


Ice Cream

Ice cream is dairy dessert made from milk and cream, ice cream has many flavors and fans. Ask questions about calories, brands and flavors here.

500 Questions

How long does it take a bowl of ice cream to melt?

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The time it takes for a bowl of ice cream to melt can vary based on room temperature, the amount of ice cream, and how exposed it is to heat. On average, it may take around 10-20 minutes for a normal serving of ice cream to start melting significantly.

Will epsom salt work instead of rock salt for making ice cream?

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No, Epsom salt should not be used as a substitute for rock salt in making ice cream. Rock salt is used to lower the freezing point of the ice surrounding the ice cream maker, allowing the mixture to freeze and churn properly. Epsom salt is not suitable for this purpose and may not work effectively in the ice cream-making process.

Why is sugar-free ice cream harder than regular ice cream?

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Sugar acts as a natural softener in ice cream, contributing to its creamy texture. Without sugar, sugar-free ice cream tends to freeze harder because it lacks this softening effect. Additionally, sugar alcohols or artificial sweeteners used in sugar-free ice cream can freeze at lower temperatures, making the ice cream harder.

How many ounces are in one scoop?

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Typically, one scoop of protein powder is around 0.35 to 0.45 ounces, depending on the brand and product's serving size recommendation. It's always best to refer to the specific product's packaging for accurate serving size information.

What is the advantage of putting salt on ice in a cooler?

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Putting salt on ice in a cooler lowers the freezing point of water through a process called freezing point depression, allowing the ice to stay colder for longer. This helps to keep food and drinks cooler for a longer period of time and improve the overall efficiency of the cooler.

Do you have to use rock salt to make homemade ice cream?

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Yes, rock salt is used to lower the freezing point of the ice surrounding the ice cream mixture, allowing for faster and smoother freezing. It helps create the right conditions for making homemade ice cream by chilling the mixture evenly.

Can you make a sperm ice cream?

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In theory you can make ice cream with anything, so yes.

Unless you have an abnormal amount of semen on hand, it might not affect the taste a lot unless it has a particularly strong taste or you don't use much of the other ingredients.

Can you use salt instead of rock salt to make homemade ice cream?

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Yes, you can use regular table salt instead of rock salt to make homemade ice cream. The purpose of salt is to lower the freezing point of ice, helping to freeze the ice cream mixture. Rock salt is commonly used because its larger crystals help to distribute the cold more evenly. However, table salt can also work, but you may need to use more of it.

Why does ice cream appear cooler to teeth than ice cold water?

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Ice cream is a denser material than ice cold water, so it can conduct heat away from the teeth more effectively, creating a stronger sensation of coldness. Additionally, the high sugar content in ice cream can also trigger sensitivity in teeth, making it feel colder.

Ice melting is a physical or chemical?

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physical because a chemical change means it can never form back

Which ice cream melts the fastest?

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Ice cream with a higher milk fat content will generally melt faster because it has a lower melting point. Additionally, ice cream with a high air content (like soft serve) will also melt more quickly as there is less structure to hold the ice crystals in place.

How many grams is 100 ml of ice cream?

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The weight of 100 ml of ice cream can vary depending on the type and density of the ice cream. On average, it is around 100 grams, but it can range from 50 grams for lighter ice creams to 150 grams for denser, premium varieties.

What makes ice freeze longer sugar salt or vinegar?

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Salt and sugar can both help ice melt faster by lowering the freezing point of water. Vinegar, on the other hand, can lower the freezing point even more than salt or sugar, potentially making ice freeze longer when added to water.

Metal ice-cube tray and a plastic tub of ice cream are sitting in the freezer Why does the ice-cube tray feel colder to touch than the tub of ice cream?

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Metal is a better conductor of heat than plastic, so it quickly absorbs heat from your fingers, making it feel colder. The plastic tub of ice cream insulates the ice cream from the outside environment, so it feels less cold to the touch.

Does salt lower the temperature of ice?

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Yes, salt can lower the temperature at which ice melts by creating a saline solution that disrupts the freezing point. The salt reduces the freezing point of the water, causing the ice to melt at a lower temperature than it would otherwise.

Is melting ice cream a physical change or a chemical change?

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Melting ice cream is a physical change because it has the ability to go back to it's frozen form and be ice cream again. The chemical identity of it isn't changed.

Why does soft serve ice cream melt faster than hard ice cream?

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Soft serve ice cream typically has a higher air content and lower fat content compared to hard ice cream. This means soft serve has a looser structure and less stability, making it more prone to melting quickly when exposed to heat or room temperature. Hard ice cream, with its denser structure and higher fat content, can hold its shape better and melt more slowly.

If salt melts ice why does it freeze ice cream?

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Salt lowers the freezing point of water when it comes into contact with ice, creating a solution with a lower freezing point. When making ice cream, this process allows the cream mixture to freeze at a lower temperature, forming a smoother and creamier texture by reducing the size of ice crystals that form.

How do you make insant ice?

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Fill the plastic freezer bag with 1 cup of rubbing alcohol and 2 cups of water. Try to get as much air out of the freezer bag before sealing it shut. Place the bag and its contents inside a second freezer bag to contain any leakage. Leave the bag in the freezer for at least an hour.

What is the best blizzard at Dairy Queen?

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The best blizzard would have to be the Oreo or Cookie Dough blizzard.


The Reeses blizzard is really good!

What is the difference between frozen ice cream and melted ice cream?

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Frozen ice-cream is ice-cream that has been cooled to the point where it's state is solid. In most normal fridge-freezers it is stored at -5 to -8 degrees celcius. In this state the atoms are tightly packed together, and they vibrate very little.

Melted ice-cream has been heated so that it has become a liquid. This means that it has past the melting point of the substance that makes up the ice-cream. In this state, the atoms are a lot more free to move, and not so tightly packed together.

If the ice-cream were to be heated further, then the water in the substance would evaporate, leaving behind anything else that made up the ice-cream.

How is hot ice made?

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Hot ice, also known as sodium acetate, is made by dissolving sodium acetate in water and heating the solution until all the crystals are dissolved. It is then allowed to cool slowly, encouraging crystallization. The resulting solid is technically a supercooled liquid that solidifies on contact with impurities or disturbance, appearing as solid ice but warm to the touch.

How many 3 ounce scoops in a gallon of ice cream?

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There are approximately 85 three-ounce scoops in a gallon of ice cream.

Can ice cream melt in Antarctica?

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Yes, ice cream can melt in Antarctica if exposed to high enough temperatures, such as inside a warm building. While the outside temperature is extremely cold in Antarctica, indoor temperatures are typically kept above freezing to prevent water pipes from freezing.