



Ask any questions about your family, other peoples families, or even how to make a happy family! We are here to help you!

500 Questions

Don Bradman how many sisters and brothers did he have?

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Don Bradman had two sisters and one brother.

How do you stop crying if your grandpa dies on your birthday?

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Losing a loved one on your birthday is incredibly tough, and it's normal to feel a wide range of emotions. Allow yourself to grieve and express your feelings. Reach out to friends, family, or a therapist for support. Engaging in self-care activities, talking about your grandpa, and honoring his memory in a way that feels right to you can help in the healing process.

Who is Vladimir feltsman's wife?

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Vladimir Feltsman's wife is Yefimia Feltsman.

Who is Morgan nick?

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Morgan Nick was a six-year-old girl who went missing from Alma, Arkansas in 1995. She was last seen at a baseball field, and her disappearance remains unsolved. Her case is still actively investigated, and her family continues to search for answers.

What is a permissive family?

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A permissive family is a type of family system characterized by low levels of control and discipline. The parents in a permissive family tend to be lenient and indulgent towards their children, setting few rules or boundaries. This parenting style often results in children who have difficulty with self-control and may exhibit behavioral problems.

In Modern Family who is Claires husband?

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Claire's husband in Modern Family is Phil Dunphy.

Is it considered gross to kiss your brother on the cheek?

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The appropriateness of kissing a family member on the cheek can vary depending on cultural norms and individual preferences. Some people may find it perfectly normal and affectionate, while others may find it uncomfortable or inappropriate. It's important to consider the comfort level and boundaries of your brother and yourself when it comes to physical affection.

How many brothers and sisters did pokahonist?

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Asked by Wiki User

Assuming you mean Pocahontas, the tribunal Indian that lived in Jamestown during the early pilgrim settlement, then the answer is completely unknown. Her father was the chief of their tribe, and could have been a husband to many wives and produced several legitimate and illegitimate children. On the contrary, there is no record stating the amount of potential siblings Pocahontas had.

Since her father was chief, his son would have been the next in line as chief, so it can be assumed that he was definitely the father of many children, since people back then that desired a male heir tried several times to have a son.

What is 'Continuum of Family Violence' theory?

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The Continuum of Family Violence theory argues that violence within families exists on a spectrum, ranging from less severe forms (such as verbal abuse) to more extreme forms (such as physical or sexual abuse). This theory suggests that different forms of violence are interconnected and can escalate over time. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the systemic nature of family violence and addressing it at various levels, from prevention to intervention and treatment.

What are values that family should enhance more?

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Asked by Wiki User

Family should enhance values such as love, respect, and communication. Love helps to create a strong bond and support system within the family. Respect promotes understanding and empathy among family members. Communication allows for open and honest dialogue, fostering trust and problem-solving skills.

How do you know if your absent-mindedly neglecting your child?

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If you find yourself frequently forgetting to attend to your child's needs, such as feeding, bathing, or supervising them, it may be a sign that you are absent-mindedly neglecting them. Other indicators include not being emotionally present or engaged with your child, not providing them with appropriate attention and care, or consistently prioritizing other tasks or activities over their well-being. It is important to be self-aware and seek support if needed to ensure your child receives the attention and care they require.

Alebert Einstein family?

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Albert Einstein was married twice and had three children. He was first married to Mileva Marić, with whom he had two sons named Hans Albert and Eduard. After divorcing Mileva, Einstein married his second wife Elsa Löwenthal, who had two daughters from a previous marriage. Einstein had no biological children with Elsa.

How important it is for man to know if he satisfied his woman sexually?

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It is important for a man to have open communication and a level of understanding with his partner regarding their sexual satisfaction. Satisfaction in the bedroom can enhance the overall relationship and emotional connection between partners. Prioritizing each other's pleasure and maintaining a healthy sexual relationship can contribute to the overall happiness and satisfaction within the partnership.

What kind of family structure is the Flintstones?

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The Flintstones have a nuclear family structure, consisting of Fred and Wilma Flintstone as the married couple and their daughter, Pebbles, as their child. They also have a pet dinosaur named Dino.

What should I do if my mom says I'm rude when all I do is say the truth?

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Try to examine your communication style and approach. Sometimes, it's not just about what you say but also how you say it. Make sure that you are being respectful and considerate when expressing your opinions or sharing the truth. Additionally, actively listen to your mom's perspective and try to understand her point of view. Communication is a two-way street, so finding a balance between honesty and tactfulness can help improve your relationship with your mom.

What do kindred drink?

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Kindred means a group of people related by blood or marriage. As this is the case then all should take on the responsibility of looking after the welfare of all members of the extended family. Wise kindred will see that all children and youth only take into themselves that which will build up strong bones and a healthy body. They should respect the decision of those who reach the age of consent or accountability to drink as seems befitting their age and their own decision's.

How many kids do the dungans have?

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The Duggar family, known for the reality TV show "19 Kids and Counting," has 19 children.

How an egg cell and a sperm develop into a fetus?

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When a sperm fertilizes an egg, it forms a single cell called a zygote. This zygote undergoes a process called cleavage, where it divides and forms more cells. These cells continue to divide and differentiate, forming different tissues and organs. As the embryo develops, its structures and systems begin to form, including the nervous system, respiratory system, digestive system, and so on, leading to the development of a fetus.

How many children do Philip and Dale Emeagwali have?

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There is insufficient information available to determine the number of children Philip and Dale Emeagwali have.

How can you Translate family in a different language?

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Asked by Wiki User

Surnames and first names always remain the same in any language.

But there may be names in the second language that have a similar meaning or sound similar.

There are examples of the Americanisation of German surnames, many immigrants changed a couple of letters in their name to try avoid discrimination.

Examples are :- "Lehmann" became "Lehman", "Schermann" became "Sherman".

What is the biggest mistake you have made at work?

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Well, when I worked at starbucks, I had a customer come in and slam her drink on the counter and say fix it. I knocked off the counter and said, " I know you better get cho fat ass up out in front of my register." Needless to say I don't work there anymore, however I quit before they could fire me.

What is something important one learns in high school?

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You may be asked what the most important lessons you have learned in school are. This is a way for an interviewer for example, to find out if you are a good fit for the job for which you are applying.

How do you write family in Japanese?

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this means i have a nice family

Hope this helps, Bernard xxoo

Japanese Word for "Family". The Japanese word for family is "kazoku". The way to say it phonetically, is "kah-zoh-koo"

Can you switch schools without your parents permission?

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Yes, you can transfer from one school to another. Just remember that your grades and transcript information will be combined from each school that you attend. For example, if you went to Airport High School and then transferred to Orange High School, your GPA would be a combination of the classes you took at both schools.

Why do people say daddy's little girl?

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girls are "daddys little girl" because daddys are amazing but some peoples dads are not!!! so i don't know!!!

Because girls bat their eyelashes and throw fits and make it so that their dads can't say no to anything.