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As a general rule people who hate a particular race, religion or creed do so because of fear or ignorance. It is also encouraged by people with an agenda against that group, using Propaganda, half truths and lies. Hatred also underlies much violence in the world. If people stopped exerting so much energy toward hating people who are different, they might just have the energy to rebuild this world to be a happier place.

Many of the original causes of Anti-Semitism have not been "cured". To see what those are, please read the Related Question below.

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11y ago

Answer 1

They think that Jews are strange and different. The haters need to get a life.

Answer 2

They are God's chosen people but they rejected Christ I'm sure this is most of it

Answer 3

Today, many people have learned how to encounter someone completely different and not automatically hate them. We've learned to agree to disagree, just as we do here onsite. You may see a Laotian Buddhist (for example) walking down the street, and your attitude (if you're a good citizen) will range from neutral to openly friendly. People were perfectly capable of behaving decently in the past, had they chosen to. But those who hate, or hated, allowed themselves the fallacies of xenophobia and of despising the downtrodden; and any reasons are excuses.

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10y ago

Presumably because of negative stereotypes.

Stereotypes are often nothing more than our own ignorance.

I once moved to a strongly Hassidic district of London, England. I had no history of prejudice against any group, and indeed I can't even "spot" Jews when I meet them... it sometimes takes me months to recognise that a friend is Jewish!

Of course the Hassidim look very different, but I grew up in the 60s and consider looking non-conformist to be good. However, over time I started to develop a discomfort. They seem to have a practice of ignoring "goys", looking through me as if I don't exist. They run all their own social services (e.g. bus services for their schoolkids), and generally create a kind of benign "ghetto" from which I felt excluded. Then I started to notice big gatherings on street corners on Friday evenings, large groups of men, dressed strangely, meeting for no apparent reason... I found myself suspecting them of plotting... perhaps against me? This worried me a lot, I'd never experienced anything like it.

And then I was "saved". My neighbour was a young trainee Rabbi, who was having trouble with his lawnmower, so I offered him mine. It was bizarre to pass a heavy mower across the fence to a man wearing smart trousers and waistcoat, white shirt, white silk scarf, skullcap and ringlets... but it was friendly, and we became friends. He called round sometimes and, if my wife answered the door he would not look at her... but he quickly and freely explained that his religion forbade him from looking at another man's wife... in fact he openly explained so many things about his religion (all pretty weird to our ears) which completely defused the potential alienation.

I don't want to say it's the fault of Jews, that they should stop behaving differently, but we must recognise that we all find it difficult to trust people who behave, look, speak differently from us; and we should put an extra effort into building bridges, instead of fences. Deep down there is nothing that divides us.

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9y ago

Entire nations do not hate Jews. The nation of Israel actually has a very strong backing in many parts of the world. That's not to say they do not have their share of enemies as well.

For one thing, Israel is a prosperous democracy. They are surrounded by countries that are not doing so well. In many cases, when you are down and out, it is easier to look at the people that are doing well with some disdain.

Also, Israel is a Jewish nation surrounded by Islamic nations. Although there are many Muslims that are peaceful and just want to live their lives, a few Islamic nations are home to Muslim extremist. Jews and Muslims have a very long history of unrest. It has been going on for so many centuries that it has just become ingrained into their cultures.

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8y ago

There are implicitly two parts to this question: (A) Do some nations hate Jews? and (B) Why do those nations that hate Jews hate them?

Part A: Do some nations hate Jews?

Yes. There should be two ways for a nation to be considered a "Jew-hating nation", (1) nations where 75% of more of the general population harbor Anti-Semitic views, or (2) nations where the government actively condones or supports Anti-Semitism or espouses strongly Anti-Semitic views. Countries of both types exist.

(1) Anti-Semitic Populations: According to the ADL Global 100 survey, the following 16 countries had populations where at least 75% harbored Anti-Semitic Views: Palestine, Iraq, Yemen, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Jordan, Morocco, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, Oman, and Egypt. Additionally, the survey did not include the following 6 countries which would likely also have populations where at least 75% harbor Anti-Semitic views: Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Mauritania, Sudan, and Somalia. It is worth noting that we see no similar characteristics or surveys concerning the prevalence of hatred towards other ethnic or religious groups with the singular exception of the Romani/Gypsies.

Also note that this survey and other similar surveys ask questions about Anti-Semitism only and do not ask questions that could be construed as Anti-Zionist, but not necessarily Anti-Semitic. Particularly Anti-Semitic views include, among others: (1) that Jews exert a strong amount of control or direction on politics and economics, (2) that Jews murder Non-Jews in order to gain access to their blood - usually for ritualistic purposes, (3) that Jews are disloyal/treacherous/deceiving to Non-Jews, (4) Holocaust denialism or "revisionism", and (5) that Jews provoke or cause most of the world's wars.

(2) Anti-Semitic Governments:
There are several countries whose governments have actively fanned the flames of the Anti-Semitism and have espoused Anti-Semitic doctrines as part of government policy. The most prominent today is Saudi Arabia, which has a number of Anti-Semitic laws and policies such as: (1) making it virtually impossible for a Jewish tourist to come to Saudi Arabia, (2) legally banning Jews from living or working in Saudi Arabia, (3) confiscating any Jewish religious paraphernalia, (4) paying for the printing and disseminating Jewish-hate literature such as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and Mein Kampf (although, surprisingly the Arabic version Kefaahi - كفاحي leaves out Hitler's half-chapter where he explains that Arabs are sub-humans that he respects because he sees Islam as a violent, conquering ideology that he feels like Germans should emulate), (5) funding mosques and imams in other countries to promote a Wahhabist agenda which includes, among other things, promoting Anti-Semitism.

Another Anti-Semitic government is that of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which actually hosted a Holocaust Denial Conference. While there is debate about whether the number of Jews who were killed is 5.4 million up to 7.5 million, there is no legitimate debate that at least 5.4 million were killed, and the conference sought to minimize the number by orders of magnitude, i.e. 100,000 or so, or deny it completely. This minimization of the deaths or complete obfuscation is Holocaust Denial. Iran has also provided direct funding to Hezbollah, whose founder Hassan Nasrallah is famously quoted as having said that he would prefer that all of the Jews came to Israel so that he would not have to hunt them down all over the world.

Another Anti-Semitic leader is the former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Mahathir Mohamad of Malaysia who argued at the Organization of the Islamic Conference that Jews "cunningly get others to die on their behalf" and defended this statement against righteous international scrutiny.

Note again, that, with the exception of the Romani/Gypsies and possibly the Baha'i in Iran, no ethnic or religious group is targeted by various different governments in such a systematic way.

Part B: Why do those nations that hate Jews hate them?

Now that it is clear that some nations clearly do hate Jews, we should resolve to figure out why. Here there are reasons that apply primarily to people, primarily to nations, or to both.

(1) Primarily to People:

1) Facelessness: Most people around the world, and especially in the Islamic World, have never met a Jew and only see Jews through the media portrayals of Israeli military actions or Jewish politicians in Western countries. As a result, "the Jews" are a people upon whom any claim of impropriety can be laid without a counterfactual relationship to see a Jew's humanity.

2) Non-Jewish Holy Sites: Since the Holy Land does not only have Jewish Holy Sites, but also has Christian and Muslim Holy Sites, there is opposition in these communities to Jews having a physical monopoly and control of these holy sites. Particularly, many Muslims cannot visit Israel to see the Dome of the Rock or al-Aqsa Mosque since their countries of citizenship do not recognize Israel. Rather than blaming their own governments, it is far easier to blame the "insurrectionist Jews" who "stole the land" from Muslims and now "prevent" their coming to see it.

(2) Primarily to Governments:

3) Distractions from Domestic Concerns: A number of autocratic leaders, especially in Arab countries like to use the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict as a safety valve to avoid protests and discontent with their lack of rights and economic ability. As a result, they stoke hatred of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, as well as Anti-Semitism, out of proportion and proceed to commit massacres of their own with impunity.

4) Arab and Islamic Connection: A number of countries hate Israel out of sympathy between Muslims in different places. There is no reason why Mauritanians, Pakistanis, or Malaysians should hate Israel if we were to examine exclusively Israeli-Mauritanian, Israeli-Pakistani, or Israeli-Malay relations. However, because they are Islamic countries they feel the need to echo the Arab position of hatred towards Israel. They then impute the negative views of Israel onto the Jews.

5) Non-Aligned Coalition: One of the enduring legacies of the Cold War was the creation of the Non-Aligned Nations, which was a group of countries that chose to neither wholly align with the United States or Soviet Union. Since a large portion of the Non-Aligned Coalition was made up of Islamic Countries, Israel-hatred became a major unifying platform for the Non-Aligned Coalition. It was on this account that a number of African, Asia, and Latin American countries maintain lukewarm relations with Israel, even when they could really benefit from more expanded trade with Israel. They then impute the negative views of Israel onto the Jews

6) Fear of Antagonizing Others: Some countries are afraid of supporting or legitimating Israel because they fear another terrorist attack from Another Country that is less sympathetic to freedom of expression. While Israelis, and Jews in general, are used to people trampling on their ideals and not bombing public places or threatening mass death, other groups are more prone to such activities. Additionally, there are countries that require resources from the Arab World and cannot afford to back or support Israel for the fear that the Arab World would cut off trade in response.

(3) Both People and Governments:

6) Anti-Semitism: There are six major reasons that people and countries harbor Anti-Semitic views and often these exist in contradictions (i.e. one group will hate them for one side of this reason and another group at a different place and time will hate them for the exact opposite reason): (1) Perceptions of Jewish Economic Power, (2) Perceptions of Jewish Ethnocentrism/Chosen-ness, (3) Religious motivations for Jew-hatred (both in Christianity and Islam), (4) Otherness, (5) Genetic/Racial Inferiority, and (6) Perceptions of Disloyalty. It is worth noting that the seventh most common reason, Ease of Scapegoating, only makes sense if at least one of the other six is in play, otherwise we could simply scapegoat the unicyclists for the world's ills.

6A) Jewish Economic Power: The common Anti-Semitic canard here is that Jews control the banks. Of course, this is not true as most banks are not chaired or owned or controlled by Jews; many banks operate independently or are controlled by Non-Jews. For example, the Big Four US Banks are all run by Non-Jews: Jaime Dimon (JP Morgan Chase), Chad Holliday (Bank of America), Michael O'Neill (Citigroup), and John Stumpf (Wells Fargo). The reverse of this is that the Jews of 17th-19th century Poland and Russia were dirt poor, had no influence and yet they were hated, often explicitly because they were poor and therefore "contaminating" the country with their "poor-disease".

6B) Jewish Chosen-ness: The common Anti-Semitic canard here is that Jews believe themselves to be a superior ethnicity in the vein of the übermensch or "White Pride". This is contrary to the Jewish understanding is that the Jewish people were charged with a distinct mission/task that the rest of the world was not assigned and this is to elevate the spiritual character of the world. The Anti-Semites then argue that because Jews believe themselves superior to Non-Jews that Jews take advantage of Non-Jews and feel no remorse for it. The reverse of this is that in Western Europe in the late 19th Century, Jews, by and large, chose to assimilate and disregard their chosen-ness. The response is that Anti-Semites argued that the Jews were now going "undercover" and attempting to "infiltrate" European society. Additionally, when Christians or Muslims claim that they are the chosen elect-of-God, the chosen-ness issue does not seem to effect them.

6C) Religious Anti-Semitism: While Christianity and Islam are not inherently Anti-Semitism, their doctrines are easily to meld to an Anti-Semitic world vision and historically have been melded in such ways. Christianity's main thrust of Anti-Semitism comes from the crucifixion of Jesus, i.e. deicide. Christians also focused on the passages of the Old Testament which argue that Jews were in contravention to Divine Edicts and passages in the New Testament where Jesus condemns the actions of the Pharisees.

Islam has several Anti-Semitic thrusts. In addition to the Christ-killing (which is not deicide in Islam since Jesus is not God in Islamic theology and because Jesus eluded the attempt to crucify him), Muslims have made the argument that Jews are the killers of the Prophets plural, even though Jesus was the only one of the 35 prophets in the Qur'an who Jews attempted to kill (per Islamic teachings). Additionally, Muhammad and the early Muslims had negative political and military relationships with Arabian Jews which led to Anti-Semitism having a greater prominence in the early Islamic tradition.

6D) Otherness: The common Anti-Semitic canard here is that Jews are somehow different from other people and are, therefore, incapable of properly assimilating into the dominant culture. The argument went that their culture and beliefs were too odd for civil society and the Jews needed to be removed due to this customs incongruence. The reverse of this was that when Napoleon and other rulers emancipated the Jews (let them come out of the ghettos and interact as normal citizens). Anti-Semites responded that the Jews were now poisoning modern European society by direct interactions with it. In the Islamic World, since Jewish Emancipation came hand-in-hand with Imperialism, the Jews who assimilated were deemed to be imperialist infiltrators.

6E) Racial Inferiority: The common Anti-Semitic canard here is that Jews are somehow genetically inferior or lesser than other humans.. Composer Richard Wagner, a noted Anti-Semite argued that Jews have no souls and were incapable of producing or enjoying "true music". Hitler argued that they were deficient emotionally as well as mentally. In the European context, this racism was directed at Jews, arguing that as Semites (Middle Eastern people) they were not as well-developed as Whites. Interestingly, we see the reverse in Arab and African-American communities who practice this form of Anti-Semitism by arguing that Jews are a European offshoot of Khazaria and not as racially developed as Semites or Africans.

6F) Disloyalty:
The common Anti-Semitic canard here is that Jews harbor more loyalty to each other (or, since 1948 to Israel) than to their fellow countrymen. Military defeats have been framed on Jews, such as the Trial of Captain Alfred Dreyfus following France's defeat in the Franco-Prussian War. The evidence, however, is to the contrary. In nearly every case where Jews have been permitted to join the militaries of their host countries, they have enlisted in excess of their percentage. Throughout the Middle Ages, Jews were more loyal to the sovereign, especially since the sovereign would protect the Jews from rabid Anti-Semitic hordes of peasants.

7) Israel's International Legal Violations: Israel has engaged in a number of policies in violation of international law, such as the unification of Jerusalem, the settlements in the West Bank, the annexation of the Golan Heights, etc.. Israel is not reticent for performing such acts and claims that it violates those laws because they are prejudicial to its rights and interests. If other countries did the same, (Iran is a great example), they are sternly reprimanded by the international community and forced to toe the line. The argument is often that because the Jews have control of international politics, that they are able to commit these violations with impunity while other countries cannot.

8) Anti-Colonialism: While Arab Nationalism was an anti-colonial movement, the general principles of the anti-colonialism led to a rejection of States based on European values in non-European locations with a large number of non-European (ethnically speaking) inhabitants. This sentiment was felt most strongly towards (South) Rhodesia, South Africa, and what would become Israel. Anti-colonialists believe that Asians and Africans had the right to Self-Determination pursuant to their cultures. However, Rhodesian and South African institutions could and did eventually convert to being African nations (in the true sense of the term) because their racist infrastructure could be reformed. Zionism is by default a government by the Jews and would cease to be Zionist if the Jews were taken out of the leadership position. Thus Zionism catches the ire of anti-colonialists.

9) Palestinian Indigenous Rights: The indigenous Palestinians and their descendants are aggrieved that people from abroad would come to the land that their parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents had lived on and worked for as long as they could remember and buy that land from the Ottomans without consulting them. Moreover, these people had a particular agenda to establish a state on the land they called their own. Understandably, the Palestinians, and those who support them, are opposed to the Zionist project and the Jews who realized it for these emotional and political considerations. Additionally, the Israeli Military Occupation of the West Bank Territories and the Blockade of Gaza represents a true legal and humanitarian crisis for Supporters of an Independent Palestine and the Palestinian People. To many in the world community, the Palestinians must have the right to go back to their homes (although it is doubtful that the Arabs would have permitted that right to the Jews should the Arabs have been victorious in the Arab-Israeli War of 1948-9).

10) Arab Nationalism: Arab Nationalism as a movement crystallized in the 1930s and came to the political fore in the 1960s. Arab Nationalism is a movement that seeks to create an Arab State or multiple Arab States based on common cultural and historical markers. This movement began to make a tether between Arab cultural identity and Islamic religious identity. This was especially keen in places with large non-Muslim communities because those communities typically worked closely with the European colonizers seen to be repressing the Arab identity. Zionism, which is a movement based on a European cultural identity and a Jewish religious identity was antithetical to the Arab Nationalist movement ideologically and claims territory that Arab Nationalists also claim putting them at odds politically.

11) Islamism: Islamism, the political philosophy that Shari'a or Islamic Religious Law should be the grounds upon which a state is ruled (as opposed to Islam, which is the religion), want to create a government that falls within their stringent and puritanical view of Islamic moral standards. In the Islamist conception, only Muslims should be in power in the State and any non-Muslim minorities should have a secondary role if they should have one at all, whereas Jews are too "uppity" in having created a state where they are in the dominant position. Second, Israel is situated in territory which used to be governed by Muslims for nearly 1300 years (with a century-long break under the Crusader States). As a result, Israel is considered a usurpation of historical Islamic authority whereas European countries (for example) never had Islamic authority before. Islamists have talked about reintroducing the jizya tax, a symbol of humiliation for Non-Muslims in both the Gaza Strip and in the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). At present, since no Jews live in either area, the primarily target of these laws would be Christians, but they do intend to subject the Jews to at least the jizya, if not outright execution and genocide, if they had the chance.

12) Anti-Nationalism:
In today's world, as things like globalization, cultural diffusion, and mixed ethnicities in major districts become more prominent, the Jewish support for the Zionist model of a Nation-State dedicated to one race or religion seems anachronistic. Germany, founded on the same model, now has the issue of integrating Turks (and their children) into the German state, but since Germans always lived in Germany and constituted a majority there, as opposed to being a reorganized Diaspora, nobody suggests that Germans should "return" to a more cosmopolitan type of existence. This is, however, oftentimes suggested by Anti-Nationalists and Post-Nationalists concerning the Jews and their State.

Conversely, Nationalists, especially in Europe, accuse the Jews of undermining their aims by helping with the integration of foreign and immigrant populations in their native countries. In the case of Europe, they usually trumpet out one or two Leftist ministers who happen to also be Jews as "proof" of the claim that Jews are undermining their countries.

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8y ago

There are a number of such reasons.

1) Anti-Semitism: There are six major reasons that people and countries harbor Anti-Semitic views and often these exist in contradictions (i.e. one group will hate them for one side of this reason and another group at a different place and time will hate them for the exact opposite reason): (1) Perceptions of Jewish Economic Power, (2) Perceptions of Jewish Ethnocentrism/Chosen-ness, (3) Religious motivations for Jew-hatred (both in Christianity and Islam), (4) Otherness, (5) Genetic/Racial Inferiority, and (6) Perceptions of Disloyalty. It is worth noting that the seventh most common reason, Ease of Scapegoating, only makes sense if at least one of the other six is in play, otherwise we could simply scapegoat the unicyclists for the world's ills.

1A) Jewish Economic Power: The common Anti-Semitic canard here is that Jews control the banks. Of course, this is not true as most banks are not chaired or owned or controlled by Jews; many banks operate independently or are controlled by Non-Jews. For example the Big Four US Banks are all run by Non-Jews: Jaime Dimon (JP Morgan Chase), Chad Holliday (Bank of America), Michael O'Neill (Citigroup), and John Stumpf (Wells Fargo). The reverse of this is that the Jews of 17th-19th century Poland and Russia were dirt poor, had no influence and yet they were hated, often explicitly because they were poor and therefore "contaminating" the country with their "poor-disease".

1B) Jewish Chosen-ness: The common Anti-Semitic canard here is that Jews believe themselves to be a superior ethnicity in the vein of the übermensch or "White Pride". This is contrary to the Jewish understanding is that the Jewish people were charged with a distinct mission/task that the rest of the world was not assigned and this is to elevate the spiritual character of the world. The Anti-Semites then argue that because Jews believe themselves superior to Non-Jews that Jews take advantage of Non-Jews and feel no remorse for it. The reverse of this is that in Western Europe in the late 19th Century, Jews, by and large, chose to assimilate and disregard their chosen-ness. The response is that Anti-Semites argued that the Jews were now going "undercover" and attempting to "infiltrate" European society. Additionally, when Christians or Muslims claim that they are the chosen elect-of-God, the chosen-ness issue does not seem to effect them.

1C) Religious Anti-Semitism: While Christianity and Islam are not inherently Anti-Semitism, their doctrines are easily to meld to an Anti-Semitic world vision and historically have been melded in such ways. Christianity's main thrust of Anti-Semitism comes from the crucifixion of Jesus, i.e. deicide. Christians also focused on the passages of the Old Testament which argue that Jews were in contravention to Divine Edicts and passages in the New Testament where Jesus condemns the actions of the Pharisees.

Islam has several Anti-Semitic thrusts. In addition to the Christ-killing (which is not deicide in Islam since Jesus is not God in Islamic theology and because Jesus eluded the attempt to crucify him), Muslims have made the argument that Jews are the killers of the Prophets plural, even though Jesus was the only one of the 35 prophets in the Qur'an who Jews attempted to kill (per Islamic teachings). Additionally, Muhammad and the early Muslims had negative political and military relationships with Arabian Jews which led to Anti-Semitism having a greater prominence in the early Islamic tradition.

1D) Otherness: The common Anti-Semitic canard here is that Jews are somehow different from other people and are, therefore, incapable of properly assimilating into the dominant culture. The argument went that their culture and beliefs were too odd for civil society and the Jews needed to be removed due to this customs incongruence. The reverse of this was that when Napoleon and other rulers emancipated the Jews (let them come out of the ghettos and interact as normal citizens). Anti-Semites responded that the Jews were now poisoning modern European society by direct interactions with it. In the Islamic World, since Jewish Emancipation came hand-in-hand with Imperialism, the Jews who assimilated were deemed to be imperialist infiltrators.

1E) Racial Inferiority: The common Anti-Semitic canard here is that Jews are somehow genetically inferior or lesser than other humans.. Composer Richard Wagner, a noted Anti-Semite argued that Jews have no souls and were incapable of producing or enjoying "true music". Hitler argued that they were deficient emotionally as well as mentally. In the European context, this racism was directed at Jews, arguing that as Semites (Middle Eastern people) they were not as well-developed as Whites. Interestingly, we see the reverse in Arab and African-American communities who practice this form of Anti-Semitism by arguing that Jews are a European offshoot of Khazaria and not as racially developed as Semites or Africans.

1F) Disloyalty:
The common Anti-Semitic canard here is that Jews harbor more loyalty to each other (or, since 1948 to Israel) than to their fellow countrymen. Military defeats have been framed on Jews, such as the Trial of Captain Alfred Dreyfus following France's defeat in the Franco-Prussian War. The evidence, however, is to the contrary. In nearly every case where Jews have been permitted to join the militaries of their host countries, they have enlisted in excess of their percentage. Throughout the Middle Ages, Jews were more loyal to the sovereign, especially since the sovereign would protect the Jews from rabid Anti-Semitic hordes of peasants.

2) Facelessness: Most people around the world, and especially in the Islamic World, have never met a Jew and only see Jews through the media portrayals of Israeli military actions or Jewish politicians in Western countries. As a result, "the Jews" are a people upon whom any claim of impropriety can be laid without a counterfactual relationship to see a Jew's humanity.

3) Israel's International Legal Violations: Israel has engaged in a number of policies in violation of international law, such as the unification of Jerusalem, the settlements in the West Bank, the annexation of the Golan Heights, etc.. Israel is not reticent for performing such acts and claims that it violates those laws because they are prejudicial to its rights and interests. If other countries did the same, (Iran is a great example), they are sternly reprimanded by the international community and forced to toe the line. The argument is often that because the Jews have control of international politics, that they are able to commit these violations with impunity while other countries cannot.

4) Anti-Colonialism: While Arab Nationalism was an anti-colonial movement, the general principles of the anti-colonialism led to a rejection of States based on European values in non-European locations with a large number of non-European (ethnically speaking) inhabitants. This sentiment was felt most strongly towards (South) Rhodesia, South Africa, and what would become Israel. Anti-colonialists believe that Asians and Africans had the right to Self-Determination pursuant to their cultures. However, Rhodesian and South African institutions could and did eventually convert to being African nations (in the true sense of the term) because their racist infrastructure could be reformed. Zionism is by default a government by the Jews and would cease to be Zionist if the Jews were taken out of the leadership position. Thus Zionism catches the ire of anti-colonialists.

5) Palestinian Indigenous Rights: The indigenous Palestinians and their descendants are aggrieved that people from abroad would come to the land that their parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents had lived on and worked for as long as they could remember and buy that land from the Ottomans without consulting them. Moreover, these people had a particular agenda to establish a state on the land they called their own. Understandably, the Palestinians, and those who support them, are opposed to the Zionist project and the Jews who realized it for these emotional and political considerations. Additionally, the Israeli Military Occupation of the West Bank Territories and the Blockade of Gaza represents a true legal and humanitarian crisis for Supporters of an Independent Palestine and the Palestinian People. To many in the world community, the Palestinians must have the right to go back to their homes (although it is doubtful that the Arabs would have permitted that right to the Jews should the Arabs have been victorious in the Arab-Israeli War of 1948-9).

6) Arab Nationalism: Arab Nationalism as a movement crystallized in the 1930s and came to the political fore in the 1960s. Arab Nationalism is a movement that seeks to create an Arab State or multiple Arab States based on common cultural and historical markers. This movement began to make a tether between Arab cultural identity and Islamic religious identity. This was especially keen in places with large non-Muslim communities because those communities typically worked closely with the European colonizers seen to be repressing the Arab identity. Zionism, which is a movement based on a European cultural identity and a Jewish religious identity was antithetical to the Arab Nationalist movement ideologically and claims territory that Arab Nationalists also claim putting them at odds politically.

7) Islamism: Islamism, the political philosophy that Shari'a or Islamic Religious Law should be the grounds upon which a state is ruled (as opposed to Islam, which is the religion), want to create a government that falls within their stringent and puritanical view of Islamic moral standards. In the Islamist conception, only Muslims should be in power in the State and any non-Muslim minorities should have a secondary role if they should have one at all, whereas Jews are too "uppity" in having created a state where they are in the dominant position. Second, Israel is situated in territory which used to be governed by Muslims for nearly 1300 years (with a century-long break under the Crusader States). As a result, Israel is considered a usurpation of historical Islamic authority whereas European countries (for example) never had Islamic authority before. Islamists have talked about reintroducing the jizya tax, a symbol of humiliation for Non-Muslims in both the Gaza Strip and in the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). At present, since no Jews live in either area, the primarily target of these laws would be Christians, but they do intend to subject the Jews to at least the jizya, if not outright execution and genocide, if they had the chance.

8) Anti-Nationalism:
In today's world, as things like globalization, cultural diffusion, and mixed ethnicities in major districts become more prominent, the Jewish support for the Zionist model of a Nation-State dedicated to one race or religion seems anachronistic. Germany, founded on the same model, now has the issue of integrating Turks (and their children) into the German state, but since Germans always lived in Germany and constituted a majority there, as opposed to being a reorganized Diaspora, nobody suggests that Germans should "return" to a more cosmopolitan type of existence. This is, however, oftentimes suggested by Anti-Nationalists and Post-Nationalists concerning the Jews and their State.

Conversely, Nationalists, especially in Europe, accuse the Jews of undermining their aims by helping with the integration of foreign and immigrant populations in their native countries. In the case of Europe, they usually trumpet out one or two Leftist ministers who happen to also be Jews as "proof" of the claim that Jews are undermining their countries.

9) Non-Jewish Holy Sites: Since the Holy Land does not only have Jewish Holy Sites, but also has Christian and Muslim Holy Sites, there is opposition in these communities to Jews having a physical monopoly and control of these holy sites. Particularly, many Muslims cannot visit Israel to see the Dome of the Rock or al-Aqsa Mosque since their countries of citizenship do not recognize Israel. Rather than blaming their own governments, it is far easier to blame the "insurrectionist Jews" who "stole the land" from Muslims and now "prevent" their coming to see it.

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6y ago

It's because they're stupid and misguided!

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7y ago

Many of the original causes of Anti-Semitism have not been "cured". To see what those are, see this linked page.

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People.See also:Why were many Jews so passive in WW2?Why didn't the Jews leave Europe before WW2?Why do you think many people didn't notice the harassment of German Jews before World War Two?

Why are concentration camps so significant to history?

the main tragedy people are aware of in the holocaust, many jews were killed in them

How did the Palestinian Arabs become people without a country?

In 1948, Jews didn't have a country, so they invaded Palestine, killed many Palestinians, and forced many out. The Jews then changed the name of Palestine to Israel.

Why did hitler kill not only jews but his own people?

Hitler did not only kill Jews but his own people so as to show powerful he is. He used different forms of propaganda so as to cause deaths of innocent people with the majority being Jews.

How did the Nazi's manage to kill so many people?

The Nazis succeeded with their genocide by brainwashing the German people into believing that the Jews were not human and thus killing them was not a sin. This took away the guilt from many young people, and they willingly turned the Jews in for slaughter in gas chambers and concentration camps.

What are Jews afraid of?

Jews, like all other human beings, can be afraid of many different things depending upon the individual. Some people are afraid of spiders, so as Jews are people it follows that some Jews are afraid of spiders. What are you afraid of? Chances are, somewhere in this world there's a Jew who shares your fear.

Why do so many people refuse to check or confirm the truthfulness of media accusations made against Jews?

Laziness and stereotyping.

Why did so many people dislike Hitler?

maybe it was because he killed 6 million Jews who never did anything to hurt him...