

Canada Entertainment and Arts

Canada Entertainment and arts includes celebrities, movies and the fine arts throughout the whole country of Canada. It’s primarily a guide of who is who and where to go for fine entertainment in major metropolitans in Canada.

500 Questions

Who are the actors and actress on the Canadian show just for laughs gags?

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The cast of Great Canadian Laugh Off - 2006 includes: Frankie Agyemang as Himself - Comedian JaNae Armogan as herself Luke Ashlocke as Himself - Comedian Matt Billon as Himself - Comedian Trevor Boris as Himself - Comedian Mark Breslin as Himself - Host Eddie Brill as Himself - Judge Claire Brosseau as Herself - Comedian Chuck Byrn as Himself - Comedian Martha Chaves as Herself - Comedian Graham Chittenden as Himself - Comedian Mark DeBonis as Himself - Comedian Eddie Della Siepe as Himself - Comedian Tom Dustin as Himself - Comedian Steve Dylan as Himself - Comedian Laurie Elliott as Herself - Comedian Mark Forward as Himself - Comedian Ryan Garrett as Himself - Comedian Ray Garrett as Himself - Comedian Phil Hanley as Himself - Comedian Brent Haynes as Himself - Judge Andrea Henry as Herself - Comedian Bruce Hills as Himself - Judge Julia Hladkowicz as Herself - Comedian John Ki as Himself - Comedian Brian MacQuarrie as Himself - Comedian Bobby Mair as Himself - Comedian Jeff McEnery as Himself - Comedian Darcy Michael as Himself - Comedian Cedric Newman as Himself - Comedian Ashley Olivia as Herself - Judge Rob Pue as Himself - Comedian Darryl Purvis as Himself - Comedian Ali Rizvi Badshah as Himself - Comedian Darrin Rose as Himself - Comedian Flip Schultz as Himself - Comedian Ron Sparks as Himself - Comedian Jon Steinberg as Himself - Comedian Pam Thomas as Herself - Judge Pat Thornton as Himself - Comedian

Who were the group of 7?

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The Magnificent Seven is a movie by John Sturges (The Great Escape).

The Cast of the seven are:

Yul Brynner as Chris Adams

Steve Mcqueen as Vin

James Coburn as Britt

Charles Bronson as Bernardo O'Reilly

Horst Buchholz as Chico

Brad Dexter as Harry Luck

Robert Vaughn as Lee

Eli Wallach plays a Bandit named Calvera who terrorizes a small Mexican village with his forty men, and the villagers go to America for help. There they find Chris Adams (Yul Brynner), a veteran gunslinger. They ask him to help them buy guns. He tells them that to hire gunmen would be much better, and they ask him to hire men for them. He hires 5 men (making their number 6) and they go down to Mexico, followed by Chico (Horst Buchholz). Chico had earlier asked to help but was turned away, but he is then accepted (bringing their number to 7). The seven men go to the village to stop the raids from Calvera. When Calvera returns for a raid, he is surprised that his 40 can not defeat the magnificent 7.

What kinds of art are in Canada?

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Canada has the same art as us because we get our art is like the same and because we both trade with each other

know one knows what you are talking about because we don't know who us is

What is the percentage of people employed in agriculture in Canada?

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It's stategically correct to be 0-13%

That's not exactly true. I got my answer from my online schooling book and it said..

In both the United Kingdom and the United States, by the mid-1970s more than 95 percent of the employed population was in manufacturing and services and less than 5 percent in agriculture.

What is Corner Gas?

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Corner Gas is a sitcom taking place in Dog River, Saskatchewan. It follows the lives of local residents living in a tiny farm town. I think it is one of the best comedys ever.

In the US it is found on the WGN network. Now its' 3 episodes back to back to back at 4:30 am eastern time.

but corner gas is filmed rouleau sk but the sets like the ruby or the police office is filmed in Regina sk at the CBC brodcasting center

Which currency used in Canada?

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A lot of places near the border will accept a U.S. dollar for a Canadian dollar, but that's because the exchange rate is favorable. In general you need to use Canadian currency, which you can easily obtain by exchanging your U.S dollars at any bank in Canada and most in the U.S. You can also use traveler's checks and credit cards at places that accept them, but the fees for the former and sometimes poor exchange rates for the latter may make it more expensive to do so.

Typically using a credit card will get you a favorable exchange rate, as the company does it in much larger quantities, reducing the overhead. Most border crossings have an money exchange.

How old is Anne-Marie Sweeney from The Weather Network?

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Canadian TV personality Anne-Marie Sweeney is likely in her late 40s (born circa 1968). She was 40 when she left The Weather Network in 2008, and 45 when she joined The Shopping Channel.

*The unrelated former Disney Channel executive, Anne Marie Sweeney, was born in 1957.

What does a typical Canadian house look like?

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yeah, we live in igloos. NO, we live in a house that looks just like everyone elses. You know, typical house; roof, brick, door, windows...we also have little plastic houses right in the centre of the mountains and live on eating cow crap

When was Gary Harvey born?

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Gary Harvey was born on August 5, 1962.

Can you do acca from China?

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Yes. But require approval as per chinese law.

Is Karl wolf engaged?

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yes he is engaged ofcourse he did exaclty

What town is the mineral capital of Canada?

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Bacncroft Ontario caNadA is the capital! i know i lived there! t

What is some culture in Calgary Alberta?

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Calgary is home to many peoples and cultures here is a list of just some of the cultural groups in Calgary:

Antigua and Barbuda Association of Calgary

Austrian Canadian Society

Calgary Chinese Cultural Society

Calgary Italian Club

Calgary Japanese Community Association

Calgary Multicultural Centre

Croatian Canadian Cultural Centre

Danish Canadian Club of Calgary

Dutch Canadian Club of Calgary


German Canadian Club of Calgary

Hungarian Canadian Cultural Centre

India Canada Association of Calgary

Irish Cultural Society of Calgary

Pakistan Canada Association

Philippine Cultural Centre Foundation of Calgary

Polish Canadian Association of Calgary

Portuguese Community Centre

Trinidad and Tobago Social Activities

Ukrainian Cultural Centre

Venezuelan Canadian Association of Calgary

Why did Rush fire John Rutsey?

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It's not so much that they fired him; things were not working out for several reasons. For one, John was not healthy-- he had severe diabetes and back then, that meant frequent trips to the hospital or being very careful about where you went and what you did. Plus, being young, he did not follow the diet his doctors recommended, and that further complicated his health. The other two members of Rush (Alex and Geddy) really wanted to be a touring band, and when I discovered them in mid-1974, they had already made the decision that they needed someone who could go on the road-- which John's health would not have permitted.

Further, even then, the band wanted to move in a different musical direction and not just be a "bar band." They were seeking someone to help take Rush to the next level, and that led to hiring Neil Peart. Severing ties with John Rutsey was difficult, but the decision was made that this would be best for all concerned.

What is the meaning of philipians 3 14?

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"I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus (Phil 3:14)."

Salvation is a free gift that is not earned by works but accepted through belief. Nonetheless,

"God will give to each person according to what he has done. To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life. But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger. There will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile; but glory, honor and peace for everyone who does good: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. For God does not show favoritism (Romans 2:6-10, NIV)."

What is a fun place to go in Winnipeg?

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Lots of fun places in Winnipeg depending on the season and what is going on. Winnipeg is big into music, very big. Lots of bands you've heard of and likely more than a few you listen to are from Winnipeg so be sure to check out the music scene.

There are still a couple famous bars from back in Winnipeg's hey day's of about 100 years and a couple of blues bars you want to be sure to visit.

There are lots of regular North American activities, if it is your first time to Canada be sure to see an IMAX movie, it's another Canadian invention.

Of course the Forks, you can have lots of fun there. Be sure to take your skates if it is winter.

Then there are a number of really good museums, and cultural centres, which can be a nice break from the music scene and bars.

A place I do not think of as fun but worth a trip is the Canadian Human Rights museum.

Now it may sound funny to suggest another place but Winnipeg has direct flights to another place in Manitoba which may be even more famous, which is Churchill. A visit to Manitoba's Ocean port is not cheap but regardless of season it will be the highlight of your visit to Manitoba or Winnipeg.

What is the best fashion school in Vancouver BC?

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kwantlen, avoid blanche macdonald

Where is Fundy National Park located?

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In Canada.

For more information see the Related Link shown below.

Who narrates Mighty Ships on the Discovery Channel Canada?

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Barbara Budd narrates. The directors are various, including Karl Jason, Mike Davidson and James Hyslop. The writer is Carolyn Saunders.