



This category is for questions about the bones, fragments, imprints, and other remainders from a different time. The questions and answer you will find here are history set in stone -- our past, immortalized in solid rock. You will also be able to find questions pertaining to the locations of these fossils, how you might identify them, and how they were formed.

500 Questions

What are the effects of oxygen on fossil remains?

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Oxygen can accelerate the decomposition of organic material in fossil remains through oxidation. This can lead to the degradation and loss of important information preserved in the fossils. Additionally, exposure to oxygen can lead to the formation of minerals that can alter the original composition of the fossils.

What is an object that forms when sediment fills a mold and becomes a rock?

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The object is called a sedimentary rock and is formed through the process of sedimentation, which involves the accumulation of sediments over time. As the sediments compact and cement together, they form a solid rock.

Where are most fossils preserved?

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Fossils are most commonly preserved in sedimentary rocks, such as sandstone, shale, and limestone. These rocks form when particles settle and accumulate in layers, creating the conditions for fossils to be buried and preserved over time. Areas with ancient lakes, rivers, or coastal regions are often good locations for fossil preservation.

Where do fossils live?

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Fossils are the preserved remains or traces of ancient organisms that lived in various habitats such as oceans, forests, deserts, and wetlands. Fossils are typically found in sedimentary rock layers where conditions favored their preservation, such as areas with minimal erosion and quick burial of remains. The specific location where fossils are found varies depending on the type of organism and the geological history of the region.

What did people look like 2000 years ago?

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People 2000 years ago likely appeared similar to modern humans, but with differences in clothing styles, hairstyles, and cultural practices. They would have had varying skin tones, hair colors, and facial features depending on their geographic location and ethnicity. Additionally, dental health may have been poorer due to a lack of modern oral hygiene practices.

Why are bird fossils rare?

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Bird fossils are rare because birds have hollow bones which are fragile and easily destroyed after their death. Additionally, birds are often scavenged by other animals soon after they die, further reducing the chances of their remains being preserved and fossilized. Finally, birds tend to live in environments that are not conducive to fossilization, such as forests or open water.

According to the concept of punctuated equilibrium the sudden appearance of a new species in the fossil record means that?

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there was a relatively rapid period of evolutionary change followed by long periods of stability without much change in the species. This suggests that evolution does not always happen gradually and continuously, but rather in punctuated bursts of change.

How do you identify a cercopithecoid fossil?

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Cercopithecoid fossils can be identified by their dental formula, which typically includes 2 incisors, 1 canine, 2 premolars, and 3 molars in each quadrant of the mouth. Other features include a bilophodont molar pattern with distinctive ridges and cusps. The shape and size of the skull, as well as the presence of specific cranial features like a forward-facing foramen magnum, can also help in identification.

What are Cast fossils mold fossils petrified fossils trace fossils carbon fossils and preserved fossils?

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  • Cast fossils: Formed when minerals fill a mold left by a decayed organism.
  • Mold fossils: Created when an organism's remains leave an impression in sediment that hardens into rock.
  • Petrified fossils: Organic material replaced by minerals over time, forming a rock-like replica.
  • Trace fossils: Evidence of an organism's activity (e.g., footprints or burrows) preserved in sedimentary rock.
  • Carbon fossils: Organisms preserved in carbon-rich environments, like coal or oil deposits.
  • Preserved fossils: Organisms remain intact or partially intact due to exceptional preservation conditions.

Where is the dropping fossils in fossil fighters?

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In Fossil Fighters, dropping fossils can be found in various locations throughout the game, including the Greenhorn Plains, Rivet Ravine, Bottomsup Bay, and Cranial Isle. They are randomly scattered on the ground and can be excavated using the stylus and touch screen to uncover new vivosaurs.

How did a walnut become a fossil?

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A walnut can become a fossil through a process called permineralization, where minerals replace the organic material of the walnut over time. This preserves the structure of the walnut in stone, creating a fossil. Over millions of years, the surrounding sediment hardens, forming a mineral cast of the walnut.

Are Fossils used to correlate sedimentary rocks that are widely separated by using the rocks distinctive fossil content and applying the principle of fossil succession?

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Yes, fossils can be used to correlate widely separated sedimentary rocks by comparing their distinctive fossil content and applying the principle of fossil succession, which states that older fossils in the rock layers are found at the bottom, and younger fossils are found in upper layers. By identifying similar fossil assemblages in rocks in different locations, geologists can establish a relative timeline of deposition and correlate the rocks.

What is a megladon sharks tooth worth?

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The value of a megalodon shark's tooth can vary depending on factors such as size, quality, and rarity. On average, a common megalodon tooth can range from $20 to $100, while larger or more pristine specimens can be worth hundreds or even thousands of dollars. It is recommended to have the tooth authenticated by a professional to determine its true value.

What can become a fossil?

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Organisms with hard parts like bones, teeth, and shells have a greater chance of becoming fossils. Soft tissues may also fossilize under certain conditions. Tracks, nests, and imprints can also fossilize, providing insights into ancient life.

What fossil used to compare the relative ages of fossils?

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An index fossil. An index fossil's age is known, allowing scientists to know the relative age of other fossils based on their position relative to the index fossil. (Ex. If a fossil is deeper in the earth, it is older than the index fossil)

When was smilodon fossils first found?

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The first Smilodon fossils were discovered in the early 19th century, with documented findings as early as the late 1700s. These fossils were initially unearthed in North and South America.

The thin film of carbon that shows the outline of an organism?

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A carbon film fossil is a thin layer of carbon residue preserved on a rock surface, capturing the outline or impression of an organism. These fossils form when the organic material of an organism decomposes, leaving behind a carbon residue that eventually hardens and becomes preserved in sedimentary rock. Carbon film fossils can provide valuable information about the shape and structure of ancient organisms.

Why is burning of fossils is a concern for scientists?

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Burning fossil fuels releases greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide which contribute to global warming and climate change. This can lead to negative impacts on the environment, such as rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and loss of biodiversity. Scientists are concerned because these changes can disrupt ecosystems and have wide-ranging consequences for both nature and human society.

Why are most plant fossils carbon films?

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Most plant fossils are carbon films because the organic material in the plant decays, leaving a thin carbon residue that is preserved in the rock. This carbon film provides a detailed imprint of the original plant, making it a valuable record for paleobotanists studying ancient plant species.

What geological period has the oldest terrestrial insect fossils found in rocks?

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The oldest terrestrial insect fossils are found in rocks dating back to the Devonian Period, approximately 400 million years ago. These fossils provide insight into the early evolution and diversification of insects on land.

Why are fossils sometimes colored?

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Fossils can be colored by minerals that seep into the remains during the fossilization process. These minerals can cause the fossil to take on hues such as red, brown, or black. The colors provide clues about the environment in which the fossil formed.

What do fossils tell you?

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Fossils provide a window in Earth's history by showing us how life existed in the past. They can be dated through several ways and can show us how animals and plants have evolved over millions of years. Also, fossils can help us better understand ancient disasters by the inclusion of elements (such as volcanic ash or dust from major space object impacts) and how they affected the life on earth.


An organism becomes a fossil after it what?

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An organism becomes a fossil after it is buried by sediment and undergoes a process called fossilization. This involves the deposition of minerals that replace the organic material of the organism, preserving its structure. Over millions of years, the remains may become rocks or minerals that retain a record of the organism.

Why don't all organisms become fossils?

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Not all organisms become fossils because the conditions required for fossilization, such as rapid burial and protection from scavengers and environmental elements, are not always present. Additionally, some organisms may decay completely before fossilization can occur.

What does dead plants turn into FOSSIL FUELs?

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Dead plants can turn into fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas through a process called fossilization. Over millions of years, the plant material gets buried under layers of sediment and undergoes heat and pressure, transforming into fossil fuels. This process traps carbon from the plants, which is released when the fossil fuels are burned.