


Decade - 1950s

The 1950s was the decade that started on January 1, 1950, and ended on December 31, 1959. The most notable events in the 1950s include the Korean War (1950-1953) and the launch of the satellite, "Sputnik 1" (1957).

500 Questions

What is life expectancy if born in 1959?

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The life expectancy for someone born in 1959 is around 69 years.

What is the life expectancy for a male born in 1959?

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The life expectancy for a male born in 1959 in the United States is around 66-67 years. However, keep in mind that life expectancy can vary based on various factors such as lifestyle, genetics, and access to healthcare.

What were the causes of the generation gap that emerged in the 1950's?

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The generation gap that emerged in the 1950s was primarily fueled by differences in values, beliefs, and attitudes between the younger generation (baby boomers) and their parents who had experienced World War II and the Great Depression. This divide was also amplified by rapid social changes, such as the rise of rock 'n' roll music and the civil rights movement, which challenged traditional norms and societal structures. Additionally, technological advancements and increased access to higher education contributed to a widening gap in perspectives between the generations.

Retirement age for those born in 1959?

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For those born in 1959, the full retirement age to receive Social Security benefits is 66 years and 10 months. This means that individuals born in 1959 can start receiving full benefits at this age. However, they can choose to start receiving reduced benefits as early as age 62 or delay benefits up to age 70.

Is Paul gies still alive?

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Yes, Paul Gies is still alive. He is a scholar and co-author of several books with his wife, Anne Gies.

How old is someone born in 1959?

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If someone was born in 1959, they would be 62 years old in 2021.

Words and quotes of the 1950's?

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  1. "I Like Ike" - Campaign slogan for Dwight D. Eisenhower in the 1952 presidential election.
  2. Beat Generation - Literary movement of the 1950s characterized by nonconformity and social critique.
  3. "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger - Iconic novel published in 1951 that became a defining work for teenagers of the era.
  4. "Father Knows Best" - Popular TV show in the 1950s reflecting idealized American family values.
  5. Sputnik - First artificial Earth satellite launched by the Soviet Union in 1957, marking the beginning of the space race.

Postwar birthrates rose in the late 1940s and 1950s creating?

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a significant demographic shift known as the "baby boom." This period saw a sharp increase in childbirth due to a combination of factors including economic prosperity, family stability, and societal norms around gender roles and marriage. The baby boom generation has had lasting impacts on society, culture, and the economy.

If you were born in 1959 how old are you?

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If you were born in 1959, you would be 62 years old in 2021.

What is one disadvantage of living before the 1950's?

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One disadvantage of living before the 1950's was limited access to advanced medical care and technology, which resulted in higher mortality rates for various diseases and conditions.

What is one advantage of living before 1950?

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One advantage of living before 1950 is experiencing a simpler way of life with less reliance on technology and fast-paced living. There was a stronger sense of community and connection with one's surroundings.

What is the term to explain the rising birth rate of the 1940's and 1950's?

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The term used to describe the rising birth rate during the 1940s and 1950s is the "Baby Boom." This period was characterized by a significant increase in birth rates, largely attributed to the end of World War II and a post-war economic boom.

What were some idioms of the 1950s?

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Some popular idioms from the 1950s include "the bee's knees" (something excellent), "cool as a cucumber" (calm and composed), and "living in the fast lane" (engaging in a risky or extravagant lifestyle).

What do Germans wear?

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Germans typically wear a variety of clothing depending on the occasion. Traditional attire like Lederhosen and Dirndls are worn during festivals and special events, while everyday fashion consists of modern styles similar to other Western countries. In colder months, Germans often wear warm coats and accessories to stay comfortable.

What were some teenage slang from the 1950s?

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Some teenage slang from the 1950s included phrases like "cool it," "cruisin' for a bruisin'," "pad," "threads," and "hot rod." These terms were often used by young people to express approval, warn of potential trouble, refer to a hangout spot, describe clothing, or talk about a fast car.

How many people were hung a the Idaho penitentiary?

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A total of 10 people were executed by hanging at the Idaho State Penitentiary between the years of 1872 and 1957.


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The Uniform Crime Report (UCR) provides consistent data for comparison, but it may underreport crimes or not capture all types of offenses. The National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) offers more detailed and accurate data on crimes, but its implementation can be costly and time-consuming for law enforcement agencies.

Who were the leading practitioners of the 1950's red scare?

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During the 1950s Red Scare, Senator Joseph McCarthy was a prominent figure who led investigations into alleged communist activities in the US government. FBI director J. Edgar Hoover also played a significant role in targeting suspected communists. Additionally, the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) conducted hearings and investigations into alleged communist influence in Hollywood and other industries.

What is a mafia hat called?

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A mafia hat is typically called a fedora. This style of hat is often associated with the mafia due to its popularity among movie characters portraying mobsters.

Was there any criminals in the 1950's?

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Yes, there were criminals in the 1950s, just like in any other time period. The 1950s saw various high-profile criminals such as organized crime figures, bank robbers, and serial killers. Law enforcement agencies worked to combat criminal activities during this era.

Were the 1950s better than today?

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It depends on individual perspectives. The 1950s had different social norms and technologies compared to today. Some may view the 1950s as better due to nostalgia or perceived simplicity, while others may prefer modern advancements and progress.

What fourteen year old boy was wrongly convicted of murder and sentenced to be hung in 1959?

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The fourteen year old boy wrongly convicted of murder in 1959 and sentenced to be hanged was George Junius Stinney Jr. He was the youngest person to be sentenced to death in the US in the 20th century.

What were the Punishments in 1950s - 1960s?

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In the 1950s-1960s, punishments varied based on the crime committed. Common punishments included fines, probation, community service, and prison sentences. Harsher penalties such as the death penalty and life imprisonment were also in use during this time period.

What crimes were comminted in the 1950's?

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During the 1950s, there were various crimes committed, ranging from organized crime activities like the Mafia's influence to civil rights violations, espionage cases such as the Rosenberg spy case, and instances of public corruption. Additionally, there were also high-profile cases of murder, theft, and fraud that occurred during this time period.

Who asked Do you have a change for a hern in a 1950's television series?

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I don't know about the show, but I had the album! it was a screenwriter named Sheldon Allman, who had a record called, I think, "Folk Songs for the 21st Century," that had the song "Do you have change for a hern/I beg you do not spurn/It may sound very funny/I just have martian money..." etc.

It was an album of offkey (not offcolor) songs with a science fiction theme. It was a classic, just sorry I gave it away somewhere along the way.

My recollection is that is was a short-lived sketch series by Red Skelton. I think he raised the question one week and brought a detailed poster the following week showing a whole new monetary system based on the hern.

No, no, no - - it was Milton Berle, who used the phrase as a running gag.