

El Salvador

Questions about El Salvador on such topics as its population, demographics and culture

500 Questions

What countries and bodies of water border El Salvador?

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The countries Honduras and Guatemala border El Salvador. The Pacific Ocean borders El Salvador also.

How many miles from Texas to El Salvador?

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The air distance from Sacramento, California, United States of America, to Santa Ana, El Salvador, is 2,581 miles. That equals 4,153 kilometers or 2,242 nautical miles.

Did el salvador belong to Mexico?

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Yes, until 1823 when El Salvador as well as the rest of Central America split up and set up the Federal Republic of Central America.

El Salvador never belonged to Mexico. it belonged to Spain. there was actually a war that went on because el salvador refused to become part of the Mexican empire after independance from Spain... so there you have it... Salvadorans are rebels w a high pride on their nation El Salvador.. .

Oh, yes it did. From the Wikipedia:

In 1811 and 1814 there were major uprisings against Spanish rule that expressed concern for the independence of the Creoles. Finally, the Central American nations won their independence from Spain on September 15, 1821. On January 5, 1822, the Central American provinces, despite the opposition of the elite Salvadoran and Guatemalan intellectuals, joined the Mexican Empire. In 1823, as the rule of Agustín de Iturbide (Agustin I) fell apart, the five countries of Central America (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica) formed the United Provinces of Central America, which lasted until 1838 and was finally dissolved in 1841.

What is the average temperature of El Salvador?

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-6 C was recorded in Los Naranjos.

What are the points of interest in El Salvador?

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Las Ruinas de Copan are a must-see! Ancient Mayan ruins with a ball court and steles of ancient leaders. There is also a star of David in Copan if you can get them to display it. It's a beautiful place.

Does El Salvador believe in Santa Claus?

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Santa Claus has a reputation as being remembered during Christmas time by children. Catholics believe that Santa Claus is a Saint names St. Nicholas. He is known all over the world but, very very important in many countries.

What is El Salvadors' national flower?

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the national tree is El Balsamo Y Maquilishuat

What hemisphere is El Salvador On?

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El Salvador is in the southern and eastern hemisphere.

Where is San Salvador Volcano Located?

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San Salvador is the capital city of El Salvador, which is located in Central America between Guatemala and Honduras.

What do you call people from El Salvador in Spanish?

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In English you say Salvadorans but in spanish you say "Salvadoreños"

What is the capital of salvador?

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Salvador, Bahia, is the capital of the State of Bahia.

San Salvador is the capital of El Salvador.

When did El Salvador become a country?

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Just like the rest of New Spain, 23 of September of 1821, thanks to the declaration of Independence signed in Cordoba . Between Iturbide and the last viceroy Juan O' Donahue.
El Salvador became independent of Spanish rule in 1823, when it joined a federation of the five Central American states called the United Provinces of Central America, led by General Manuel Jose Arce. This was dissolved in 1838, and all the constituent nations became fully independent.

What are some natural resources in El Salvador?

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Guatemala has very rich soil and is able to grow sugar, bananas, and timber. It has oil, nickle, and other minerals such as mercury, uranium, iron, lead and zinc.

What are the major rivers of el salvador?

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Paz River

Sensunapan River

Jiboa River

Lempa River

Torola River

Sumpul River

Ostúa River

Río Grande de San Miguel

Goascorán River

Aselhuate River

Who are some famous athletes from el salvador?

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  • Liliana Maria Reyes Gonzalez Bloch, Director, McKinney Avenue Contemporary
  • Karlos Carcamo, visual artist
  • Augusto Crespin, painter
  • Noe Canjura, painter
  • Jose Mejia Vides, painter, sculptor
  • Alejandro Cotto, filmmaker
  • Edwin Arévalo, filmmaker
  • Pedro Ipiña, painter
  • Fernando Llort, painter and sculptor
  • Víctor Ruano, visual artist, filmmaker
  • Toño Salazar, caricaturist
  • Consuelo de Saint-Exupéry, painter, sculptor, and author, wife of Antoine de Saint Exupéry
  • Adrian Bellani Italian-Salvadoran actor born in Miami. Played the role of Miguel Lopez-Fitzgerald on the NBC daytime drama, Passions.
  • Lilly Melgar actor, producer. Played the role of Lily Rivera Corinthos in ABC America's General Hospital. She has also starred in other hit shows such as The Bold and the Beautiful and Univisions Tu Musica.
  • Mauricio Merino, Jr., actor born in Australia. Plays role of Simon Freedman in Neighbours.
  • Karli Henriquez Mexican-Salvadoran VJ on MTV Tres show, Kalifornia.
  • Kirmaya Cevallos, videographer, producer, editor. Won an Emmy Award in the Suncoast Chapter in 2009.
  • Carla Vila, actress, starred in various films as well as having a small role on NBC drama, ER.
  • Vanesa Tomasino, actress who has starred in various films most notably The X-Files: I Want to Believe as well as having small roles in TV shows like Smallville, Kyle XY and The L Word among others.
Scholars, Authors, and Educators
  • Jose Samuel Ortiz, university professor, pharmacist
  • Rafael Olmedo Artiga, music composer
  • Emma Escalante Rubio (Carmen Navarro), singer
  • Claribel Alegría,writer
  • Manlio Argueta, novelist
  • Alfredo Betancourt, educator, philosopher
  • Carlos Córdova, writer
  • Roque Dalton, poet
  • Jacinta Escudos, novelist
  • Pedro Geoffroy Rivas, poet, scholar
  • Ana Sol Gutiérrez, educator
  • David J. Guzmán, doctor, archeologist, botanist, writer, statesman
  • Claudia Lars, poet
  • Ignacio Martín-Baró, Social psychologist and Jesuit priest
  • Alberto Masferrer, intellectual
  • Dr. Tania Pleitez, art historian, author
  • Salarrué (Salvador Salazar Arrué), novelist, poet, painter.
  • Ramon Hernandez Quintanilla, journalist, intellectual, writer
  • David Escobar Galindo, poet, educator
  • Pescozada, Latino rap artist
  • Big Ceaze, Latino rap artist
  • DJ Keoki, Techno DJ
  • Johnny Lopez, member of Crooked Stilo, Latino rap group
  • Victor Lopez, member of Crooked Stilo, Latino rap group
  • Álvaro Torres, singer
  • Crooked Estilo, Latino rap artist
  • Gianmarco Ruffatti, Grunge Rocker
  • Hector Rico, Acid Rocker
  • Pete sandoval, metal rocker morbid angel group
  • Allison Iraheta, winner of Telemundo reality show, Quinceañera and finalist in the eighth season of American Idol.
  • Fernando Melendez del Valle, Tenor, Pedagogue
  • Lucía Parker Christian singer who claimed El Salvador's first Grammy nomination for her album "Alabanza y adoración: Del Corazón" at Latin Grammy Awards of 2009
  • Jose Lara, bass player of infiel rock group
Heroes and Martyrs
  • José Castellanos Contreras, World War II humanitarian
  • José Matías Delgado, national hero
  • Joaquín Eufrasio Guzmán, national hero
  • Óscar Romero, former Archbishop and martyr
  • Farabindo Marti
Fashion Designers and Models
  • Francesca Miranda Fashion Designer
  • Somaya Reece Model, Internet Celebrity
  • Miguel Ángel Cerna
  • Christy Turlington (Half Salvadoran), supermodel (born January 2, 1969 in Walnut Creek, California) is an American supermodel
  • María Isabel Arrieta Gálvez The only Central American to win second place in the global contest "Miss Universe." (1955)
Past and Current Political Figures
  • Ana Maria, guerrilla leader
  • Lynda Barros, Latina Civil Rights Activist
  • Gerardo Barrios, liberal president
  • Armando Calderón Sol, former president
  • Ernesto Antonio Claramount Rozeville"eternal" presidential candidate
  • Alfredo Cristiani, former president
  • Roberto D'Aubuisson, politician, ARENA/death squads founder,
  • Andres del Valle, President
  • José Napoleón Duarte, former president
  • Liz Figueroa, California state senator
  • Francisco Flores, former president
  • Mauricio Funes, Current President
  • Rutilio Grande, martyred priest
  • Álvaro Magaña, banker and interim president
  • Alejandro Melendez, san Sebastian volunteer/leader
  • Maximiliano Hernández Martínez, dictator-president
  • Miguel Mármol, labor union activist
  • Sigifredo Ochoa, colonel and ARENA deputy
  • Farabundo Martí, communist leader
  • Antonio Saca, former president
  • Guillermo Ungo, opposition leader and former vice-president
  • Carlos Eugenio Vides Casanova, defense minister, convicted of human rights abuses
  • Joaquín Villalobos, noted guerrilla leader during Salvadoran civil war
  • Cayetano Carpio, one of best strategists of the Viet Nam style attrition war ever.
  • Jorge Schafih Handal, Poltical leader
  • Nidia Diaz, historial guerrilla leader
  • Anastacio Aquino King of the Nonualco tribes, warfare genius who defeated the government army in 1833
  • José Inocencio Alas, former priest and activist
  • Juan Rafael Bustillo former Head of the Salvadoran Air Force
SportspeopleSee also: List of Salvadoran football players playing abroad
  • Jose Cortez, former NFL Footballer
  • Carlos "El Famoso" Hernández, retired Boxer and former holder of both the WBC Latino Super featherweight and IBC Super featherweight titles.
  • Rosemary Casals, former tennis player and winner of multiple Grand Slams.
  • Roger Huerta , MMA Fighter.

What race are el salvadorians?

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Take a look at this site. It's all broken down there. Take a look at this site. It's all broken down there.

Who named el salvador?

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In the early sixteenth century, the Spanish conquistadors ventured into ports to extend their dominion to the area that would be known as El Salvador. They were firmly resisted by the Pipil and their remaining Mayan-speaking neighbors. Pedro de Alvarado, a lieutenant of Hernán Cortés, led the first effort by Spanish forces in June 1524.

The people defeated the Spaniards and forced them to withdraw to Guatemala. Two subsequent expeditions took place-the first in 1525, followed by a smaller group in 1528-to bring the Pipil under Spanish rule.[citation needed]

Towards the end of 1810, a combination of internal and external factors allowed Central American élites to attempt to gain independence from the Spanish crown. The internal factors were mainly the interest the élites had in controlling the territories they owned without involvement from Spanish authorities. The external factors were the success of the French and American revolutions in the eighteenth century and the weakening of the military power of the Spanish crown because of its wars against Napoleonic France. The independence movement was consolidated on November 5, 1811, when the Salvadoran priest, Jose Matias Delgado, sounded the bells of the Iglesia La Merced in San Salvador, making a call for the insurrection. After many years of internal fights, the Acta de Independencia (Act of Independence) of Central America was signed in Guatemala on September 15, 1821. When these provinces were joined with Mexico in early 1822, El Salvador resisted, insisting on autonomy for the Central American countries.

In 1823, the United Provinces of Central America was formed by the five Central American states under General Manuel José Arce. When this federation was dissolved in 1838, El Salvador became an independent republic. El Salvador's early history as an independent state was marked by frequent revolutions.

From 1872 to 1898, El Salvador was a prime mover in attempts to reestablish an isthmian federation. The governments of El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua formed the Greater Republic of Central America via the Pact of Amapala in 1895. Although Guatemala and Costa Rica considered joining the Greater Republic (which was rechristened the United States of Central America when its constitution went into effect in 1898), neither country joined. This union, which had planned to establish its capital city at Amapala on the Golfo de Fonseca, did not survive a seizure of power in El Salvador in 1898.

The enormous profits that coffee yielded as a monoculture export served as an impetus for the process whereby land became concentrated in the hands of an oligarchy of few families. A succession of presidents from the ranks of the Salvadoran oligarchy, nominally both conservative and liberal, throughout the last half of the nineteenth century generally agreed on the promotion of coffee as the predominant cash crop, on the development of infrastructure (railroads and port facilities) primarily in support of the coffee trade, on the elimination of communal landholdings to facilitate further coffee production, on the passage of anti-vagrancy laws to ensure that displaced campesinos and other rural residents provided sufficient labour for the coffee fincas (plantations), and on the suppression of rural discontent. In 1912, the national guard was created as a rural police force.

The coffee industry grew inexorably in El Salvador. As a result, the élite provided the bulk of the government's financial support through import duties on goods imported with the foreign currencies that coffee sales earned. This support, coupled with the humbler and more mundane mechanisms of corruption, ensured the coffee growers of overwhelming influence within the government.

El Salvador's early history as an independent state was marked by frequent revolutions; not until the period 1900-30 was relative stability achieved. The economic élite, based on agriculture and some mining, ruled the country in conjunction with the military.

The economy, based on coffee-growing after the mid-19th century, as the world market for indigo withered away, prospered or suffered as the world coffee price fluctuated. From 1931--the year of the coup in which Gen. Maximiliano Hernández Martínez came to power until he was deposed in 1944 there was brutal suppression of rural resistance. The most notable event was the 1932 Salvadoran peasant uprising, commonly referred to as La Matanza (the massacre), headed by Farabundo Martí and the retaliation led by Martínez's government, in which approximately 30,000 indigenous people and political opponents were murdered, imprisoned or exiled. Until 1980, all but one Salvadoran temporary president was an army officer. Periodic presidential elections were seldom free or fair and an oligarchy in alliance with military forces ruled the nation. As in many Latin American countries, this inequality led to peasant opposition to the oligarchy. The result was the Salvadoran Civil War (1979-1991), largely a peasant revolution. Atrocities of the Alianza Republicana Nacionalista (ARENA, or Nationalist Republican Alliance) government, such as the El Mozote massacre, and the murder of Catholic missionaries and other religious aid workers, such as Jean Donovan, by death squads linked to the government caused international outrage. In 1984 international observers saw centrist Napoleon Duarte elected president in popular elections which were violently boycotted by members of the opposition. Despite the peace-making efforts of the democratic government, the peasant revolution continued until the peace accords were signed in January 1991. The different factions of the guerrillas formed the Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional party (FMLN) in order to seek office through democratic elections. Since then, the FMLN has gradually gained representation, particularly in the Legislative Assembly and local governments. Meanwhile, the conservative Alianza Republicana Nacionalista (ARENA) party has won every presidential election.

In 1998, El Salvador became one of three Latin-American countries where abortion is illegal with no exceptions, along with Chile and Nicaragua.

Is there a Hollister in El Salvador?

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There is not a Hollister in El Salvador.

What are some famous landmarks in el salvador?

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Because it is the capital of El Salvador.

What type of music do people in el salvador people listen to?

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People in Nicaragua listen to salsa, merengue, cumbia, and also regional types of music. They have a lot of Spanish influence.

A popular music group is "Los Hermanos Mejia Godoy"

Luis Enrique is a popular artist, as well.

They also do listen to hip hop and pop music from the United States or other countries.

Is El Salvador part of central America or South America?

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Neither. Jamaica is a part of the Caribbean and technically a part of North America.

What is the national flower of el salvador?

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It is the "Flor de Izote". Its is a relatively small tree that rarely grows to be more than 20' tall with bladed leaves that grow into a round shape similar to how palm trees grow. A white flower apears (about mid-season here in Houston) at the top and this is 'El Flor Nacional Del Salvador'.

What is El Salvador's slogan?

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Dios, Patria, Libertad or in english God, Fatherland, Liberty

Did Selena quintanilla visit El Salvador?

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yeah she went on tours