


Volleyball is played both indoors and on the beach. Teams get three chances to hit a ball over the net in hopes of grounding the ball on the opposite side. Ask questions about volleyball rules, techniques and teams here.

500 Questions

What SI units are used to measure volume of a volleyball?

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The volume of a volleyball is typically measured in cubic meters (m³) in the SI system. One can also use liters (L) as a common non-SI unit for measuring the volume of a volleyball.

What atoms are in a volleyball?

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A volleyball typically consists of synthetic materials like rubber, foam, and leather. These materials are composed of various atoms found in organic compounds, such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen.

Unbalanced forces in volleyball?

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Unbalanced forces in volleyball occur when one team applies more force than the other, leading to the ball moving in the direction of the stronger force. This can happen during serves or spikes when one team exerts more power, causing the ball to be hit harder or faster towards the opposing side. Players need to anticipate and react to unbalanced forces to maintain control of the game.

How is volleyball related to physics?

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Volleyball involves many physics principles, such as projectile motion when the ball is served, gravity affecting the ball's trajectory, and momentum transfer during a spike. The angle and force at which the ball is hit, as well as friction with the air and the floor, all impact the game and players' strategies. Understanding physics can help players optimize their movements and techniques for better performance.

What is the fastest volleyball serve ever recorded?

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The fastest volleyball serve ever recorded was made by György Grozer, a Hungarian volleyball player, with a speed of 134 km/h (83.5 mph) during a match.

What are the safety considerations for volleyball?

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Safety considerations for volleyball include proper warm-up and stretching to prevent injuries, using appropriate footwear to avoid slips and falls, practicing correct technique to reduce the risk of strains and sprains, and ensuring the playing area is clear of obstacles to prevent trips and collisions. Adequate hydration and rest are also important for player safety.

What is the cell analogy of a volleyball court?

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A cell's cytoplasm is like the playing area of a volleyball court, providing space for the various cell organelles to carry out their functions. The net in a volleyball court can be compared to the cell membrane, which separates the cell's internal environment from the external surroundings. The players and spectators can be likened to molecules and ions that move in and out of the cell through the membrane.

Any ball that goes outside the 1st and 3rd baselines?

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A ball that goes outside the 1st and 3rd baselines in baseball is considered foul. If a batter hits a foul ball, it is considered a strike, except when a player already has two strikes.

Who does Bella hit in the back of the head with a volleyball during gym class?

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Bella hits Edward Cullen in the back of the head with a volleyball during gym class in the Twilight book series.

What are some rules for dissecting?

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  1. Use proper tools and techniques to minimize damage to the specimen.
  2. Work in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling fumes from preservatives.
  3. Follow a systematic approach, documenting your observations and findings throughout the dissection process.
  4. Dispose of biological materials appropriately following local regulations.

Volleyball is a combination of what 3 sports?

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soccer, basketball, and ice hockey its kinda like water polo on land...

Por que se invento el volleyball?

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William G. Morgan inventó el juego de volleyball el 9 febrero 1895. Era director de educación física de un YMCA en Massachusetts. Inventó el volleyball porque quería.

How many players are there in a polo team?

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no an entire team could be 20-60 horses, they switch them out to rest frequently so they need a lot of equines.

And is this is a trick question.... the answer is zero because they are polo "Ponies" not "horses" lol

What collage was the first game of volleyball played at?

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Springfield College July 1896 was the first volleyball game ever played

What muscles are used for serving in volleyball?

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You're not supposed to use your arms. You use your legs to pass a ball.

If the ball touches the net in voleyball and still falls in the opponents court what is it called?

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when you are hitting a ball,and you hit the net or hit it out of bounds that is called a hitting error.

Where do the players play beach volleyball?

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volley ball players play mostly in the summer time so it won't be to cold to play the game in your swim suit

Who are two famous female volleyball players?

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Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh

How much does a point worth in volleyball?

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A point is worth a point, in any game

How do you become a left handed volleyball player?

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practice.? duhhh..I'm a left handed volleyball player and it took me almost 3 years to get a perfect kill down..and now I'm like pro..iv gotten scholarships to school like all aorund the world :) i'd say just practice practice practice..go to volleyball cmaps private whatever it we all say practice makes perfect good luckk.

How many people can 1 person sub in for in a volleyball game?

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One person can only sub in for one position/rotation a volleyball game. However, multiple people can sub in for that same position, but once they sub in for one position, they may not sub back out and go in for a different position.

When volley ball season is?

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The high school and college volleyball season is played in the fall. It usually starts around August and ends between October and November. However most teams have a preseason workout during the spring and summer.

Club volleyball starts in December and can end anywhere between March and July.

How many players allowed on court in volleyball?

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It depends if we are talking about Indoor Volleyball or Beach Volleyball.

Indoor/ court Volleyball: 6 players each side

Beach Volleyball: 2 players per team/ sode