


Investing and Financial Markets

Investment of capital in money markets, capital markets, commodities markets, and foreign exchange markets

500 Questions

30 cm is equal to how many mm?

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30 cm is equal to 300 mm because there are 10 millimeters in 1 centimeter.

40 cm equals how many mm?

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40 cm equals 400 mm. This is because there are 10 millimeters in 1 centimeter.

What is the difference between energy investment phase and energy payoff phase?

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The energy investment phase refers to the initial energy input required to start a process, such as plant growth or a workout. The energy payoff phase is when the system begins to produce a net gain in energy output, surpassing the initial investment.

If a firm has the lowest possible degree of operating leverage and the lowest degree of financial leverage what would the DOL and DFL equal?

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Asked by Wiki User

If a firm has the lowest possible degree of operating leverage and the lowest degree of financial leverage, both its Degree of Operating Leverage (DOL) and Degree of Financial Leverage (DFL) would equal 1. A DOL of 1 indicates that a 1% change in sales would lead to a 1% change in operating income, while a DFL of 1 indicates that a 1% change in operating income would lead to a 1% change in earnings per share.

What is the difference between financial services and financial products?

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Asked by Wiki User

Financial services are limited to the activity of financial services firms and their professionals, while financial products are the real goods, accounts, or investments they provide.

->Financial Services:


-Tax Accounting Services

-Professional Advisory

-Wealth Management

->Financial Products:





Endosperm tissue is unique to which of these groups?

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Endosperm tissue is unique to angiosperms (flowering plants). It serves as a nutrient storage tissue that supports the developing embryo in the seed.

The way of make money without investment?

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Making money without any initial investment typically involves leveraging your skills, time, or resources. Here are some ways to generate income without putting money upfront:

Freelancing: Offer your skills and services on freelance platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or Freelancer. Whether you're a writer, graphic designer, programmer, or marketer, there's likely demand for your expertise.

Online Tutoring or Teaching: If you're knowledgeable in a particular subject, consider tutoring students online or teaching courses on platforms like Udemy, Skillshare, or Teachable.

Consulting: Leverage your expertise in a specific industry or field by offering consulting services to businesses or individuals. This could include anything from business consulting to career coaching.

Selling Products Online: You can sell products on platforms like eBay, Etsy, or Amazon without needing to invest in inventory upfront. Dropshipping or print-on-demand services allow you to sell products and fulfill orders without holding inventory.

Content Creation: Start a blog, YouTube channel, or podcast and monetize your content through advertising, sponsorships, affiliate marketing, or selling digital products like ebooks or online courses.

Gig Economy Jobs: Take on flexible, part-time gigs through platforms like Uber, Lyft, TaskRabbit, or Instacart to earn money on your own schedule.

Online Surveys and Market Research: Participate in online surveys, focus groups, or market research studies to earn extra cash or gift cards.

Renting Out Assets: If you have a spare room, parking space, or even equipment like cameras or tools, you can rent them out on platforms like Airbnb, Craigslist, or Fat Llama.

What is unit case volume?

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Asked by Wiki User

Unit case volume refers to the total volume occupied by a single case of a product. It is typically measured in cubic feet or cubic meters and is used to determine how much physical storage space the product will require at a warehouse or distribution center. Calculating unit case volume is important for logistical planning and inventory management.

Define the LIQUID phase of matter?

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The liquid phase of matter is a state in which particles have enough energy to move and flow past each other but are still close enough to maintain attraction. Liquids have a definite volume but take the shape of their container.

What happens to genetic information before a cell divides?

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Before a cell divides, its genetic information is duplicated during the S phase of interphase. This ensures that each daughter cell receives a complete set of genetic material. The duplicated genetic material is then condensed into chromosomes for proper segregation during cell division.

What is the biggest quarry in the world?

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The biggest quarry in the world is the Carrara Quarry in Tuscany, Italy. It is famous for producing high-quality white marble that has been used in sculptures and buildings for centuries. The quarry covers an area of about 0.5 square miles and reaches depths of over 650 feet.

What does invest mean regarding weather?

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Asked by Wiki User

Invest, short for "investigative area", is a term used by meteorologists to designate an area of disturbed weather that has the potential for development into a tropical cyclone. When a weather system is designated as an invest, it allows for closer monitoring and research by meteorologists to assess its potential for further development.

What is your strongest asset?

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My strongest asset is my ability to learn and adapt quickly to new situations and challenges. I am also highly organized and detail-oriented, allowing me to efficiently manage tasks and meet deadlines. Additionally, I have strong communication skills that help me effectively collaborate with others and convey ideas clearly.

What is chem site?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Chem site" is a broad term that could refer to various websites related to chemistry. It could refer to online platforms offering information about chemical compounds, reactions, laboratory techniques, or educational resources for learning chemistry. The specific context would determine the exact meaning of "chem site."

The 3 principles of spatial interaction are?

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  1. Complementarity: The degree to which two places can satisfy each other's demands.
  2. Transferability: The ease with which goods, people, or information can move between two places.
  3. Intervening Opportunity: The presence of a closer alternative that diminishes the attractiveness of a more distant location.

What is the price of Bauxite per pound?

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The price of bauxite per pound can vary depending on factors like quality, market demand, and supply. As of now, the price of bauxite ranges from $0.20 to $0.50 per pound.

Is experimental yield the same as percent yield or actual yield?

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Experimental yield and actual yield refer to the same thing, which is the amount of product obtained from a chemical reaction in a laboratory setting. Percent yield, on the other hand, is a measure of the efficiency of a reaction and is calculated by comparing the actual yield to the theoretical yield.

What are the limitations of environmental analysis?

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Limitations of environmental analysis include uncertainty about future trends, difficulty in predicting complex interactions, and the challenge of quantifying the impact of various factors on the environment. Additionally, there may be limitations in the availability and accuracy of data, as well as potential biases in interpreting the information gathered.

What are the US divided by?

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The whole country is divided into states (there are 50), the states can be divided into counties (3,143, not to be confused with countries), counties can be divided into townships depending on the state

Which of the horizons constitute the solum?

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The A, E, and B horizons typically constitute the solum, which is the layer of soil where plant roots are most active and where most organic and mineral activity occurs. This layer is crucial for plant growth and nutrient uptake.

How do you sell gold troy ounce?

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You can sell gold troy ounces through various methods, such as online platforms, local jewelers or pawn shops, and precious metal dealers. Before selling, it's important to research current market prices for gold to ensure you receive a fair price for your troy ounces. Additionally, consider the reputation and credibility of the buyer to ensure a smooth and secure transaction.

If you had a cube of gold weighing 1 troy ounce what would its dimensions be?

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Asked by Wiki User

A troy ounce of gold weighs approximately 31.1 grams. Since gold has a density of around 19.3 grams per cubic centimeter, a 1 troy ounce cube of gold would have dimensions of approximately 1.6 cm on each side to have a weight of 31.1 grams.

What is the goal of New Horizons?

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The goal of NASA's New Horizons mission is to explore Pluto and the Kuiper Belt, providing detailed images and data to deepen our understanding of these distant regions of the solar system. It aims to shed light on the geology, composition, and atmosphere of Pluto, as well as investigate other Kuiper Belt objects.

What was gold trading for per ounce in 1956?

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Asked by Wiki User

Gold was trading at around $35 per ounce in 1956 due to the fixed price set by the U.S. government at that time under the Bretton Woods Agreement.

What happens to the gases in jupiters atmosphere as the depth increases?

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As you move deeper into Jupiter's atmosphere, the pressure and temperature increase significantly. This causes the gases to become more compressed and denser. The hydrogen and helium that make up most of Jupiter's atmosphere start to transition into a metallic state under these extreme conditions.