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla or Safari to name a few. The protocol used is called HTTP and this stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. This protocol allows users to send text documents with links and images embedded. The web pages are kept on web servers. The web browser makes a request to the web server via http and the web server sends the requested text, images and code back to the web browser.

Which are the most important encyclopedia on the web?

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Asked by Rmp10919

ask jeeves he'll know

How do you you make your own website with a free domain name?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is currently no way of getting a .com website for free. Most likely if you see ads on the internet about getting a free .com website, it's a scam. However, there are plenty of subdomain hosts you can use, like For example: You can always pay for a website host to get a .com domain name. You can also host a website on your own server, but it's much harder than you think.

What is the most played game in the world?

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Asked by Wiki User

World of warcraft! Boo yah! Im a level 80 death night and pwn. Anyone who doesnt believe me should download the free trial at

What is said above is an extremely biased answer. In terms of franchises the major hitters are Halo, Call of Duty, and Mario. Teens to adults normally stick with Halo or Call of Duty. Children normally play Mario. I'm not sure but I don't think World of Warcraft has nearly as many people playing as Halo, Call of duty, and Mario. in terms of sales Mario has the best sales(But has also been around longer and has more games). Halo and Call of Duty are roughly tied at over more than 25,000,000 sales a piece.

What is web based system operations?

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Asked by Wiki User

A web-based OS is a system where all the applications and data his held on the internet. The operating system is essentially like any other operating system except that it runs out of a browser.

Most innings ever played in mlb game?

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Asked by Wiki User

The most inning in an mlb baseball game was 17 innings in 1956. It was the chicago white sox vs the new york yankees. Most of the fans had left the game and were allowed back in after a couple hours

What is vulnerability of web based application?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you are talking about a cloud system type thing, than you should know that many of the algorithims in the security of the system are... faulty at times. If you mean more like a data base, than you've got your normal blue collar hackers, and a few java script geniuses who can cut through your defenses and any security. The issue with .NET programming is more along the lines of people editing your application, putting it back up on the internet, with your name embedded in it, and then having viruses, and mal ware, and issues that fall into your hands eventually. these are NOT huge, but risks

What is an advantage of web based application compared to non web application?

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Asked by Wiki User

here are the advantages: * Increasing awareness of the availability of a service, product, industry, person, or group. * The possibility of 24-hour access for users. * Standardizing the design of the interface. * Creating a system that can extend globally rather than remain local, thus reaching people in remote locations without worry of the time zone in which they are located.

What does enabled mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's a form of the verb "to enable" meaning to make possible. E.g. "The airfoil enables the aircraft to fly."

Explain the breakdown of a web address?

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Asked by Wiki User

Web addresses (uniform resource locator; URLs) operate on DNS (domain name service) servers. When you request a website using a web address, DNS servers translate the web address into an IP address (ex., which is how your computer identifies websites.

How do you create a QR code for your website?

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Asked by Answerdancer

A QR code is generated by a special software program developed for that purpose. Fortunately, these "QR code generators" are free online from various sources. You simply enter your URL or website address and a graphic QR code will appear on the screen. You then save that file to your computer where you can then print it onto anything you want.

The standard QR code generated for free will be a square bar-code in black and white. However, that code can be further customized using graphics programs so that it fits better with your logo or website. There are discussions about how to customize QR codes.

Where can you get horsey clips from on the web?

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Asked by Wiki User

The only place I know of to find HorseyClips on the web is at I've also seen them on the P2P file sharing networks.

How do you create another page without deleting one on a mac?

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Asked by Wiki User

you click the left button and if you look carefully you'll see open a new window

What is the web address of the Quaker Hill Historic District in Wilmington Delaware?

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Asked by Wiki User

The web address of the Quaker Hill Historic District is:

What does 'web-enabled' mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

Able to connect to or be run on the Web. This is a rather broad term that may refer to an application that outputs HTML for display on the Web or that launches a Web browser to retrieve specific Web pages. It can also refer to an application that must run on a Web server, the output of which could be displayed by a browser or a Java application.

Is it cost effective to recycle?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes it is. It actually can be very expensive to recycle. It takes a lot of waste collected to pay for all of the expenses at a recycling center. Recycling isn't necessarily done so as to make money, or a profit. Though it can be monetarily profitable. It's done to cut down on landfill strain And to make what would sometimes be thrown away usable again.

What does it mean when a web link is purple?

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Asked by Wiki User

It means you have clicked on the link in the past