

Arm and Leg Pain

This category focuses on answering all of the questions you might have on the causes of arm and leg pain, treating it, and preventing it.

500 Questions

Why do you shake something when it gets hurt?

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Asked by Wiki User

shake the organ when you hurt to reduce pain, that's less blood supply

You had a fall and staved your wrist What is the best recovery method ice or strapping over the next couple of days?

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Asked by Wiki User

Stapping it; ice would only make it numb and you'd move it, forgetting that you'd hurt it.

I missed on a injection now my arm is in MUCH pain asnd swollen. What can I do?

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Asked by Wiki User

You are having an allergic reaction. Start with antihistamines. Get them at the drugstore (Chemist in England). If the home remedy does not work, then you will need to go to someone who knows what they are doing.

What is limping walk?

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Asked by Wiki User

a limping walk is like when you hurt one of your legs and you walk with a limp . like uhhh; hobbling ?

What is the pain in the forearm called?

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Asked by Wiki User

The term brachialgia refers to arm pain but no such specific terminology to describe

forearm pain

Can cycling affect your soccer performance?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you do enough of it, sure. Road cycling and MTB XC is mostly about endurance, long rides at moderate power output while soccer is more about short, intense bursts. Cycling can be a good complementary exercise form to boost you stamina, but if you do too much of it you might find that your peak strength begins to suffer. Bike riders are usually fairly lean and stringy guys, while soccer players often have a bit more bulk.

Does a chi pendant work?

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Asked by Wiki User

yea ,,it worx around 8h/day unless thinking about overtime . and worx also as a magnifier

Can gas move in your legs or arms?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes gas can travel in your legs and arms. from what I understand gas can travel to any open area in the body. It can also travel to the heart which can be really dangerous....

Why do the calf of the leg get numb?

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Asked by Wiki User

Because you are not getting enough or any circulation.