


The different types of skating include rollerblading or in-line skating, roller skating, ice skating, speed skating, street skating and figure skating

711 Questions

How does friction help in ice skating?

Friction between the ice skate blades and ice surface allows skaters to grip the ice and push off with each stride, propelling themselves forward. It also helps in maintaining balance and control while executing various movements and maneuvers on the ice.

How do you you bail in skate 2?

In Skate 2, to bail out or bail off your skateboard, you can press the "Bail" button. This allows you to quickly dismount from your board and avoid crashing. It can help you avoid injury when you know you're not going to land a trick.

A 45 kg skater is skating down a hill on roller blades at a speed of 10.0 ms What is the kinetic energy of the skater?

The kinetic energy of the skater can be calculated using the formula KE = 0.5 * mass * velocity^2. Plugging in the values, KE = 0.5 * 45 kg * (10.0 m/s)^2 = 2250 J. Therefore, the kinetic energy of the skater is 2250 Joules.

Can I add a chemical to the water in the the ice rink I built that will allow it to stay frozen better?

Yes, you can add chemicals such as propylene glycol or ethylene glycol to the water in your ice rink to lower its freezing point and help it stay frozen better. However, it's important to ensure that these chemicals are safe for the environment and do not pose a health risk to users of the ice rink. Additionally, you may want to consult with a professional to determine the appropriate concentration of the chemical to achieve the desired effect.

What is used to clean the ice during hockey games and ice skating exhibitions?

The ice is typically cleaned during hockey games and ice skating exhibitions using a machine called a Zamboni. The Zamboni resurfaces the ice by shaving off a thin layer while also laying down a fresh layer of water to create a smooth and level surface for the players or skaters.

How is an artificial ice rink built?

An artificial ice rink is typically built by constructing a concrete pad as the base, then laying down a network of pipes to circulate refrigerant. A layer of insulation is placed on top of the pipes, followed by a layer of the ice itself. Once the ice is in place, it is regularly resurfaced and maintained to ensure a smooth and level playing surface.

What was frank nasworthy's company called?

Frank Nasworthy's company was called Cadillac Wheels, which later became Cadillac Wheels of California. He is credited with inventing polyurethane skateboard wheels in the 1970s.

What is the world speed record for quad roller skates?

i have to say that i dont no if there is an actual world record, thougt i am trying to find out my self. because i have manage 85mph behind a car and then free wheel down a hill to a very gradual stop. most say good adrenalin rush. regards Jez

How long and at what temperature do you bake skates for forming purposes using the home oven?

The best method is in an convection oven. Preheat oven to 185 and insert the skates for 2 minutes with heat on. After 2 minutes, leave skates in the oven, but turn off the oven completely. Make sure to place the skates on a baking sheet of stand them up in a pan. Below is a good suggestion if you are baking ice skates- if you are baking roller skates then you can place the frame on the balking sheet of in the pan with no damage- of course, make sure the wheel are off.

Depending on the brand of skate your baking time will vary- Most brands will be good with 10-15 mins. Make sure to check them after 8-10 mins to see if the pads on the inside are getting too hot- then every couple of mins until they are well heated. I would not recommend having them in the oven for more than 15 mins. If this doesn't do an adequate job, you can always re-bake the skates at a later date.

When the skates are hot enough put your feet- with socks (it's hot), in the skates and lace the skate tight pulling the laces out, not up- the eyelet could become dislodged due to softening from the heat. sit with your feet in an upright position with heels firmly against the back of the skate. Do not move or wiggle your feet as the molding process is cooling. This will cause uneven molding to your foot and require re-baking.

Cooling down should take about 20-25 mins. After that you are finished with the baking process. You should NOT skate with the skates for at least 24 hrs. after baking.

Couple of tips...I have wet down the insides of the skates with a good spray bottle to simulate sweat prior to heating the skates. This makes the skates a little more pliable.

In order to keep your ice skates upright, run a skil saw through an old 2 x 4 to create a groove...just enough to slide the blade through. Gives the added stability.

Improved by Scappi90 on 10/8/09

How do you punch people in Skate 3?

Apparently by buying a "filmer pack" you get an extra "taunt" named boxing. Using that taunt you can punch people.

How do you Change roller skate wheel?

you need an Allen wrench(s) or screw driver(s) to take the screws out, then you need a bearing pusher tool that can take out the bearings to put them on the new wheel there are many tools to do that

i suggest the kryptonics one tool because it has the parts to do all of that

Is omegle dangerous?

iddin is great alternative to omegle.

No! Please do NOT! GO ON THE WEBSITE WWW.OMEGLE.COM Me and my friends were all trying to have a bit of fun one day and went on that website and something very very very bad happened as soon as you go on that website something will say "Talk to Strangers" Now if you are smart enough you will Listen to me and stay off this website please do not go onto it is NOT! safe please listen to my Advice i am 15 years old Thank You :)

What are some similarities of skateboarding and snowboarding?

Carving on a skateboard is similar to leaning to turn on a snow board. Also the balance of riding is about the same as a skateboard. A snow board includes more movements in the ankles than skateboarding does. Id say the two are very similar over all. If you are snow boarding for the first time after having been a skater, you will find that you don't turn as easy, therefore you must move your ankles into the lean of your body. If you are skating for the first time after having been a snowboarder, balance on a skateboard and turning and what not, will be fairly easy for you. Hope this helps.

Are there any lockers at Blackburn ice arena?

Yes it does but you dont get your £1 back at the end as it is electric and keeps it

Do i need a online pass for skate 3?

No you do not, however the online pass does give you certain features that you could not access without it.

How were the first ice skates made?

The first skates were deer-skin leather straps with long, bone blades that could bee tied to the bottom of a shoe. As they evolved to wood, people began to use them more for recreation than traveling and moving things easier over the ice. The blades were shortened down with a toe pick and boot added. "Speedskates" which were essentially the first kind of skate, are still used. Metal and plastic have taken over the fine wood and leather boots that are almost impossible to find. Figure skates have not evolved as much as speedskates, and hockey skates are more recent. They were made of wood, with fitted boots, and are now large and built for tough support.

Can someone get hurt in figure skating?

Not usually. Sometimes if you are doing things with other people, grabbing your own blades, or fall akwardly, you will get cut. I've been skating for 12 years and have only gotten cut once.

Is it easier to learn to skate on figure skates or hockey skates?

Neither, really. It mostly depends on what you decide to start with. People who skate in hockey skates generally fall over on the toe picks when they try figure skates, and even accomplished figure skaters say they feel like they're gonna fall over when they put on hockey skates. So it's pretty subjective.

One thing I can say from personal experience, figure skates encourage much better posture and skating technique than hockey skates, as figure skates require you to straighten your back out much more to skate in/not fall over on the toepicks in them compared to hockey skates, I started in hockey skates and switched to figure like a week ago, so yeah.

The only bad part of figure skates is, if you get a higher end pair to just start out in, the toe picks will be close to the ice, so if you lean forward much at all, you'll fall on your face. The other issue is, up to about the 80s, figure skates were made of a single layer of leather, that you could move your ankle around in, like a combat boot. I find these really really hard to skate in, due to the lack of ankle support, compared to hockey boots. I'm sure if you start in them, you can eventually get used to them, but after starting in hockey skates, I could not at all. However, newer figure skates are as stiff/stiffer than most hockey skates, so that's no longer an issue, but I'm just saying this if you find some cheap $20 brand new Chinese "figure skates" or find some older skates at a garage sale or something.

What does momentum have to do with figure skating?

i am a 12 yr old figure skater and what momentum has to do with it is if you jump or spin, you need alot of momentum to get you to jump higher!

SOrry, 12 year old girl, you arent allwoed on this site. Be gone.

What injury did Tessa Virtue suffer from in the 2008 and 2009 figure skating season?

It wasn't really an injury but a condition known as 'chronic exertional compartment syndrome' which caused serious pain in her legs due to muscles not receiving a proper supply of blood. She had surgery to relieve the condition.

She returned to competition at the 2009 Canadian Championship and won the gold medal with partner Scott Moir.

What surface would be best for roller-skating?

Ice.Ice is water after it is frozen ,it is frozen because the temorcher is below zero 0c. so -10 is cold enough.