

Gold Prospecting

Gold prospecting is the act of looking for new gold deposits. Started traditionally as a commercial activity, it later evolved into a popular outdoor recreation. Prospecting methods vary with the type of deposit searched and the prospector’s available resources.

150 Questions

Did everyone who moved to California become wealthy from gold prospecting?

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Asked by Wiki User

No. Most didn't find gold, and went home broke. Some opened stores and one came up with an idea for a better pant. His name was Levi Strauss and he introduced brads to seams on a blue jean material so it would hold up better in the dirt and water. Another came up with an idea for a bread and it was for a sourdough bread that is still made today in San Francisco.

Is there active gold prospecting near Las Vegas?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes! There are many places to prospect for gold around Vegas! I would suggest joining a local club! They can help you legally find gold! They will have claims you can use. If you go to someone else's claim without permission, you would be claim jumping, which is a federal offence! This means jail time and a fine.

The largest prospecting club that has claims all over the country, and a few within 2 hours of Las Vegas is the Gold Prospectors Association of America (GPAA).

Is gold prospecting legal in Algonquin?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you mean Algonquian Provincial Park in Ontario, Canada.... No it isn't.

NO mining allowed in Provcincial or National Parks in Canada.

Where was sluicing invented?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sluices were first used in the alluvial mining of gold placer deposits during the California Gold Rush.

Could you earn a living prospecting for gold?

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Asked by Daveoh

Yes, it is possible, but VERY difficult and arduous work.


It very much depends on how much money it takes to maintain your desired lifestyle. When i lived out of my van and had no children or wife i found it was very easy to earn a living. Once i got the experience i needed to know to learn how to "read the river"it was easy to make $150 to $400 per week just using a gold pan, sluice box and a small suction dredge (2 1/2 inch). The key is not to give up until you figure out what you are doing, then it gets fairly easy. Fun even.

It is tough in the beginning and it is very easy to give up. The rewards are there however if you stick with it.

How is gold processed?

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Asked by Wiki User

gold is processed by getting gold from the gold mine, then they make it into gold bars and send it off. the shape it by melting it in a thing that they want to shape it in.

Where can you go metal detecting in Doncaster?

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Asked by Wiki User

In Doncaster (UK) you can detect anywhere that you have permission from the landowner (and tenant if relevant) as long as it is not a Site of Specific Scientific Interest (SSSI), Ministry of Defence (MOD) site or Scheduled Monument (SM).

How much gold is in a pot of gold?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is x number of gold coins in the pot.

x = y/z, where y is equal to the cubic area of the pot, and z is equal to the cubic area of the gold coin.

True, there are often times pots of gold that are heaped up, but the question asked how much god is "in" a pot of gold.

How gold panning separates the gold from the other material?

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Asked by Wiki User

Grains of gold and nuggets are heavy compared to the grit and small stones swirling in the pan. By swishing off the lighter debris in a stream of water, the heavier gold is left behind and can be carefully collected.

Do people still look for gold?

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Gold is still expensive, and if you find enough you can still get rich.

What does it mean to prospect for gold?

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Asked by Emrey35

Prospecting for gold is like prospecting for anything else, be it a job or a spouse. A good gold prospector will do a lot of research before ever leaving his house. But once you find a likely place to look you go out with a gold pan or metal detector and take samples to try and locate a deposit of gold. This can happen with your first pan or it could take years or could never happen at all. In basic terms; Prospecting is the "search" for gold, Mining is the "extraction & processing" of gold.

Hope this helps

Where to find gold in Maricopa County Arizona?

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Asked by Wiki User

Possibly at bedrock. or at the mouth of. dry streambeds emptying out of the Mazatzal Mts. northeast of Phoenix.

Is an ounce of gold flakes worth much less than solid pieces of gold weighing an ounce as well?

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Asked by Mumford68

A 1 ounce nugget will have the same gold weight value as flakes. However, the nugget will have an intrinsic value of anywhere from 10-25% higher than the weight value. So to answer your question. No, these are different. The only way you will get this higher value is to sell to a person instead of a company, unless it is a jeweler.

What type of alloy to use to convert 24 kt into 9 kt gold?

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Asked by Adisvj

Silver, copper, and zinc. However, other metals may be added, especially to make colored gold.

Why was information on the early gold discoveries suppressed?

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Asked by Wiki User

you didnt show me any information on the gold fields and why it was suppressed why did you do that oops cookies are ready gtg dont want to burn them :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

How did hydraulic mining help in the gold rush?

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Asked by Wiki User

They didn't have big equipment like so they would run a pipe up hill into a dammed up spot in the river and the pressure would wash away the banks of the hill and leave the heaver gold then they would sluice it and pan it they were able to move allot of earth that way and scared the land.

Which word was used to describe klondike hopefuls?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Klondike gold rush began in July of 1897 and the Klondike hopefuls, which were miners of all sizes and shapes, were referred to as "Stampeders".

Where are the best places to prospect for gold?

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Asked by Wiki User

The best place to prospect for gold is where gold has historically been found. Gold bearing streams and rivers are well known and present the best place for finding more gold.

Where was gold usually found?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is found on all continents (w/ the exception of Antarctica) but is most abundant in Africa, especially South Africa (country).

What is the rocker and cradle?

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Asked by Wiki User

A rocker and cradle gets its name from its method of operation. Simply, a rocker consists of a sluice box and hopper mounted in such a way that it can rock side to side. Gold bearing gravel is dropped into the hopper which was typically a square shallow box with a metal or wooden screen on the bottom. A miner would then pour water into the hopper. The smaller gravel would pass through the screen and drop into the sluice as the miner continued to pour water into the hopper. The miner would also rock the rocker from side to side. This helped the gold to settle to the bottom of the sluice where it would get caught in the riffles. Once all of the small gravel had passed through the hopper screen, the miner would remove the hopper and dump out the larger rocks after checking visually for larger nuggets. Rockers were popular because they did not require as large of a water supply as was needed to run a regular sluice. Regular sluices needed a good flow of moving water to wash out the gold bearing gravel.

Where is it legal to prospect for gold?

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Asked by Wiki User

Public areas that are OK to prospect, areas that are withdrawn from mineral entry (land that cannot be claimed) Mining claims that you have permission to work. Claims that you own. Land that the owner gives permission to prospect.Some state parks allow gold panning.

There are many books and web searches that will turn up places where it is ok to prospect, but they are usually worked over pretty well.

The way i found my first prospecting sites was by asking around.