


For questions on the theory, method, and practice of studying past cultures and peoples.

500 Questions

Why do scientists conduct radar surveys of archaeology sities?

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Asked by Wiki User

Scientists conduct radar surveys of archaeology sites to map underground features without the need for excavation. Ground-penetrating radar can detect buried structures, artifacts, and tombs by sending radar signals into the ground and analyzing the reflected signals. This non-invasive technique helps archaeologists plan excavations more effectively and preserve cultural heritage sites.

The study of the human race its culture and society and its physical development is called?

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Asked by Wiki User

The study of the human race, its culture and society, and its physical development is called anthropology. This field examines various aspects of human life, such as language, customs, beliefs, and social structures across different societies and time periods.

Why do you think archaeologists do a survey of the area before they start excavating?

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Asked by bianca colquhoune

Digging randomly would have a high chance of either turning up nothing, or destroying any artifacts that may have been there. Before excavating it's important to gather as much information as possible so that archaeologists have the best chance of finding artifacts without damaging them.

Which artifact would best symbolize innocence?

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Asked by daquanhouse

a baby apex ;)

What Were The 5 Biggest Archaeological Discoveries Of The Last Decade?

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Asked by Todd Ross

Some of the biggest archaeological discoveries of the last decade include the discovery of Homo naledi fossils in South Africa, the uncovering of a new species of human called Homo luzonensis in the Philippines, the finding of the lost city of the Monkey God in Honduras, the excavation of a massive tomb in Greece believed to belong to Alexander the Great's father, and the uncovering of well-preserved mummies and artifacts in Egypt's Saqqara Necropolis.

What is the most likely explanation for the similar iconography in prehistoric figurines in women?

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Asked by Wiki User

The similar iconography in prehistoric figurines of women across different cultures suggests a commonality in the representation of fertility, motherhood, and the divine feminine. It may reflect the importance of women in early societies as life-givers and nurturers, as well as a shared cultural understanding of the role and significance of women in society.

What would be easiest for archaeologists to learn about these cultures?

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Asked by Wiki User

Archaeologists can learn a lot about a culture through studying its material remains, such as artifacts, structures, and burial sites. By analyzing these physical objects, archaeologists can gain insights into the daily lives, beliefs, and social structures of past societies. Additionally, studying the environmental context and conducting surveys and excavations can provide valuable information about how people interacted with their surroundings.

How does archaeology contribute to Zimbabwe pre colonial history?

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Asked by Wiki User

Archaeology in Zimbabwe contributes to pre-colonial history by uncovering and interpreting material remains such as artifacts, structures, and sites left behind by ancient civilizations. Through excavations and analysis, archaeologists can reconstruct past societies, economies, and technologies, shedding light on the complexities of Zimbabwe's pre-colonial history. This field of study provides valuable insights into political systems, cultural practices, trade networks, and interactions with neighboring regions prior to European colonization.

How does a radiologist contribute to archaeology?

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Asked by Wiki User

Radiologists can contribute to archaeology by using medical imaging techniques like CT scans and X-rays to analyze and study ancient artifacts or mummies without damaging them. This non-invasive approach allows for detailed examination of the internal structures and materials of artifacts, providing valuable insights into their composition, construction, and historical significance.

What The brown section of the Ethiopian highlands indicate areas that are over what above sea level?

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Asked by Wiki User

The brown section of the Ethiopian highlands represents areas that are over 7,500 feet above sea level. These high altitudes contribute to the cooler climate and unique ecosystems found in this region.

What are easy disadvantages of archaeology?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some easy disadvantages of archaeology include the potential for destruction of archaeological sites during excavation, the costs associated with conducting fieldwork and analysis, and the time-consuming nature of conducting research and obtaining permits for excavation.

What is information sharing in archaeological?

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Asked by Wiki User

Information sharing in archaeology involves the dissemination of research findings, data, and knowledge to other researchers, professionals, and the public through publications, presentations, conferences, and digital platforms. By sharing information, archaeologists can collaborate, build on each other's work, and contribute to the collective understanding of the past. It also promotes transparency, fosters community engagement, and helps preserve cultural heritage.

How is the archaeology changed substantially in the modern times?

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Asked by Wiki User

Archaeology has changed substantially in modern times due to advancements in technology such as LiDAR scanning, 3D modeling, and DNA analysis. These tools have revolutionized how artifacts are discovered, analyzed, and interpreted, leading to a more interdisciplinary and data-driven approach to archaeology. Additionally, there is an increased focus on collaboration with local communities and a growing emphasis on ethical considerations and the inclusion of marginalized perspectives in archaeological research.

What is the connection to human prehistory artifact?

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Asked by Wiki User

Human prehistory artifacts are physical objects or structures created by ancient humans that provide important clues about early human behavior, technology, and culture. The study of these artifacts helps researchers understand how early humans lived, interacted with their environment, and developed tools and technologies. By analyzing and interpreting these artifacts, archaeologists can reconstruct and piece together the story of our human ancestors before the advent of written records.

How does writing help historians and archaeologists understand the history of trade in Mesopotamia?

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Asked by Wiki User

Writing in Mesopotamia helps historians and archaeologists understand the history of trade because it provides written records of transactions, goods, prices, and trade routes. This information offers valuable insights into the types of goods traded, the economic relationships between regions, and the significance of trade in the development of Mesopotamian society. Additionally, written records can reveal details about trade networks, cultural exchanges, and the impact of trade on political and social structures in Mesopotamia.

If an archaeologist found an artifact near the Fourth Cataract why might he or she have difficulty deciding how to display it in a museum?

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Asked by Wiki User

An artifact found near the Fourth Cataract might have cultural and historical significance to multiple groups, making it difficult to decide how to display it in a museum. Additionally, there may be limited information available about its specific context and purpose, further complicating interpretation. Finally, the artifact's condition and fragility could also influence how it is displayed to ensure its preservation.

How many clay tablets have they found?

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Asked by Wiki User

Thousands of clay tablets have been found by archaeologists in various parts of the world, especially in regions with ancient civilizations like Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Mesoamerica. These tablets contain a wealth of information about the cultures, languages, and history of these societies.

Why do you think archaeologists have found so few artifacts from the earliest Americans?

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Asked by Wiki User

The information available to archaeologist about early Native American cultures is very limited because the race was at risk of being completely eliminated by the Europeans. The people and the belongings were destroyed. Therefore the culture had a lot of history erased.

Who studies human behavior and cultures of the past thourgh the recovery and analysis of artifacts?

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Asked by Wiki User

Archaeologists study human behavior and cultures of the past through the recovery and analysis of artifacts. They use these material remains to reconstruct and understand aspects of ancient societies, including daily life, social structures, beliefs, and technologies. By examining artifacts in their context, archaeologists can piece together a picture of how people lived in the past.

How are artifacts used by historians?

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Asked by Wiki User

Artifacts are used by historians to provide tangible evidence of the past, helping to build a more comprehensive understanding of historical events and cultures. They can offer insights into the daily lives, technologies, and beliefs of people in the past, supplementing written records and expanding our knowledge of history. Historians analyze artifacts through careful examination, interpretation, and comparison with other historical sources to piece together a richer narrative of the past.

What factor reduces the accuracy radiocarbon dating?

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Asked by Wiki User

Atmospheric carbon-14 levels change over time

What is Ars An ancient vase is an artifact.?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ars is a Latin term that can be translated as "art" or "skill." In ancient Greek mythology, Ars was the personification of art or craftsmanship. It is often used to refer to creativity, skill, or beauty in artistic works.

How do archaeologist study prehistoric times why?

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Asked by Wiki User

Archaeologists study prehistoric times by examining artifacts, structures, and other remains left behind by ancient civilizations. By analyzing these items, along with environmental data and cultural practices, they can gain insights into how people lived, their technological advancements, and social structures during that time period. This helps us to better understand our human history and the evolution of societies.

What Archaeologists have confirmed that the birthplace of humankind was in?

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Asked by Wiki User

Archaeologists have confirmed that Africa, specifically the East African region, is the birthplace of humankind. Fossil discoveries, such as those in Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania and the Rift Valley in Kenya, provide evidence of early human ancestors living in this region millions of years ago. These findings support the "Out of Africa" theory, which suggests that modern humans originated in Africa and migrated to populate the rest of the world.