



Pork is the most consumed meat worldwide, and comes from domestic pigs.

500 Questions

Why is chicken healthier than pork?

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well you see Muslims don't eat pork because they think that its too dirty. chickens are nice but pork is against god`s religon. i heard that he said it. he said do not eat the pork. i know pork is nice to you and all, but its against god. i don't eat pork.

Can you cook pork roll in the microwave?

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yes i tried tai pork rolls i had four rolls and i put 4 min came out little soft but still good for a quick snack so 1:00 min to 1:30 min seconds for one and 2:00 min to 2:30 for 2 and so on

Can pregnant women eat pork chitterlings?

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Pork chitterlings are made from pig intestine and consumes a lot of time for the preparation. Pregnant women can consume chitterlings as it is considered harmless and often regarded as the soul food in Southern America.

Will a muslim go to hell if they eat pork?

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Allah (God in English) is All-Forgiving. If you ate pork, you should admit that you sinned and disobeyed Allah command, you should intend not to do it again, then you should repent and ask for Allah forgiveness. Then, per Allah will, Allah forgive you and accept your repentance.


If they had nothing else to eat and desperately needed food, then yes.

If they eat it without knowing that it is forbidden and eventually abandon it, also yes.

If they didn't know it was the meat of a pig, again yes.

If they keep eating it, however, even though they know it is wrong, then probably no.
If it was an accident, no sin was committed.

If not, they should know that they did something wrong and repent.

When you make sausage balls do you brown the sausage first?

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you make courtney marie haffner smell them

Do marshmallows in lucky charms contain pork?

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Yes they do. All General Mills cereals with marshmallows in them have pork.

How much was a pound of bacon in the 1930s?

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In the 1930's a pund of bacon would cost about 11 in a half cents.

Where did sausage cheese balls come from?

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It's been an English pub snack for over 100 years

How big a ham for 14 people?

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Approximately a 13 - 15 pound ham would be needed for that many persons. If you cook it with vinegar it will make your ham VERY moist and me, I didn't believe it at first either. Merry Christmas!!

How do you prepare Appleton farms sugar and spice ham glaze from package?

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Empty the contents into a small saucepan, add one tablespoon of warm water, then heat and stir till the sugar melts. I used a brush to get it in the ham. -- bretw1t

Does pork contain bad fat?

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yes pork contains nothing but bad fat

What category does bacon go under on the food pyramid?

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sugar and sweets

Is boar pork?

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Similar, yes, but not the same, due to a diffrence in diet between the animals.

Is oxtail pork?

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Oxtail is beef.

Does whip topping have pork in it?

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Does lecithin contain any pork ingredients?

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Although lecithin is made from oils, animal fat may also be used.

Crock pot pulled pork barbecue sandwiches?

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Take a 3 lb boneless pork shoulder roast, one chopped onion, bottle of BB sause, 3 tbl spoon honey, dash of hot pepper. Cook on low 7 to 9 hours. Chow down.

What food substance does ham contain?

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Ham is pork meat that has been cured, aged or smoked. Commercial packaged hams often contain other ingredients such as water to make the meat juicy and heavier, as well as salt, sugar, various flavorings and preservatives. and it's very good

What does poisoned pork patties paralyze patrician mean?

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Is that on a worksheet or something? I got a worksheet a couple days ago that had that same question on it.

What is a pork?

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Pork is the meat from pigs. In addition to fresh pork, the meat is processed by curing either by salt and sugar or by smoking. Processed pork is know as ham, sausage, or bacon. A portion of the leg know as ham hocks, may also be smoked.

In Southern foodways, pork was a diet staple for several reasons. First, the amount of space needed to raise pigs is much less than the requirement for cows allowing farmers with small plots of land the ability to raise pigs and still have room for growing crops. Secondly, if a farmer fell on hard times and was unable to continue feeding the pigs, they could turn them out and let them forage on their own. Pigs do not roam long distances so the farmer would be able to locate the fattened pig when it was time for butchering.

Why does the summer sausage casing stick to the meat?

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You probably have a protein lined casing which is used for pepperoni type sausages which need the casing to shrink with the meat, A summer sausage casing is NOT protein lined and should peel off readily.

What is the difference between pig and swine?

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Swine is more general than pig. Swine is any of various omnivorous, even-toed ungulates of the family Suidae. It includes pigs, hogs, and boars, having a stout body with thick skin, a short neck, and a movable snout.

How many calories in pork barbeque ribs?

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  • There are approximately 449 calories in a 4 oz serving of plain braised pork spare ribs (about 113 calories per ounce).
  • There are approximately 388 calories in three BBQ pork spare ribs.

  • There are approximately 396 calories in one very large, American style BBQ pork spare rib. Add additional calories accordingly for BBQ sauce. (check labels).

  • Chinese style BBQ pork may contain more since they are usually broiled and not grilled, thereby retaining some fat.... Additionally, some recipes may use a bit of sesame oil adding further calories.

How long can you keep pork after its been frozen and then defrosted?

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Meats do not last long in the refrigerator. Only about 3 to 4 days if it is raw. Then 1 to 2 days longer if cooked and placed in an airtight container. You should always cover meats when stored in the fridge.