

Exxon Valdez Oil Spill

The March 1989 Exxon Valdez Oil Spill occurred in Prince William Sound, Alaska when a tanker headed for California hit a reef and gushed 10.8 million gallons of crude oil.

500 Questions

What is a dramatic-incident effect?

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The dramatic incident effect refers to a cognitive bias where people tend to overestimate the likelihood of dramatic or impactful events occurring. This bias can influence decision-making and perception of risk, leading individuals to focus more on sensational events rather than on more statistically probable outcomes.

In march of 1889 this ship was responsible for one of the worst enviormental disasters ever?

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The SS Norge was responsible for one of the worst environmental disasters in history in March 1889 when it struck a reef off the coast of Norway, resulting in the deaths of over 600 passengers, most of whom were emigrants. The ship's cargo of sulfuric acid leaked into the sea, causing extensive damage to marine life.

Is the Exxon Valdez oil spill linked to biomagnification?

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Yes, the Exxon Valdez oil spill is linked to biomagnification. The spill released a significant amount of oil into the ecosystem, which resulted in the contamination of marine organisms. Through biomagnification, the toxic compounds in the oil can accumulate and become more concentrated as they move up the food chain, posing a greater risk to predators at higher trophic levels.

How the oil spill affect land?

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The most common spill is from pipeline breaks. Many other sources of spills occur. Oil and gasoline storage tanks have leaked oil, harming the groundwater.

A blow out from a land rig can result in fire and toxic gas (H2S) released to the atmosphere, and cause injury or death to rig workers.

Crude oil spills can harm birds, mammals and vegetation. The spilled oil may remain in the soil for a very long time as it is very expensive to remediate oil soaked earth.

A land base oil spill does not spread quickly over large areas like some marine spills. For this reason, there is not the same awareness that land spills impact the environment.

See related links.

Where is the site of the Exxon Valdez fiasco?

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It should be scrap or in dry dock, but my bet is the name was painted over and renamed and it is still at sea working.

What happened to the wildlife when the Exxon Valdez spilled?

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The Food Web was altered completely because it oiled ducks and plankton and birds. So the spill affected the plankton which affected the fish and the birds. Thousands of species of animals died out. Bears, Birds, Fish, Plankton, Ducks. The spill is still affecting the ecosystem today. A government estimate showed that only about 14% of the oil was cleaned up.

Who owns the exxon-valdez?

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I'm not sureWHO owns it but the:

CEO- Rex Tillerson

Chairmen- Lee Richardson

Spokesmen- Don Cornet

What three methods were used to clean up the Exxon Valdez oil spill?

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There was no clean-up. The shipwreck took place on an isolated coastline in Baja California in 1957.

How did people feel during the Valdez oil spill?

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My uncle was in the oil spill. and judgeing abt that he said he was worried that he wouldn't see my aunt or any of us again.

Im guessing they might have felt the same way.

What time did Exxon Valdez happen?

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It still isn't clean. Today if you walk a beach where the oil washed up and turn over a rock or dig a bit in the sand you will find oil. All they did was steam clean the beach and carry away dead animals. The toxins stay in the ecosystem for a 100 years, so plants and animals are still feeling the effects of the oil.

What are some long term effects of oil spills?

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The effect depends on where the spill takes place. If on a body of water oil would float having a lighter specific gravity and would cause damage to plankton and other animals living in the upper water zone. The COD or chemical oxygen demand of the contaminate would kill of fish food supplies. Birds would get covered in oil and eventually die due to exposure or oil ingestion. Oil could be carried to shore effecting fish fry breeding grounds, oyster, mussel beds and shore creatures crabs and so on. Oil Aggregates could form and these balls of oil can be carried far and wide eventually sinking to the sea floor.

Why did the Exxon Valdez spill oil?

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The ship ran aground on to the Bligh Reef. The third mate was piloting the ship at the time outside of the normal shipping lanes due to the presence of icebergs in the area. At the time of the accident the ship collison avoidance radar was not working and turned off, had it been on it would have detected the upcoming reef.

How many barrels of oil were spilled in the Exxon Valdez oil spill?

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10.1 million gallons, per the Presidential report by the National Response Team.

An estimated minimum 10.8 million US gallons (40.9 million liters, or 250,000 barrels) of crude oil.

11million gallons

Answer 2: The current estimate is between 30 and 38 million gallons (about 800,000 barrels). This number is far beyond the hopelessly optimistic number put forth by Exxon, who gave a "low-ball" estimate of about 10.8 gallons. This number, unfortunately, is still reported in the press but two independent investigations have found the estimate erroneous in the extreme.

Which marine wildlife is affected by oil spills?

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The entire marine wildlife in the area tends to be affected by oil spills. That means above-surface, surface and below-surface life forms. For example, migratory birds such as northern gannets [Morus bassanus] may be affected by fumes and flames. They also may find their respiratory body parts partially or totally clogged and their ambulatory parts similarly debilitated or destroyed. They may not have access to surface food sources.

When was the exxon valdez oil spill?

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The Exxon Valdez oil spill was on midnight on March 24, 1989. It was considered as the second worst oil spill in US history.

How much money did the oil spill clean-up people get paided?

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The appended link lists the contributing factors to the cost of oil sill clean-up. Even discounting the costs loss of good PR and increasing insurance rates the direct costs can vary significantly.

Consider that you lose 1 bbl of crude oil (about 150 L) with a purchased value of $100/bbl. The oil spills into a roadside ditch in a mainly agricultural area and flows with the water. The spill is simple and straightforward to clean up.

You are looking at hiring at least 24 hrs of: * 20 men ($100/hr thru a contractor), * A vacuum truck, backhoe, dump trucks each at ($200/hr) * Waste disposal fees for oils waste @ $200/cu.yd. for 50 -100 cu yds * Ditch restoration and grading * Police costs for traffic control * Soil and water sampling

And then potential fines $1000 to $10000 (+ lawyers at $300/hr for 3 yrs)

Who was held responsible for the Exxon Valdez spil?

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Third Mate Gregory Cousin was in command of the wheel house and Able Seaman Roger Kagan was at the helm when the ship struck Bligh Reef at 12:04 AM on 24 March 1989.

Cousin appeared in court but was cleared of charges.

Captain Hazelwood was acquitted of all felony charges but was convicted of misdmeanor negligent discharge of oil and was fined 50,000 dollars and sentenced to 1,000 hours of community service. He continues to hold his master's license and works as a Maritime Consultant.