


Dracula or Count Dracula is a fictional character who is based on a vampire. He first appeared in Bram Stoker's novel "Dracula" and the vampire fantasy began. His character has appeared in multiple films to date.

500 Questions

Who are the Children of the night in Dracula?

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Asked by Tot99

"The Children of the night. Listen to them, what sweet musik they sing."

Dracula to Mr. Harker when they hear Wolves singing in the night.

Does Dracula actually exist?

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"Beware of his dark brown eyes, black hair and the frowned busy eyebrows. This man's a devil !!", a rich boyar yelled to the crowd, moments before being impaled by the prince.


'Is Dracula alive in the world?'

Well, that's really a funny question. However, the answer might be: YES. Dracula is still living throughout history. He's flying through our brains, strengthening our blood to become strong and invincible. He's an example of pure justice applied to those that dare to enslave the others. Thus he is to be remembered forever. Dare to ask him for some strength when you're weak, he will be more than happy to share it with you.

Read more: Who_were_count_dracula's_parents

Why did the author of Dracula choose Transylvania for the setting of the story?

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Transylvaina is a place in romania and it has vampires in it

What is mina's last name in the play dracula?

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Her full first name is Willimina. After her marriage to John, her name is Willimina Harker.

Her full name is Wilhelmina Murray when unmarried. Harker is her married name.

In what year is Bram Stoker's Dracula set in?

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Roughly seven months. The first entry made by Jonathan Harker is made on the 3rd of May. the last entry is made November 6th. It's longer if you count the note at the end wich is like an epilogue. This is seven years later. Mina and Jonathan have had a child and named it after all the other men in the story. Most of the action is in that seven month period though.

When did Ottomar Rodolphe Vlad Dracula Prince Kretzulesco die?

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Ottomar Rodolphe Vlad Dracula Prince Kretzulesco was born in 1940.

What actor immortalized Dracula?

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Many actors have played Dracula on film, stage and television. The first one to really bring Dracula to the attention of film-goers was Bela Lugosi in the 1930s, followed by Christopher Lee in the Hammer films of the 50s, 60s and 70s. Later on, actors like Frank Langella (who also played Dracula on Broadway) and Gary Oldman have recreated interest in the Dracula legend. But to answer your original question, I would have to say Bela Lugosi.

When was Vlad Dracula born and when did he die?

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Vlad the Impaler was born on November 25th 1431 in Sighisoara, Translyvania.

What is so special about whitby that makes people want to live there?

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the type of people that live in whitby is very specific. Whitby originated from the word WIt-a- by or something which in some othe language means "White Town" which is exactly what it is. Whitby is full of white people and it always has been untill now when all the overflow people from scarborough come and settle there. Anyway, its a amizeing place to live with great senerioury and people. Liveing there gives a sence of peace- like you escaped from the bust noisy city into and town yet, your so close to toronto. It has a rich culture, horistric sites, and the best private schools. Whitby generally is better to live in than toronto because there are no large business or big residental towers. There is a lacking of crime other than teenagers smokeing pot. Whitby allows you to escape the city and gives you a sence that your in a better place. I would live thare than in toronto any day.

Why did count Dracula hire jonathon harker?

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to save mina's life and put an end to his terror

How many black actors have played Dracula?

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In his 50 year career, Lugosi played a vampire on film four times and only twice as Count Dracula (Dracula, 1931 and Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein, 1948), yet Bela Lugosi established himself as the quintessential vampire - he is Dracula.

  • Nickname: Bela ''Dracula'' Lugosi
  • Burial Location: Buried in one of his Dracula c...
  • Birth Name: Béla Ferenc Dezsö Blaskó

What is Dracula's hobby?

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Dracula was into blood sports.

He also likes cricket - he fancies himself as a good batsman.

What does Dracula first say to Jonathan Harker?

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What are the characteristics of the Dracula characters?

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Asked by Ilovezaidaa12811

1.He was possibly inspired by the real Vlad the Impaler.

2.Draculin- A glyoprotien in the saliva of bats whiched is named after Dracula.

3.In 2009 Bram Stoker's great granson is working on an official sequel.

4.Is the fictional character with the second most apperances in film and TV, the character with the most appearances being Sherlock Holmes.

5.His line in the novel "his man belongs to me!" has led some to believe he may be homosexual- this is unlikly what Bram Stoker intended.

6.The character Dracula has appeared in two Doctor Whostories- The Chase (As a robot version of Dracula) and Son of the Dragon.

7. Is very different in the novel then as he appeares in most appearances now, in the novel he is an elderly man with a thin grey moustash.

8. Dracula is his last name, not his first.

9.A short story by Bram Stoker called Dracula's Guest was published shortly after Bram Stoker's death.

10.The novel was originally to be called The Undead.

When was the horror novel Dracula written?

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Bram Stoker wrote the novel dracula.

Bram Stoker

How did Dracula get his name?

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Draco's mother, Narcissa, is a member of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black. This family believe strongly in pure-blood and that no witch or wizard should ever love or befriend anyone who had muggle blood within their family. Any that believe otherwise were stricken from the family tree. Like most of the family members, Draco's name comes from a constellation that has a connection to many mythological Greek legends. The constellation is said to symbolize a dragon with a hundred heads that Hercules had to defeat in his Twelve Labors. In Latin, Draco translates to mean 'dragon' and in Greek it means 'serpent'. It is believed that Draco's name was also chosen because of the fact that Lucifer, or Satan, is often referred to as a dragon in the Christian religion and Draco belongs to a dark, evil family. His father, Lucius, is a Death Eater which is the evil army led by the Dark Lord, Voldemort.

How long did Dracula live in Transylvania?

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Dracula was originally written by Bram Stoker, an Irish writer, in 1897.

Which country is the legend of Dracula?

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Vlad III, commonly called Vlad the Impaler and sometimes Vlad Tepes, was from Wallachia, a region which is now part of Romania. But when Vlad Tepes lived, it was an independent country.

He was born in 1431, died in 1476.

What was the Dracula legend based on what historical figure?

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Count Dracula, a fictional character in the Dracula novel, was inspired by one of the best-known figures of Romanian history, Vlad Dracula, nicknamed Vlad Tepes(Vlad the Impaler), who was the ruler of Walachia at various times from 1456-1462. Born in 1431 in Sighisoara, he resided all his adult life in Walachia, except for periods of imprisonment at Pest and Visegrad (in Hungary).

Where was dracula from?

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Asked by Wiki User

Briefly: the original historical Dracula philosophy comes from South-Eastern Europe, Romania. It was then used as a source of inspiration to Bram Stoker's delightful book 'Dracula'.


The story of Dracula was born, edited and partly based on South Eastern European culture. 'Dracula' novel was written by Bram Stoker, who spent several years researching South Eastern Europe's folklore, geography and stories about zburători (night-flying dead) and vampiri (vampires) and thus became addicted to the local mythology and especially to the word dracul. This word originates from the Romanian language, basically meaning 'the devil'. It is also frequently used as to define 'dragon'.

The fictional (made-up) character of Dracula is inspired from bloodthirsty ruler Vlad Țepeș that lived in Romania, Eastern Europe, between 1431 and 1476. His name was originally Vlad III, Prince of Wallachia and Transylvania - middle and southern parts of Romania. He was also known as Vlad III Drăculea, as nicknamed by his father.

Vlad Țepeș father's name was called Vlad II Dracul(no 'a' at the end), he was a member of a secret knight fraternity called The Order of the Dragon, protecting European freedom and Christianity from Turkish and Muslim invasions. As a son of Vlad Dracul, little Vlad Țepeș was nicknamed Drăculea, which in Romanian language translates 'the son of the devil'.

Vlad III Țepeș (Drăculea) is most famously known as 'Vlad the Impaler'. He was called so due to his preferred method of executing bad people, boyars and invaders (by leaving them die slowly, while impaled on sticks).

The beautiful book 'Dracula' is a nice fictive story, based on inspirational fantasy. Historians argue that Bram Stoker knew little of real historical character Vlad III Țepeș (Drăculea), except for his nickname. In his fictional book, Stoker includes no real details about Vlad's reign and does not mention his use of impalement.


Where did Dracula originate from?

Dracula relates to South-Eastern Europe, Romania. It was firstly a Romanian ruler to be called 'Drăculea' (Vlad III Țepeș of Transylvania and Wallachia). His bloody personality inspired Bram Stoker to write the book 'Dracula'. The book is based on inspirational fantasy and does not relate on true facts.

Where did dracula get his name from?

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The word Dracula derives (historicaly) from a fraternal order of Knights called 'The Order of the Dragon' founded prior to 1431 by Sigismind of Luxembourg to defend Europe against the Turks. It's more popular usage was by Bram Stoker, the Irish novelist. Count Dracula was published in 1897

Is Dracula still alive?

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ABC NEWS reports that Ottomar Rudolphe Vlad Dracul Kretzulesco is the only living relative of Prince Vlad Tepes (Dracula) he lives in a medieval castle outside Berlin.

However, states the following...

Alexandru Coconul (died 1632), was Hospodar and Voivode of Wallachia from 1623 to 1627 and Hospodar of Moldavia from 1629 to 1630. He was the son of Radu Mihnea, who also was a Hospodar. He married Ruxandra Beglitzi. He was the last of Vlad III Dracula's Romanian bloodline. He died on June 26, 1632 in Istanbul. His son was Radu Gioan Bey

Who was the protagonist for the book Dracula?

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His enemies are Arthur Holmwood (later Lord Godalming), Wilhelmina ´Mina´ Murray (later Harker), Jonathan Harker, Dr. Seward, Quincey P. Morris and Professor Abraham van Helsing.