


Antipsychotic is a tranquilizing psychiatric medication that gives calming effect and is used to treat psychotic conditions such as delusions, disordered thought and hallucinations. Antipsychotic drugs also a number of undesired effects such as lowered life expectancy and weight gain.

500 Questions

Is taking 4 seroquel at once Over dose?

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Asked by Wiki User

Depends on the strength of the tablets, if they are 300mg then taking 4 of them

(1200mg) would be considered and overdose, so anything up to 1000mg is safe.

Although anything up to 1000mg is safe but you do have to watch out for low blood pressure when increasing the dose, this could cause you to become very dizzy, increasing the dose gradually is recommended, if in doubt consult your psychiatrist.

What happens if you mix Seroquel Skelaxin clonazepam diazepam and alcohol?

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Asked by Wiki User

Why would you take clonazapam (Klonopin) and diazapam (Valium) together? They're both benzodiazepines, members of the same class of drug. Everything you've listed is sedating and depresses the central nervous system. Alcohol can dramatically increase the effects of the Seroquel, Skelaxin, clonazepam, and diazepam, and is a CNS depressant itself. You could die from this combination, or worse, end up in a coma or permanent vegetative state.

Best case scenario is that you'll vomit before you pass out so you don't aspirate your stomach contents, and someone will call the rescue squad. If you survive your adventure, expect to have your stomach pumped and/or ingest a large quantity of charcoal mixed with a laxative. Also, expect to spend some time on an in-patient psych unit.

Don't mix those meds, and especially don't mix them with alcohol. If you're feeling suicidal, go to your nearest emergency room for assistance.

What is generic name of paracetamol?

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The generic name for Tylenol is "Acetaminophen". Additionally, it may be labeled as "Non-Aspirin Pain Reliever".

It has the exact same ingredients and concentration as name brand Tylenol.

Can you take olanzapine and chlorpromazine together?

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Ativan and olanzapine can cause serious complications when taken together. Symptoms of severe drug interaction can include low blood pressure, shallow breathing, weak pulse, muscle weakness and drowsiness.

What time of day should you take Seroquel?

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Asked by Wiki User

Seroquel XL should be administered once daily, without food (at least one hour before a meal). The tablets should be swallowed whole and not split, chewed or crushed.

This is from the manufacturer.

What is difference between somnolence and sedation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hypersomnia is a general symptom and a category of sleeping conditions for those who have problems staying awake (more sleepy). Hypersomnia is experienced by those with narcolepsy and hypersomnolence (which are separated between those who experience R.E.M. and those who do not).

Short answer: hypersomnolence is hypersomnia, but hypersomnia covers more than hypersomnolence like narcolepsy.

Example: Invasive ductal carcinoma is a breast cancer, but not all cancers are breast cancers. Hope this clears it up, if not feel free to correct me.

What are atypical antipsychotic drugs?

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All of the atypical antipsychotic agents are chemically classified as dibenzepines. They are considered atypical or novel because they have different side effects from the conventional antipsychotic agents.

Will zyprexa show up on a drug test as benzodiazipine?

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No. Anti-Psychotics don't show up as Benzodiazepines in a drug test.

Can you take suboxone and abilify at the same time?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, Suboxone, Prestiq, and Abilify can safely be taken together. Suboxone AKA buprenorphine is used as a maintenance medication for opiate addiction. Prestiq is an antidepressant that works differently than SSRI's. Prestiq blocks two main chemicals in the brain one of which is serotonin. Lastly, Abilify in the beginning was used to treat schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. In recent test Abilify has been shown to work very well with other antidepressants namely Prestiq.

Dr. John D. Shupe, II, Arts.D, Ph.D

Professional Life Coach

What is the effect of combining zyprexa and ibuprofen?

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Should be none. Ibprofen is just an anti-inflammatory and is not a narcotic. If you are worried about side-effects, then I suggest that you take tylenol.

Is it dangerous to take Klonopin and Seroquel together?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, you should be fine. However, please consider that Klonapin is highly addictive and habit forming. Are you taking these medications for a psychiatric disorder? Be careful,again. Not only with the Klonapin, but Seroquel and Lamictal will knock you out, and numb you out. No way to live life. These medications are meant to be taken for a short period of time, unless you are severely schizophrenic. If you do take them for a long period of time you may develop Tardive Dyskenesia. And it's chronic. Good luck...

Does lithium show up in urine?

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Asked by Wiki User

Lithium carbonate is not tested for, mainly because it is not a drug of abuse. It is, rather, one of the nastiest drugs you can go on. The side effects are really bad and the therapeutic index--the distance in dosing between the dose that works and the dose that kills you--is very small. And the side effects are unbelievable--"tremors" are the mildest side effect of this drug.

Can you take adipex and abilify at the same time?

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Asked by Wiki User

About 7pm Wednesday December 30,2009 I took one 15 mg Abilify tablet with one 50 mg Spironolactone tablet and one 500 mg metformin tablet.. At 7 am on the following morning THURSDAY THE 31ST I took 50 mg Spironolactone and 500 mg Metformin again. Then at about 1 pm on the same day I took one 37.5 mg tablet of PHENTERMINE and at 6:48 pm I took another 15 mg Abilify and 500 mg Metformin and 50 mg Spironolactone. It is now 7:08 pm and I'm doing just fine!

Does seroquel come in suspension form?

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Seroquel is only available in pill dosage form. So , No it does not come in liquid form.

Can NyQuil and abilify be taken together?

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Asked by Wiki User

I wouldn't recommend it. I am also on Abilify and Nyquil night-time relief and nearly crashed my car. Shakes, chills, racing heartbeat, confusion, blurred vision (to the point of barely being able to see), etc. Once home I found out that together these medications can cause "anticholinergic intoxication syndrome" which describes my symptoms exactly. They list it as a "moderate" interaction between the two drugs, but it can cause death in rare, and severe cases.


Abilify & Nyquil Interaction -

Anticholinergic Intoxication Syndrome -

What antidepressant can you take with zyprexa?

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Asked by Wiki User

Combining Cymbalta with an SSRI is not a great idea, because Cymbalta already has serotonin re-uptake inhibition action. Side-effects will likely be significantly worsen. So, if are indeed decided to do so, I would suggest an SSRI which has not so great side effect profile like Escitalopram (Lexapro/Cipralex) or Citalopram (Celexa). Watch out for sexual side effects!!

What is the antidote for haldol?

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Benzotropine or Cogentin is prescribed by psychiatrists to treat Parkinson's Disease like side effects such as stiff muscles.

But the benzodiazepine called Clonazepam or Klonopin takes away the bad feelings or inner tension and torment from Haldol rapidly. Unfortunately psychiatrists are usually unwilling to prescribe Klonopin to treat side effects of antipsychotics such as Haldol.

Is it hard to quit taking seroquel suddenly or 'cold turkey' after you have been taking it for 3 years?

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Asked by Wiki User

Bad idea. Depending on the amount you are taking, how long, and why there can be a number of withdrawls. Seroquel is a strong medicine, it is possible to quit, but this is best done slowly under the supervision of a psychiatrist.

Can you take Klonopin and zyprexa together?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes u can take but not for a long time because olnazapine may caused neuro maligant

Will haldol show in blood test?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are two kinds of urine tests: tests done for medical purposes and tests for the use of illegal street drugs (or abuse of prescription meds).

Haldol is an older anti psychotic drug mostly used for people with schizophrenia, psychosis and delirium. Apparently its side effects are quite debilitating, and I can't find evidence that it can even get you high at all.

It won't show up if they are doing a test because you are physically ill. Although it could be detected in a urine or blood test for illegal/controlled drugs, it's unlikely anyone will be looking for Haldol and unlikely they would take much interest or concern over the fact that it showed up.