

Dragon Fable

This category is for questions about the Online RPG game, DragonFable. Dragon Fable was released by Artix Entertainment in 2006.

1,278 Questions

What is call the wind masurment?

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Asked by Wiki User

Wind speed is typically measured using an anemometer, which rotates when wind blows and provides a reading in units such as miles per hour (mph) or kilometers per hour (km/h). Wind direction can be measured using a wind vane or a compass.

What are all the locations in dragon rider?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Dragon Rider" is a fantasy novel by Cornelia Funke that features various locations such as the Himalayas, Vienna, Stonehenge, and the Rim of Heaven. Each location plays a significant role in the story as the characters journey through different landscapes in search of a safe haven for dragons.

Why do people think that dragons exist and please give good reasons why?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some people believe in the existence of dragons due to cultural stories and legends that have been passed down over generations. Additionally, some fossils and archaeological findings may resemble creatures reminiscent of dragons, fueling speculation about their possible past existence. Lastly, the enduring popularity of dragons in literature, film, and art can contribute to a belief in their existence as a fantastical and intriguing creature.

Why wont it let you become a vampire in adventure quest?

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Asked by Wiki User

In Adventure Quest, becoming a vampire requires you to complete certain quests and meet specific requirements. Make sure you have fulfilled all the necessary conditions and completed the appropriate quests to transform into a vampire. If you are having trouble, you can consult online guides or forums for help.

Can you download wpe pro in a Mac?

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Asked by Wiki User

No you Cannot download wpe pro on a mac but if you buy a PC then u can orelrules

Where can you found moglin punter in aqw?

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Asked by Wiki User

write in talking bar /join punt, yes but now in 2011 and up you can't they wont allow you to type /join punt to get there and there is no other way to get there.

Where can you battle vaal in dragonfable?

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Asked by Wiki User

Vaal is not battleable in Dragonfable, however you can talk to him in one Ravenloss' cut scenes.

What level do you have to be to unlock final blow on dragonfable?

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Asked by Wiki User

it is a critical hit...that is a hit with double the damage the weapon would do in a normal attack.

Hau to by 999lvl in dragonfable?

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Asked by Juozasss

lvl cap is 70 right now (2011 sep)

I'm not actually sure if you can become a level 999 player. If you got this off the closet door in Oaklore castle, then there's a good chance that it's impossible. You could try to get that level but there's a good chance you'll get stopped at 50 or 60.

2010 answer: the max level at the moment is 60, i really cant believe someone would think that you could actually access that place. that thing was designed so that as soon as you got near it, it said must be lvl 999 to enter, you could be spending the next millennium trying to ge tto 999

How do you get in the secret entrance to necropolis in Dragon Fable?

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Asked by Wiki User

First you need to collect 5 undeadslayer badges from the save moonridge quest, then you fight the boss on that level after you've collected the badges. On the next quest you have to go find Zorbak and get his I.D. to get into the fortress. Then you have to defeat the gatekeeper on the next level to open the necropilus gates.

Can you get more attacks for your baby dragon on Dragon Fable?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes but what you have to do is go to lady Celestia buy food and train your dragon the moves depend on the category you train it in and the ammount of points in the category. When you choose to train in a category the ammount of points to unlock a new move will be on the left hand side.

How do you geta riftwalker in dragonfable?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you go to Falconreach and then to travel. You have to go to Anomaly, then enter the building and click by the top of the screen. Talk to the people and click 'to Spire'. Go left if you are a warrior to get rift walker, right if you are a rough to get Cryptic, and middle if you are a mage to get ascendant.

How do you assign stat points on dragonfable?

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Asked by Wiki User

you can go to falcon reach town hall (teleport to falcon reach then go down and to the building on your right) then talk to the guy on your left and choose stat trainer

you should know that training each stat with 1 point will cost you the level you are

means if your level 10 every point will need 10 gold to be trained

How can you change your dragon egg?

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Asked by Wiki User

well you cant choose your dragon egg until you have finished all the quests twilly is giving to you. you can have your dragon after the quest "hatching". to see your dragon go to lady celestial by traveling there. and if you click equip it is ready to fight with you! oh the color choosing of the dragon egg is not really that important. you will only see the color of the egg after you have defeated akriloth.

Edit: The colour of the egg determines the hidden ability gained by your Dragon in Titan Form.

I know where to find roborg and cybot but where do you find the third of them in dragon quest 8?

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Asked by Wiki User

where do you find all three robots i got the one from okusk and the one in the center on Ascantha need get him at night but i cant find the one to the sout of the dragon graveyard need the godbird if you can help me get one to the south of the dragongraveyard requires the godbird it will be great help thank :)

How do you get Galanoth on Dragonfable?

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Asked by Wiki User

You must complete the Un-Bearable Cold quest first. Then go to him and invite him!

How do you use skill points on dragonfable?

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Asked by Wiki User

Go to Rolith in Oaklore and click 'Stat Trainer'. Bare in mind you can only train a stat up to your current level.


What is the answer in hunters paradise riddle in Dragon Fable?

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Asked by Wiki User

it is "eastern" but you dont get any thing

Can you get a free dragon ameulet?

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Asked by Wiki User

No you cannot.

Can you get Frostscythe's weapon in Dragonfable?

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Asked by Wiki User

you can get it look on youtube for jasonhu1997 wath my second uploud en you know how to get

How do you get the rutilated blade in dragonfable?

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Asked by Wiki User

At warlic's zone, you must do random quests. Sometimes you will get rutiliated blade, stria dagger, or some staff, I don't know what it's called. Most of the time you'll get an elemental essence though (But those are useful. 10 and a rutiliated blade, or one of the other two helps you elementize the weapon).

What is the best weapon for level 28 on dragonfable?

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Asked by Wiki User

the best Dragon Fable weapon of all is the key blades of kingdom hearts and artix pvp axe and you cant get them the only way to get is from a trainer from google write working dragon fable trainers it will take days to find a good trainer

How do you Bring a friend's character with you on quests in dragonfable?

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Asked by Wiki User

im sorry to say this but you cant you can only go up against your friends in the aeris pvp tournament but they dont have any weapons or anything
oh and dragonfable is a one player game just like battleon

from zakaria1994: if you have a DA, you can go to a boss fight battle (like akriloth)and you can type in the IDs and you can invite your DF friend and you can just enjoy.

What is the best dragonfable player's id?

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Asked by Wiki User

best character id is 26552796

How do you resist elements in dragonfable?

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Asked by Wiki User

I remember that in adventure quest there was sheilds and armor that could resist elements like fire and water and wind. But unfortunetly i have yet to find any evidence of a shield or plate that can resist these types of things in dragon fable!

You could try to get far in the game and see how that works out for you. Maybe just train so that your higher than those nasty elementals?

God bless you

You can get rings and cloaks

There are also certain element that have higher attacks on the opponent element

For example, stone doesn't defend well against wind, fire against water or ice, light against darkness and so on a so forth

another answer~

any time playing the game (unless enemies turn) if you click your name down bottom left it will give you lots of info about your character. on the right should be resistances. you can change those by equipping different items, usually capes, belt, and amulets contribute to most elemental resistance. and if you know what your getting then you should be able to build up resistance against as certain element. like i have built up most against darkness and ice due to what i equip (for example ground hog belt for darkness and bitter ring for ice.) both of those describe the resistance in the description.