

Birth Rate

Birth rate is a measurement of the number of births in a country per 1,000 population.

500 Questions

What is the Birth rate of Madagascar?

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The birth rate in Madagascar is approximately 29 births per 1,000 people, according to the World Bank data.

What are the factors that affect population growth at a global scale?

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Factors that affect population growth at a global scale include birth rates, death rates, immigration, and emigration. Other factors such as access to healthcare, education, economic development, and cultural norms also play a role in influencing population growth. Additionally, environmental factors like natural disasters and climate change can impact population growth.

What are implications for a country in which there is a rapid increase in the birth rate?

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Implications of a rapid increase in birth rate for a country could include strains on resources such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure; increased pressure on the job market as more people enter the workforce; potential challenges in providing social services and support for families; and a need for long-term planning to accommodate the growing population.

Is the following sentence true or false if the birth rate is greater than the death rate population size decreases?

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False.. if the birthrate is greater than the Death Rate... the population INCREASES !

How many baby boys were born in 2011?

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In 2011, approximately 1.05 million baby boys were born in the United States.

A population has a growth rate when the death rate is higher than the birth rate?

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Actually, a population has a negative growth rate when the death rate exceeds the birth rate. This means that more individuals are dying than being born, resulting in a decline in population size over time.

What are the affects of the declining birth rate in North America?

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The declining birth rate in North America can lead to challenges such as an aging population, reduced workforce size, and strains on social services like healthcare and retirement programs. It may also impact economic growth and potentially increase the burden on younger generations to support an aging population.

How many children are born with HLHS every year?

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Around 960 babies are born with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) in the United States each year.

What of the SAARC countries has highest birth rate?

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As of the latest data available, Afghanistan has the highest birth rate among the SAARC countries.

How do high birth rates lead to high mortality rates?

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High birth rates can lead to high mortality rates due to strain on resources such as healthcare, food, and water. This can result in limited access to essential services and increased spread of diseases, leading to higher mortality rates, particularly among vulnerable populations such as infants and the elderly. Additionally, high birth rates may contribute to overcrowding and poor living conditions, which can further exacerbate health issues and mortality rates.

What is the relationship between purchasing power per person and birth rate?

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There is an inverse relationship between purchasing power per person and birth rate. As purchasing power increases, birth rates tend to decrease due to factors such as improved access to education, healthcare, and family planning services. Higher purchasing power can also lead to a shift in societal norms and priorities, influencing individuals to have fewer children.

What is the current birth rate of Nepal?

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As of 2021, the birth rate in Nepal is estimated to be around 19.9 births per 1,000 people. This rate can vary annually based on factors such as government policies, economic conditions, and cultural norms.

Why do birth rates remain high in some countries even though they have a birth control programme?

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High birth rates in some countries may be influenced by factors such as limited access to education, cultural beliefs that encourage large families, lack of awareness about contraceptive methods, or religious reasons that discourage family planning. Even with a birth control program in place, these underlying factors can impact individuals' choices about family size. Additionally, social and economic conditions, such as poverty and lack of women's empowerment, can also play a role in maintaining high birth rates.

What date has the highest birth rate?

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September 9th is considered the date with the highest birth rate worldwide. This is often attributed to the phenomenon of couples planning or scheduling births to have special numerical patterns in the birth date, such as 09/09.

What is Canada's 2011 birth rate?

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Canada's birth rate in 2011 was approximately 10.28 births per 1000 people.

What is the model of population growth that states the growth rate remains constant because birth and death rates are equal?

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The model of population growth that states the growth rate remains constant because birth and death rates are equal is called zero population growth or ZPG. In this scenario, the population size does not increase or decrease over time due to the balance between births and deaths.

Which country has implemented government policies to reduce birth rates?

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China implemented the one-child policy in 1980 to reduce birth rates and control population growth. The policy was relaxed in 2015 to allow families to have two children.

Is Africa the lowest birth rate and the lowest infant mortality rate in the world?

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No, Africa does not have the lowest birth rate and infant mortality rate in the world. African countries often have higher birth rates and infant mortality rates compared to other regions due to various factors such as inadequate healthcare infrastructure and high fertility rates.

Birth rate of the Philippines 2010?

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The birth rate in the Philippines in 2010 was approximately 24.98 births per 1,000 people according to the World Bank data. This rate has been gradually decreasing over the years due to various factors such as improved access to family planning services and a shift towards smaller family sizes.

What was the birth rate of Netherlands in 2009?

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Asked by IntellectualAshv

The birth rate in the Netherlands in 2009 was 10.3 births per 1,000 people.

What is the birth rate of Germany from 2005-10?

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The birth rate in Germany from 2005-2010 was around 8 to 9 births per 1,000 population.

What is the birth rate of Slovakia from 2005-10?

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The birth rate in Slovakia from 2005-2010 averaged around 10.5 to 10.7 births per 1,000 people per year.

What was the birth rate of India from 2005 to 2010?

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The birth rate in India from 2005 to 2010 ranged from approximately 22 to 23 births per 1,000 people per year. This rate has been gradually declining over the years due to various factors such as improved healthcare, education, and family planning programs in the country.

What was the birth rate of Uruguay in 2009?

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Asked by IntellectualAshv

The birth rate in Uruguay in 2009 was approximately 14.9 births per 1,000 people.

What was the birth rate of Algeria in 2009?

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Asked by IntellectualAshv

The birth rate of Algeria in 2009 was approximately 25 births per 1,000 people. This rate may have varied slightly throughout the year but it gives a general idea of the country's fertility during that time.