

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

CTS is the result of compression of the wrist's median nerve which in turn causes pain and numbness in the hand

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Does a neurologist treat carpal tunnel?

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Yes, a neurologist can treat carpal tunnel syndrome, which is a common condition that affects the hand and wrist. Neurologists are specialized in diagnosing and treating conditions that affect the nervous system, including carpal tunnel syndrome. They can provide a range of treatments, such as splinting, medication, therapy, and in some cases, surgery.

Lysis of adhesions cpt code?

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The CPT code for lysis of adhesions is typically 44005 for laparoscopic procedures and 44020 for open procedures. It is important to verify the specific details of the procedure being performed to accurately assign the appropriate code for billing purposes.

Where does the calcium which builds up on the salt chlorinator cell come from?

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The calcium that builds up on the salt chlorinator cell usually comes from the dissolved minerals in the pool water, particularly calcium carbonate. This mineral can precipitate out of solution when the pool water becomes oversaturated with calcium due to factors like high pH, high calcium hardness levels, or high water temperatures. Regular maintenance and water chemistry balancing can help prevent excessive calcium buildup.

What is carpal tunnel syndrome's scientific name?

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Carpal tunnel syndrome's scientific name is median nerve entrapment or median neuropathy at the wrist. It occurs when the median nerve, which runs from the forearm into the hand, becomes compressed at the wrist within a space called the carpal tunnel.

What is the difference between carpal tunnel and arthritis?

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Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that affects the nerve in the wrist, causing pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand and arm. Arthritis, on the other hand, is a condition that causes inflammation and stiffness in the joints. While carpal tunnel syndrome affects a specific nerve in the wrist, arthritis can affect any joint in the body.

What is carpal tunal syndrome?

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Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition where the median nerve in the wrist becomes compressed, leading to symptoms like numbness, tingling, and weakness in the hand and fingers. It is often caused by repetitive hand movements or conditions that create pressure on the median nerve, such as inflammation or injury. Treatment may include splinting, medication, or in severe cases, surgery.

What are the negative consequences of using the computer excessively?

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You might suffer eyestrain or perhaps myopia (nearsightedness) from constantly looking at screen. You might supper carpal tunnel syndrome from excessive keyboard use or mouse use, particularly when lacking sufficient wrist support. You could develop back problems due to poor posture in sitting after a long time at the computer. Finally, your social skills may decline after a while due to no contact with outside world, and you might develop mental problems.

Can you fly day after carpal tunnel surgery?

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I believe so, I have to fly and get my surgery done and was told that I can fly back home the day after.

What's the medical code for carpal tunnel syndrome?

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I am assuming you are wanting to know the ICD 9 code for carpal tunnel. ICD 9 coding is the process of assigning a numerical code to a written description of a diagnosis. This is what medical offices use to bill you and your insurance company and it's important the numbers are right, because huge differences can exist if the numbers are off by just one digit!

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)ICD 9 code is 354.0.

Neuritis unspecified of the upper limb code is 354.9 ( this is sometimes used if they are not sure it's CTS).

What causes numbing and burning sensation in fingers while lying down?

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It sounds as if it fell "asleep". If part of your body falls "asleep", it means that either the circulation to it was cut off for a certain period of time, or it hasn't moved in a certain period of time. Either way, there is no damage to it. If it has continued to tingled and be painful for a long period of time, maybe over 10 minutes, see a doctor.

What is the ICD 9 aftercare code for carpel tunnel surgery?

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Total knee replacement aftercare is coded as follows:

V 54.81 After care following joint replacement

Use add'l code to identify join replacement site (V43.60-V43.69)

V43.65 Organ or tissue replaced by other means; Joint; Knee

(Reference 2010 ICD-9-CM codebook, but check the 2011 ICD-9-CM codebook in case of changes.)

Will I still have tingly fingers after carpal tunnel surgery?

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No. I had to have it done to both hands as the tingling and pain stopped me from getting any sleep or using my hands properly about 4 years ago. the best move I ever made I haven't had any problems since then.

Are there different kinds of carpal tunnel?

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There are 2 main types of carpal tunnel surgery:

Open carpal tunnel release (OCTR) and Endoscopic carpal tunnel release.(ECTR)

The open release procedure is the more traditional method and is probably used more by the older hand surgeons.Still it is used,and only requires an incision about 2 -3inches on the palm side of your wrist. The endoscopic carpal tunnel release method is used more by the younger hand surgeons and it came on the scene around early to mid 90's...there are several variations of this method..but most commonly 2 small holes or ports ,on the plam side are used,and small metal tubes..endoscopes are used...the area is magnified on a TV screen and the surgeon uses small surgical instruments that fit inside the tubes to do the work.

Both methods have there advantages and disadvantages

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Driving a manual after carpal tunnel surgery?

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I was driving again the next day and experienced no trouble in doing so. I would however have second thoughts about driving too soon after the procedure as the chemicals of the general anesthetic need to wear of properly to make sure your head is properly clear for driving.

Can arthritis cause carpal tunnel?

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a repetitive stress injury (which is to say, stress builds up when you do the same kind of motion over and over) and it has nothing to do with arthritis which is a degenerative illness (the body is wearing out with age).

Is cases of carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands is common?

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I think so yeh.

My dad had this and they found it in both hands.

Can carpal tunnel syndrome cause upper arm pain?

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Yes it can, from my experience I had and still have shooting pains from my hand to shoulder and was told by a specialist that it's common for that to happen and it all depends on how sever it is.

What happen when you jerk too much?

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It may take up to a few months to produce sperm again.

What percent of Dentists get symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome?

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It is estimated that about one third of patients will not respond to conservative treatment and will require surgery.

Can you get carpal tunnel on your feet?

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Well kind's not called carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) though.It's called tarsal tunnel syndrome...pronounced Tar-sull.

Like carpal is the name of your wrist bones,tarsal is the name of your foot bones.A nerve in your leg branches out into your foot.It's fairly uncommon,but is seen in foot and ankle injuries/fractures,or if there is some type of lesion/tumor near the nerve.

You get burning pain,numbness and tingling to the bottom of your foot.Sometimes a heel wedge that aligns your foot and ankle solves the problem,but surgery may be needed if symptoms persist. No not carpal tunnel however there may be some other similar interference with nerves that work in that area.