


Decade - 1950s

The 1950s was the decade that started on January 1, 1950, and ended on December 31, 1959. The most notable events in the 1950s include the Korean War (1950-1953) and the launch of the satellite, "Sputnik 1" (1957).

500 Questions

What is the term to explain the rising birth rate of the 1940's and 1950's?

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The term used to describe the rising birth rate during the 1940s and 1950s is the "Baby Boom." This period was characterized by a significant increase in birth rates, largely attributed to the end of World War II and a post-war economic boom.

What were some idioms of the 1950s?

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Some popular idioms from the 1950s include "the bee's knees" (something excellent), "cool as a cucumber" (calm and composed), and "living in the fast lane" (engaging in a risky or extravagant lifestyle).

What do Germans wear?

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Germans typically wear a variety of clothing depending on the occasion. Traditional attire like Lederhosen and Dirndls are worn during festivals and special events, while everyday fashion consists of modern styles similar to other Western countries. In colder months, Germans often wear warm coats and accessories to stay comfortable.

What were some teenage slang from the 1950s?

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Some teenage slang from the 1950s included phrases like "cool it," "cruisin' for a bruisin'," "pad," "threads," and "hot rod." These terms were often used by young people to express approval, warn of potential trouble, refer to a hangout spot, describe clothing, or talk about a fast car.

How many people were hung a the Idaho penitentiary?

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A total of 10 people were executed by hanging at the Idaho State Penitentiary between the years of 1872 and 1957.


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The Uniform Crime Report (UCR) provides consistent data for comparison, but it may underreport crimes or not capture all types of offenses. The National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) offers more detailed and accurate data on crimes, but its implementation can be costly and time-consuming for law enforcement agencies.

Who were the leading practitioners of the 1950's red scare?

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During the 1950s Red Scare, Senator Joseph McCarthy was a prominent figure who led investigations into alleged communist activities in the US government. FBI director J. Edgar Hoover also played a significant role in targeting suspected communists. Additionally, the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) conducted hearings and investigations into alleged communist influence in Hollywood and other industries.

What is a mafia hat called?

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A mafia hat is typically called a fedora. This style of hat is often associated with the mafia due to its popularity among movie characters portraying mobsters.

Was there any criminals in the 1950's?

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Yes, there were criminals in the 1950s, just like in any other time period. The 1950s saw various high-profile criminals such as organized crime figures, bank robbers, and serial killers. Law enforcement agencies worked to combat criminal activities during this era.

Were the 1950s better than today?

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It depends on individual perspectives. The 1950s had different social norms and technologies compared to today. Some may view the 1950s as better due to nostalgia or perceived simplicity, while others may prefer modern advancements and progress.

What fourteen year old boy was wrongly convicted of murder and sentenced to be hung in 1959?

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The fourteen year old boy wrongly convicted of murder in 1959 and sentenced to be hanged was George Junius Stinney Jr. He was the youngest person to be sentenced to death in the US in the 20th century.

What were the Punishments in 1950s - 1960s?

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In the 1950s-1960s, punishments varied based on the crime committed. Common punishments included fines, probation, community service, and prison sentences. Harsher penalties such as the death penalty and life imprisonment were also in use during this time period.

What crimes were comminted in the 1950's?

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During the 1950s, there were various crimes committed, ranging from organized crime activities like the Mafia's influence to civil rights violations, espionage cases such as the Rosenberg spy case, and instances of public corruption. Additionally, there were also high-profile cases of murder, theft, and fraud that occurred during this time period.

Who asked Do you have a change for a hern in a 1950's television series?

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I don't know about the show, but I had the album! it was a screenwriter named Sheldon Allman, who had a record called, I think, "Folk Songs for the 21st Century," that had the song "Do you have change for a hern/I beg you do not spurn/It may sound very funny/I just have martian money..." etc.

It was an album of offkey (not offcolor) songs with a science fiction theme. It was a classic, just sorry I gave it away somewhere along the way.

My recollection is that is was a short-lived sketch series by Red Skelton. I think he raised the question one week and brought a detailed poster the following week showing a whole new monetary system based on the hern.

No, no, no - - it was Milton Berle, who used the phrase as a running gag.

What did teenagers wear in the 1950's?

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in the 1950s, teenagers had distinct fashion styles influenced by the post-war era and the rise of rock and roll culture. Here are some common clothing items worn by teenagers during that time:

Poodle skirts: These were full, swingy skirts usually made of felt and adorned with appliqué designs, most famously the poodle. They were often worn with crinoline petticoats underneath for added volume.

Blouses and sweaters: Teenage girls often paired their poodle skirts with button-up blouses or sweaters, sometimes embellished with pearls or bows.

Saddle shoes: These were popular among both boys and girls. Saddle shoes were two-toned shoes with a saddle-shaped piece of contrasting color across the middle.

Jeans: While jeans were originally worn by workers, they became popular among teenagers, especially with the rise of rebellious youth culture. They were often worn rolled up at the cuffs.

Leather jackets: Popularized by icons like James Dean and Marlon Brando, leather jackets became a symbol of rebellion and coolness among teenage boys.

Letterman jackets: These were worn by high school athletes and became a status symbol. They featured the wearer's school insignia and often had patches representing various achievements.

Bobby socks: Girls often wore white socks folded down at the ankles with their saddle shoes, completing the classic "sock hop" look.

T-shirts: Plain white T-shirts became popular among teenagers, especially when paired with jeans or under a leather jacket.

Full skirts and cardigans: Another popular combination for teenage girls was a full skirt paired with a cardigan sweater. This look was often accessorized with a scarf tied around the neck or in the hair.

Hair and accessories: Teenage girls typically wore their hair in styles like ponytails, poodle cuts, or bouffants. Accessories such as hair scarves, hair bows, cat-eye glasses, and headbands were also popular.

These fashion trends varied depending on location, socioeconomic status, and personal style, but they collectively captured the essence of teenage fashion in the 1950s.

What name was given to artists and writers who criticized American society during the 1950's?

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They were known as the Beat Generation. This group of artists and writers sought to challenge mainstream culture and social norms through their work. Key figures included Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, and William S. Burroughs.

Who are female authors published in 1950s?

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Some notable female authors who were published in the 1950s include Harper Lee (To Kill a Mockingbird, 1960), Flannery O'Connor (Wise Blood, 1952), Patricia Highsmith (Strangers on a Train, 1950), and Shirley Jackson (The Haunting of Hill House, 1959).

The programs that grew in response to the decay of central cities in the 1950s?

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Some of the programs that grew in response to the decay of central cities in the 1950s included urban renewal projects, public housing initiatives, and the formation of community development corporations. These efforts aimed to revitalize deteriorating urban areas through infrastructure improvements, affordable housing, and community-led development projects.

What was a Fad of writers in the 1950's in England?

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In the 1950s in England, a popular fad among writers was the movement known as the "Angry Young Men." This group of mostly working-class writers, such as John Osborne and Kingsley Amis, critiqued the social and political establishment of post-war Britain through their works, which often expressed frustration and disillusionment with society. Their writing style was characterized by realism, wit, and a rejection of traditional literary conventions.

What book analyzed the 1950s as a culture of conformity?

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"The Lonely Crowd" by David Riesman, published in 1950, analyzed the culture of conformity in the 1950s America. It explored the shift from inner-directed to other-directed personalities and the impact of societal norms on individual behavior.

What message did Miller communicate about the 1950s when he published The Crucible?

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Arthur Miller used "The Crucible" as an allegory for the Red Scare in the 1950s, drawing parallels between the Salem witch trials and the anti-communist hysteria of his time. He critiqued the dangers of mass hysteria, mob mentality, and the consequences of false accusations. Miller's play served as a commentary on McCarthyism and the importance of upholding individual rights and integrity.

What was this authors perception of gender roles in the 1950s?

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The author viewed gender roles in the 1950s as restrictive and oppressive, with women often expected to fulfill traditional roles as homemakers and caretakers, while men were expected to be the breadwinners and authority figures. The author likely critiqued these norms as limiting individual freedom and reinforcing inequality between the sexes.

What best describes the diffusion of beat literature in the 1950s?

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Beat literature in the 1950s diffused through small underground presses, independent bookstores, and literary magazines. The writers often self-published or published through small presses due to the controversial and non-conventional nature of their work. The Beat movement gained momentum through word-of-mouth and its association with the countercultural movements of the era.

What book analyed the 1950s as a culture of conformity?

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"The Lonely Crowd" by David Riesman, Nathan Glazer, and Reuel Denney is a book that examined the 1950s as a period characterized by a culture of conformity. The authors discuss how societal norms and pressures during that time influenced individual behavior and attitudes, shaping a conformist culture in post-war America.

What is the chapter 3 in johnny tremain all about?

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In Chapter 3 of "Johnny Tremain," Johnny becomes an apprentice to Mr. Lapham, a silversmith, and learns the trade of creating silver items. He experiences both triumphs and challenges in his apprenticeship, as he strives to prove his skills and work his way up in the silversmith shop. The chapter highlights Johnny's determination to succeed despite facing difficulties.