

Cocker Spaniels

Cocker Spaniels are a breed of two Spaniel dog types, the English Cocker Spaniel and American Cocker Spaniel. It was also used as a name for small hunting Spaniel. In United Kingdom, they were bred as hunting dogs.

500 Questions

Can Cockers herd?

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I have never herd of that

What does the English Cocker spaniel eat?

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The swallow any food good or bad for them, without thought, to point of excess.


It my understanding chocolate makes dogs sick, not sure, but I never give chocolate just in case.


I also advice not giving bones of any kind, even big bones, as they can and will splintered off pieces.

They will swallow small whole bone or piece of bones, these bone once swallowed can puncture, or lodge in their digestive tract killing them.


Cocker spaniels are small dogs species, with high metabolic rate, special when young and energetic, needing lots fats and protein.

They eat table scraps, and anything else you can give them, as long as it okay for you to eat it is okay for them.

They do ketch the same cold germs and infections we do, remember that before sharing food, when you are sick.


As far as dog food, they will eat most dog foods, but it is important to buy dog foods with high protein and fat content, more for younger dogs and less for older dogs.

They also love dog treats like any other dogs, remember best to get bigger once, they can not swallow whole.

How much does the biggest cocker spaniel weigh?

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The heaviest males weigh around 33lbs. my pure breed weighs around 70lbs.

Are cocker spaniels the best dogs ever?

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yes cocker spaniels are the best dog ever they are great companions and hunting dogs they are great multipurpose dogs and can point, retrieve and flush birds when at work they are also a great size for a house dog a settle well by the age of around 3 and a half they are also very lively well spirited dogs so are excellent agility dogs great with children and protective of their owners needs be

When do English cocker spaniels go into menses?

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Female dogs of all breeds have menses (called the "heat cycle", or estrus) twice a year on average starting at around 7-10 months of age.

A female dog will gain the most in health benefits if they are spayed before they have their first heat cycle.

Do cocker spaniels have hair or fur?

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well shed can mean a lot of things but I have an American cocker spaniel,,

he doesn't shed fur but when he was about 7 monthes old he started sheddin his teeth,, we found them all over the floor

if this isn't the answer you lookin for you might want to specify what type of shedding

How much does a female American cocker spaniel weigh?

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An American cocker spaniel female can weigh anywhere from 10 to 30 pounds. A show quality female shouuld weigh about 15 pounds but my males weigh 30 pounds.

What age can a cocker spaniel have pups?

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Cocker spaniels live up to a normal dog age which is 14. They also can live up to 18.

How do you find the mass of a cylinder?

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A balance is used to find the mass of anything, an electronic balance or a beam balance.

Did you mean the volume of a cylinder?

Volume = area of base x height

= pi x radius2 x h

When does a female pup go into her first heat?

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Many go into heat aroung 8-12 months.

Why do cocker spaniels lie down funny?

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it is not just cocker spaniels that lie down funny it is actually all dogs that choose to but cocker spaniels and other dogs that have their tails docked often find it comfier but no-one really knows why but it has been proven scientifically. (the term 'funny' means lying awkwardly on there side.)

In Landstalker what good is the blue ribbon?

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In the full and complete version of Landstalker, after the Dragon is defeated, Nigel and friend go back through the island to get everyone off before the volcanoe explodes. All the Orcs are running loose throughout the island now, time is running out. Nigel saves the day, his fairy companion is changed back into a girl, he gives her the ribbon and then they sail away. Unfortunatly this verison is extremely rare and can not be found on the internet as yet.

What is cacapu?

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How do you draw a cocker spaniel?

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Well, as an expert artist in drawing Yorkies, you have to practice a lot! Start out by finding a picture out of anything, a catalog, personal photo, book, etc. and tracing it; then try to gradually start just looking at it and drawing it. Hope this helps! :D

If you're wanting to draw one from life, good luck! It would be next to impossible to get them to sit still that long!

What is cocker rage?

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I believe that you are referring to the 'chase instinct', which is not limited to cocker spaniels.