


Cycling is a sport that uses a bicycle. There are many different types of cycling such as track cycling, road cycling, time trialing, and cyclocross. All questions about bikes, bike racing, bike tricks, or any general questions about bikes should be asked here.

500 Questions

How many calories burned on a 25 mile bike ride?

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It depends on how much effort you have to put in. An average ride is approx. 110 calories per mile. However, a hard ride can be much more than that. For more information, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

How long does it take to burn calories on a bike?

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It's not really about how far, but rather about for how long and how hard you'd have to ride.

On good roads, that'll take more miles than it would on poor roads.

I can go through 800 calories in less than one hour, most would probably do it in 90 minutes or so, some may need two hours or even more.

What do cyclists drink while racing?

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Yes they have a snack bar and drink bottle but they don't show them eating on TV.

What day did the 1990 bike week start?

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Yes, so the 1991 bike week simply start in daytona. I guess that's just a law of nature

What is off road biking?

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Off-road racing is a huge format of racing where various classes of specially modified vehicles (including cars, trucks, motorcycles, and buggies) compete in races through off-road environments.

Which is better kink bmx or you the people bmx?

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neither they are just different bike companies one isn't better then the other and anyone who said that one was bette, is just saying that because they have a kink or a wtp and they like to hate on stuff they don't have.

What are the rights of a person riding a bicycle in the street?

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If you can keep up with cars you pretty much have the same rights they do last I heard. Left turn lanes are available to you also, but you need to stay up with traffic, or it's just dangerous. I would think if you impede, slow down traffic, you could be cited or warned. Cars that go too slow can receive a ticket for impeding traffic also.
Some states have designated bicycle paths on and off the road. Some states say that if you ride a bicycle in the road, you must abide by all road rules as if you were driving a car.

They have the same responsibilities or "rights" as all other traffic.

How do you get a kid to want to ride a bike?

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I have two things to pass down to you from personal experience: 1) it helps if you get the child around other children who ride bikes, even if they are slightly older than he/she. 2) get a bike yourself and ride in front of the child or just play like your gonna ride his/her bike. Most of the time either one of those two will work, unless the kid is traumitized from a past experience! i hope i helped:)

How many calories does riding a stationary bike for 10 minutes burn?

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The degree of resistence will determine how much. You would have to account for your weight, the weight of the bike, the surface you're riding on, the material, density and texture of the tires you're riding on, the angle of the surface you're riding on...It's subjective, so has no one right answer.

Why does running burn more calories than cycling?

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When it comes to burning calories, your heart rate is much more important than what you are doing.

If you can reach and sustain the same heart rate for the same amount of time you will burn pretty much the same amount of calories regardless of activity.

For the same length of time, riding flat out will burn more calories than a casual walk, while walking briskly can burn more than a casual ride.

When you have a set distance, cycling will burn less calories than walking at the same level of effort, as the higher speed of the bike means you'll finish the distance faster.

Do cyclists have to wear helmets?

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It is not illegal to ride a two or three wheeled motor vehicle without a helmet but some form of eye protection is required. On a Bike it is illegal to ride a bicycle without a helmet if you are under 16.

What are the rules for cycling olympics?

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Bicycle racing started out as road races, and that has remained fairly recognizable over the years. People ride faster, team tactics have become more developed but that's the main points about road racing.

Then there was the track racing, the single events(time trial) as opposed to the group events that sprung out of road riding.

But as the bike developed into several specialized versions (BMX, MTB etc) these too developed their own forms of competitions.

How did cycling start?

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ancients ago when our anceestors were here

ancients ago when our anceestors were here

ancients ago when our anceestors were here

Where are KTM made?

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KTM the famous motorcycle manufacturer do. They are an Austrian company that have been making very high quality motorcycles for years, they also make excellent bicycles using high spec components. Unfortunately they are not officially for sale in the UK yet but hopefully will be soon.

Difference between cycling and mountain biking?

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The main differences between the two types of racing are the terrain and bicycles. Road races are usually held on closed courses around a city, across a state, etc. They cover a lot of miles. Races can go from 1 mile sprints to centuries (100 miles), to the well known Tour de France. Distances are determined by the race, skill levels, type, etc. Mountain bike races are on closed courses obviously in the mountains. Single-track courses are the most prevalent. Like road races distances vary. Road bicycles are significantly lighter and streamlined than mountain bikes. They are designed to fit their riders so comfortably they could ride hundreds of miles. They have skinnier tires for less friction on the road, and drop-style handlebars for comfort. A mountain bike is designed to deal with the terrain as well as the rider. Some mountain bikes may have full front and rear suspension, or none at all. They have beefier tires as well as stronger, thicker frames. The differences truly are night and day.

Is biking a good exercise to lose weight?

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As long as you are alive you are already burning calories. And some of those calories come from fat. And the more physically active you are - the more you use your muscles - the more calories and fat you burn. I'll use up about 1000 cals/hour working real hard, which are about 30-50% from fat.

Is it safe to ride a bicycle?

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The most important thing to learn is that every kind of sports should be done in moderation during pregnancy.

The first rule is to communicate with your doctor and hearing what he thinks about.

It is right maintain a good level of fitness, eat well and avoid gaining too much excess weight, and exercise offers many benefits to both mother and child: increased blood flow, greater oxygen delivery, stress reduction.

But consider that you're living particular changes of your body, because now you are two! Infact you can be more tired than a normal condition, because the weight you have achieved, and you can have difficult to balance and there's more risk that you could fall off the bike.

Another issues to talk about is the period of your pregnancy: biking in the last trimester is not a good idea, you'd better choice a stationary bike inside your home. I can suggest you to read this article i've found in a specialistic web site about pregnancy and biking:

What are some disadvantages of riding a bike in the community?

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You don't get much of an upper body workout during road riding. Using the wrong technique and/or a poorly fitted bike can trash your knees. The hunched-forward position can cause pains in neck, shoulder, hands and the lower back. Depending on riding style and choice of surface there is a greater or smaller risk of falls. If you're riding in traffic you might become the target for road rage or sheer clumsiness. You can get a flat tire. It makes you sweat; especially bad if biking to social event, work, school, etc.

Most bikes don't have a roof in case of rain.

You can't bring your family with you, unless they have bikes of their own.

Helmet and/or wind will oftentimes mess up a good hairdo. You can crash and get hurt/dead.

What are the parts to a unicycle?

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the unicycle is very simple, from top down the parts are as follows:

seat, -to sit on, different from a bike seat in style, so legs can go strait down to pedals directly underneath it.)

seat post-connected to the seat with several ways, a 4-bolt square bracket, or bike-style connection, usually. other than that its a metal post.

Frame- connects seat post to wheel, a clamp of some sort tighens on the top of it, which squeezes on the seat post, keeping it there, at the ajusted height. it then splits at the crown, into 2 vertical posts.

-bearings- ball bearing usually; connects frame to hub. (lollipop style, is another way to make this connection)

hub- center of wheel, with spokes leaving it to the rim.

spokes- same as a bike, connected to rim to provide strength and stablility.

rim- metal outside o wheel. provides strength to the inner tube and tire.

crank arms- connect pedals to hub. stronger than bike, and right ones don't have crank system (except for girraffes)

-pedals (same as bikes)

that's about it, although there may be more/less depending with the unicycle.

brakes, crank system, handle bars (attached to seat post) second and third wheels (vertical) all might be included.

Is it safe to ride a bicycle on an interstate road?

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Most states prohibit riding on the intestates, due to safety concerns. Those which do, however, only allow such riding in wide-open "lesser-populated" areas such as Wyoming. Many cross-country cyclists REFUSE to ride on any interstate, regardless.

Is cycling fun?

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Cycling can be fun you just have to make it fun like just play games with your friends or even family get a group of people even to just go for a bike ride!

Where was the highest speed achieved by a cyclist?

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There are plenty of different "highest speeds" recorded, so your question cant be answered unless you specify which kind of cycling you're thinking of:

- normal looking bicycle, unassisted, on the flat

- mostly normal looking bicycle, downhill

- special build, drafting behind a motor vehicle

- special build, streamlined, only human powered

- over a short distance - a sprint, or a longer run

How long is 5 k race?

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A marathon is 42.2 kilometres or 26 miles.

Why do cyclist need power?

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to climb hills....

How long does it take to cycle 2.5km?

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There really isn't an average time, as it's highly dependent on the fitness level and effort from the rider, and type of bike that's ridden. A reasonably fit rider on a nice bike should be able to do it in 3- 5 minutes, but it could take up to 8-12 minutes for a more casual rider.