

History of Islam

The history of Islam goes back over 1400 years to Prophet Muhammad and his creation of the first Islamic State in Medina Munawarra. Since that point, Islamic culture, custom and tradition have spread all across the world in numerous empires and by peaceful conversions. Muslims have been prominent in science, government, religion, philosophy, literature and numerous other areas of human endeavor. If you are interested in learning more about the history of the Islamic World, its development over the centuries and its contributions to society, here is a good place to start asking your questions.

500 Questions

Why were the Muslims unable to conquer Constantinople?

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There were several attempts by Muslim armies to conquer Constantinople before Ottoman Muslim Sultan Mehmet II el-Fatih (the Conqueror) overran the city's defenses in 1453. The Muslims were unable to conquer Constantinople in those attacks because of how well the city is fortified. The Old City of Constantinople is on a small peninsula and the city walls went right up to the water. This meant that no siege weaponry could be used on three sides of the city. Correspondingly, the only land-border of the city was extremely well-fortified and developed. Additionally, since the land border was west-facing, it would require the Muslims, who were generally coming from the east, to move around the city's north or south face and given the defenders of the city enough time to prepare an effective defense.

What are the branches of Sunni and Shiite Islam?

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shiism did not undergo any divisions dyring the imamate of the first three Imam: Ali, Hasan , Husayn. but after the martyrdom of Husayn, the majority of shiites accepted the Imamate Of Ali ibn Husayn ibn Al-Sajjad, while a minority known as Kaysaniyyah believed that the third son of Ali, Muhammed Ibn Al Hanafiyyah was the fouth Imam as well as the promised Mahdi and that he had gone into occultation in the Rawdah mountain and one day would reappear. after the death of Imam Al Sajjad , the majority of shiites accepted as Imam his son, Muhammad Al BAqir while a minority followed Zayd al Shahid, another son of imam Al Sajjad and became known as ZAydis, Following Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir, the Shiites accepted his son Jafar Al-Sadiq as Imam ad after the death of imam Jafar, the majority followed his son Imam Musa Al-Kazim as the seventh Imam. However one group followed the older son of the sixth imam, Ismail, whi had died while his father was still alive and when this latter group separated from the majority of shiites, it became known as as Ismailis. others accepted as Imam either Abdullah Aftah or Muhammad, both sons of sixth imam. finally another party stopped with sixth Imam himself and considered him as the last Imam. In the same way after the martyrdom of Imam Musa-Alkazim the majority followed his son, Ali Al-Rida, as the eighth Imam. however some stopped with the seventh imam and became known as the waqifiyyah.

from the eighth Imam to the twelfth, whom the majority of shiites believed to be the promised mahdi, no division of any importance took place in Shiism.

the sunnis divide in terms of the school of jurisprudence into four schools: Hanafi, Maliki, Shafehii, Hanbali.

What are some of the effects of the reconquista?

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Prior to the Moorish invasion the Iberian Peninsula was a collection of principalities and kingdoms with a common language. After the Moorish invasion these individual units, sometimes alone, and sometimes in alliance with other units resisted and rebelled and began a slow, area by area, push toward the South. Eventually the three largest kingdoms, Castile, Leon, and Aragon were united by the 1469 marriage of Isabel I, Queen of Castile and Leon to Ferdinand II, the King of Aragon. These two monarchs served as co-rulers of their individual kingdoms until Isabels death in 1504. By 1492 they had succeeded in expelling the Moors from what became Spain. As the wealth of the Americas flowed into their coffers they became the preeminent power in Spain.

When did the Mali empire convert to Islam?

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We do not have the exact dates, but it appears that the earliest conversions, usually of Ghanian leaders, occurred in the mid-800s C.E., and Islam became a dominant religion in the Ghana Empire by the mid-900s C.E.

Which island in the Mediterranean sea is part of Muslim-controlled territory?

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Currently, Cyprus is the only major island in the Mediterranean with a Muslim-government presence: the illegal occupation government of the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus. If the map you are looking at is from the days of the Abbassid Caliphate, then the island in question would be Sicily, which was conquered by the Arab Muslims and held for roughly two centuries.

How did the rule of the Taliban end?

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The US military armed the Northern Alliance and assorted warlords, supported them with arms and reconnaissance so they were able to kick the Taliban out of power and caused many of them to flee into Pakistan.

Why does Umar hold special place in Islamic history?

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Umar of Arabia (Umar bin Khattab) is known for his justice, wisdom, management, hardworking, and power.

He ruled the Islamic empire and was the 3rd ruler in Islam after prophit Muhammad and Abu Bakr.

During his 10 years as Khalifa (ruler), the Islamic empire doubled its size, siezed Sassanid empire and more than two thirds of the Byzantine empire which were the two most powerful and largest empires at that time.

Also, he established a lot of rules and a law which made his empire known of its justice and stability.

All kind of people and religions were there and lived in peace without problems, and as a result, the Islamic empire were able to expand much more later and to achieve the civil achievements it did later.

How did Islam influence the Roman and Persian Empires?

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It didn't. Both those empires were gone by the time Islam began.

What inventions were advanced during Muslim empire?

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All branches of science, human rights, philosophies, and morals were advanced in the Islamic empire.

How much size of Islamic empire?

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Historically inaccurate. They were not all being ruled by same countries. But todays East Europe was ruled by Ottoman Empire for 400 years and Spain was ruled for 100 years or so, which are not being ruled by the Muslim now

How did Saladin become sultan?

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After liberating Jerusalem from the Christians, he proclaimed himself sultan. His soldiers agreed that it was fitting.

What is the role of Islam in African history?

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-converted many to muslims

-ruled egypt and entered the maghrib

-some african rulers converted to islam

-based the government upon the islamic law

-often relied of religious scholars as government advisors

How did the Umayyads' treatment of non-Muslims and non-Arabs affect their empire?

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Dhimmi (Non-Muslims)

The Dhimmi, or non-Muslim under Muslim occupation was required during the Umayyad Period to pay a number of taxes that were connected with his Dhimmi status. The most famous was the jizya, which was a tax that Dhimmi had to pay for Muslims for the right to not be killed where they stood for not acknowledging Mohammed's Prophecy; it was a form of humiliation. Additional taxes included the kharaj, which was a tax on non-Muslim land-holdings in the Muslim World. The kharaj was so untenable that most Dhimmi were forced to live in the cities where the tax would not be applicable. On paper, a Christian or Jew could testify against a Muslim, but in reality, such testimony was not acceptable and the attempt to defame a Muslim would receive retribution. Christians and Jews were not allowed to build new houses of worship, restore old houses of worship, proselytize in any way (this included religious debate or dialogue), or allow wine or pigs to be shown in public.

Mawali (Non-Arab Muslims)

Mawali were traditionally excluded from political and social affairs. The Umayyad in particular treated them as second-class Muslims. The evidence of this treatment was that Mawali were not allowed to have many government positions and that they were taxed whereas Arab Muslims were not taxed at all. Mawali made up an important component of the Umayyad Caliphate, especially Persians. Persia was always a high seat of culture in the Islamic Empire. As a result, ideas moved quite freely throughout Persia and Persians considered themselves to be of equal worth to Arabs.


Since they treated both rather horrendously, it is not surprising that the Umayyad Caliphate fell around 100 years after its foundation due to internal strife and localized rebellion. However, most of the rebellion came out of Persian and Moroccan Mawalis who were angered over their disenfranchisement rather than the Dhimmi who did not wish to receive retribution for offending Muslims.

In what country did Islam begin?

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For many Muslims the term "Islam" has two meanings: the Divine Religion of Submission to God's Will (often called Islam with a small "i") and the Institutionalized Belief as Found in Qur'an and Revealed by Mohammed's Prophecy (often called Islam with a capital "I"). The following answers should be understood in either of those meanings.

Answer 1

Muhammad was born in Mecca and he began to preach Islam in the cities of Mecca and Medina, which are in modern Saudi Arabia. Islam originated in the 7th century. It is the youngest of the world's major religions. Saudi Arabia has now become the most restrictive country in the world vis-à-vis other religions.

Answer 2

Islam is an Arabic word that means submission to Allah (God in English). In this sense, Islam started by God since God creation of the universe. All creations were and are created on full submission (Islam) to God. This explains also that Islam in its universal sense is the mission of all God prophets to humanity. All prophets were calling people to Islam (submission to God, the one and only one). However:

  • Islam per the Torah God revelation to Moses (PBUH) is called Judaism,
  • Islam per the Bible God revelation to Jesus (PBUH) is called Christianity, and
  • Islam per the Qur'an revelation to Muhammad (PBUH) is called the very name Islam.

Islam per the Qur'an revelation to prophet Muhammad (PBUH) started in the country that is currently called Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. See the Related Question below.

Regarding the opening statement and Answer 9: : The dual definitions of islam and Islam has no reference in any Islamic source. It is something baseless and introduced by some westerners.

Regarding Answer 1: Please reread this answer.

Answer 3

Prophet Mohammad(s.a.w) spread Islam in the whole world from Mecca and Medina (generally). So you can say it was founded in Saudi Arabia but it is not the religion of Arabs. Islam is a Universal Religion and even though it started in Saudi Arabia, today many countries have Islam.

Answer 4

The last Prophet of Islam was born in Makka, Saudi Arabia. In a way, we can say that Islam began in Arabia. Although, according to the Muslims all the Prophets of Allah preached Islam.

Answer 5

Islam began in Saudi Arabia (Mecca and Medina cities) when the prophet Mohammad first received vision from Allah through the angel, Jibril (Gabriel).

Answer 6

Saudi Arabia. The first Muslims led by the prophet Muhammad lived in Mecca and then moved to the city of Medina (previously known as Yathrib later renamed to Medina). Both Mecca and Medina are in present day Saudi Arabia. Back then it wasn't called Saudi Arabia cause Saud is the name of the royal dynasty who rules the country now, just the Windsors rule Britain. It was just called Arabia back then.

Answer 7

Islam has existed since the first day Adam was created! It has not started in a country but it is the religion of the heavens! However; since this heavenly Islam was distorted, Muslims believe the prophet Muhammad came to restore the message - the revival originated in the city of Mecca, in the country today called The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Answer 8

Believers in the faith of the Prophet Mohamed, consider Mecca as the origin of the religion. This is where the Prophet lived and is beneath the mountain where Abraham went to sacrifice Isaac. It is also the city with the Mosque that encloses the "Kaabah" and the destination for pilgrimage. The country is then the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Mecca is next to the Red Sea, south of Jeddah.

Answer 9

islam with a small "i" (henceforth written as "islam") is a concept that comes out of Islam with a capital "I" (henceforth written as Islam") and projects the Established Religion of Islam back into the period before people would have identified as Muslim.

islam traces itself back to the universe's creation, making Islam the only proper human faith according to the Qur'an. Since it is considered part of universal creation, there is no country where islam begin, since islam existed before the world did.

Islam, as an Established Religion, was organized and directed by Mohammed, who, according to Islam, received revelations from God in Mecca, Saudi Arabia in the late 6th century. He was supported by several family members like his uncle Ali Ibn Talib and his first wife Khadija to pursue these prophecies. He converted other members to his nascent religion before being expelled from Mecca to Yethrib (now known as Medina) in 622 C.E. When Mohammed became the Chief Hakam or Judge/Administrator of Yethrib, he received many new revelations and began to ask members of his community to memorize these revelations (along with prior ones). These memorizers (in Arabic Hafeths) would eventually be responsible for the creation of one unified Qur'an. By Mohammed's death, he had conquered all of Arabia and converted most of Arabia to his new faith, establishing the grounds for an Islamic Caliphate, which succeeded him.

Answer 10

Islam is the only religion given to mankind by its Creator, Almighty God. It is not FOUNDED. It is as old as the first human being descended on the earth Hazrat Adam (AS) was the first Muslim and first Prophet of Almighty God. All the Prophets sent to earth by Almighty God for the guidance of humans preached One and the same religion-Islam. The last prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad (May peace be upon him) was born in Makka. He started preaching Islam in 610 AD, in Makka in Saudi Arabia. The fundamental belief being: ONENESS of Almighty God, having No Son, No Parents, No Off-spring, No Partner. The Sole Creator, Sustainer, Provider and Ruler of all the worlds.

In Arabia, now called Saudi Arabia. Specifically in the towns of al-Makkah and al-Yathrib, now called Medinah.

Islam was started in the Modern day Saudi Arabia. In the Hijaz Province, which would be considered as Mecca now.

At the time, the area was known as "Al-Jazeera Al-Arabiya" (Arabian Peninsula).

Islam originates from Saudi Arabia.

Islam started by and even before start of universe creation. However, Islam per Quran God revelation to prophet Muhammad (PBUH) started by start of God revelation to the prophet in Makkah (or Mecca) in Saudi Arabia.

What contributions did the Muslims make during the golden age?

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there were many even still there are but people have made islam a very difficult religion even it is of the bestestestestest contibution which i like the most was the importance of women :).....before islam women were treated in a very inhumane manner....young girls were buried or killed when they just islam did everything to protect a woman and that is why today women are alive in all world....even i would not b able to answer you if islam wud not have been introduced :)

How did Aurangzeb treat non-Muslims?

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The Mughal Empire was known throughout its reign to have been a relatively beneficent Islamic State, especially under Akbar the Great. However, King Aurangzeb forcibly converted massive numbers of Hindus in India. He also led several campaigns to slaughter of several groups of Hindus who lived outside of his direct authority. He was known for destroying the three most sacred Hindu temples: the Kashi Vishwanath temple, Kesava Deo temple and Somnath temple and built large mosques in their place. Sikh leaders who opposed Aurangzeb's forced conversions were beheaded. Christians who had received aid and protection under Akbar the Great lost those benefits under the Mughal.

WHy was Islam's Golden Age important?

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Imam Saudi (PBUH) trained many students in different scientific branches and they had great contributions

Actually the Christians and Jews helped bring about Islams golden age. Maimonides a Jew who lived in the Muslim empire in the 1100's, was a doctor. Maimonides tried to explain how people could believe in science and religion at the same time in his bookGuide for the Perplexed. Today, people still study and think about his ideas.

The different readings of Muslim shia and sunni history?

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Shia and Sunni have mostly same beliefs and both believe in fundamental beliefs of Islam. Today there is up to 260 sects in Islam that are in two main categories of shia and sunni.

the conflict of shia and sunni has been always amplified by world Imperialism to prevent Islam from gaining power.

Shia believes in Allah, prophet and all fundamentals of Islam.

Shia pray 5 times a day but usually do the 2, 3 and 4, 5 pray together and so may seem they do only 3 pray a day. there is some differences in details of pray like genuflect (for shia should be on a stone or part of earth and for sunni on carpet or floor ).

shia believe after death of prophet God selected the successive for prophet who is the political leader of Muslim community and people can not and does not the right to selected it.

Shia believes the Caliph (Representative of God in earth) is selected only by God and can not be selected by people because God said in Koran: "Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority" (Quran 2:30) or "O David! We did indeed make thee a vicegerent on earth" (Quran 38:26) also other verses.

Shia believes such verses means only God can select an Islamic political leader (Caliph).

In Shia Islam Caliphs after prophet are 12 Imams and all of them are the same and have no mistake and have the knowledge of everything (not absolute knowledge like knowledge of God) and they hear all sayings and even thinks of all humans after even after their death by permission of God and they are intermediates between God and human Shia Muslims always support them and forgive their lives for them.

Shia Muslims do not consider selection of Abubakr as Caliph by people valid because God did not select him. They believe God ordered prophet to declare people that Ali is selected as successor of prophet and prophet did this mission many times during his prophet-hood and mainly in Ghadir event after last Hajj of his life at a 3-4 hour speech in front of 120,000 Muslims at Ghadir in hot desert after 2 days stop of long caravan for gathering and 3 days after speech for congratulations and homage of Muslims to Ali. Islam at that time had high power in world and Some companions had high interest in leadership position after prophet. Muslims knew that it is the final Hajj of prophet (predicted by prophet) and were going along with prophet to hear what prophet says at end of his life. Shia believes Ghadir event is the most important event of Islam and is mentioned in Koran in many verses like "Today" (اليوم) in verse 5:3 of Quran is the day of Ghadir. Or Verse 5:67 (O Messenger! proclaim the (message) which hath been sent to thee from thy Lord. If thou didst not, thou wouldst not have fulfilled and proclaimed His mission. And Allah will defend thee from men (who mean mischief). For Allah guideth not those who reject Faith) is revealed at Ghadir day and is about declaring political leadership of Ali after prophet.

Both Sunni and Shia Muslims accept happening of Ghadir event But different interpret. Some Sunni writers tried to reject the event of Ghadir as declare of leadership of Ali and said at Ghadir prophet only wanted to say Ali is my friend and no one should bother him. Ali had 3 different missions to Yemen by prophet during 10 years and in 2 of them some companions of prophet had some conflicts with Ali and and prophet said some sayings about Ali to solve conflicts and some sunni writers have mixed stories of missions of Ali to Yemen with story of Ghadir to prove Ghadir event is not about Leadership of Ali and is not important.

Shia scholars believe some Sunni writers have changed and deviated historical evidences about political leadership of Ali in old historical books and republished them to destroy evidences of leadership of Ali from old Sunni books.

The famous Shia book Al-Ghadir (الغدير) by Allameh Amini is a collection of evidences and proofs for Ghadir Events written after referring to 100,000 Sunni books and full reading of 10,000 sunny books. Allameh Amini is a famous Shia scholar and spent 40 years of his life in travelling to access original old Sunni books in libraries in different countries to write this 20 volume book only from Sunni books and not using any Shia book. Some Sunni scholars tried to reply this book but then said if we want to reply this book we should first destroy all books of ourselves.

Shia doctrine have root in Karbala tragedy. When tragedy of Karbala happened most of Iranians understood there is two different kinds of Islam and after happening of Karbala tragedy most of Iranians became followers of "Ahl al-Bayt" and forgive their lives for them like what they did in Iranian Revolution and Iran-Iraq War. Shia Muslims have at least 120,000 Hadith (saying) from The Fourteen Infallibles that is the base of Shia Islam along with Quran. Shia believes according to " Hadith of the two weighty things" The Fourteen Infallibles are the only valid interpreters of Quran and sayings of them are from God because they are Representative of God in earth and they do not say anything from themselves. Shia believes 12th of them (Mahdi) is alive and because people have killed all 11 Imams before him, he is in hide like Jesus and will come out of hide toghether with Jesus when people become ready and want to accept his leadership. All 11 Imams have been killed and during their life thy all have been in prison or under hard control of government to not have any political action. They never had enough serious followers to can get political power. Among them only the sixth Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq was relatively free in his life to have only scientific activities (but banned from any political action) and so only he is known in west because he established university and had students from all over the world. Westerns know him as a polymath: an astronomer, alchemist, Imam, Islamic scholar, Islamic theologian, writer, philosopher, physician, physicist and scientist. He was also the teacher of the famous chemist, Jābir ibn Hayyān (Geber), and of Abū Ḥanīfa, the founder of the Hanafi school of Sunni Islamic jurisprudence. He never wanted be a famous man and only shared his knowledge with who wanted to learn. Some researchers consider his teachings the root cause of renaissance.

Sunni Muslims also accept Mahdi and his worldwide leadership as Caliph of God in earth at end of world. There is a famous Hadith from prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that Mahdi at hide is like sun behind cloud, he is hidden from people but people receive his benefits. Shia Muslims say some faithful believers have connection with Mahdi and use his knowledge. Shia Muslims believe that it is proved at least 1000 persons have had connection and talk with Mahdi during his hide period but Any one having relation with Mahdi keep it and does not declare it in public until is alive.

What contributed to the unity of the Muslim empire?

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Amswer 1

They taught the Qur'an and live off the story of Mohammad.

Answer 2

The Islamic Caliphate only held together as one empire for 120 years (630 C.E. to 750 C.E.). This is less time than the United States was around and roughly the equivalent time of the worldwide British Empire (1830-1950). Therefore, it is not unrealistic or special that the Rightly-Guided Caliphate and its successor state the Umayyad Caliphate remained united. There was a strong intent to integrate the conquered populations and many in the territories wished to become Muslim due either to conviction or to financial incentive. When the Abbassids overthrew the Umayyads in the Middle East, the Islamic Empire broke up into numerous Caliphates and Sultanates (such as the Umayyads, Abbassids, Idrissids, Aghlabids), returning to the natural state of disunity. The Abbassid Caliphate would further break down into in the next two centuries into the Fatimid, Ayyubid, and Buyid Caliphates. The fact that the Ottomans became the spiritual successor State to the Rightly-Guided Caliphate by way of the Umayyads by way of the Abbassids by way of the Ayyubids by way of the Mamluks by way of the Seljuks, is purely incidental and only occurred because the central Middle East was consistently under the control of an Empire that was Islamic. These empires were held together by institutions such as the governates (wilayat), roads, and police/soldiers, just like every other empire. It just happens that track record of violence and repression is better for Islamic Empires.

Which of the Muslim Empires do you think made the greatest achievements?

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It may be debatable, however, considering the spiritual and worldly achievements together, we can safely say that the Muslim Empire under the rule of second righteous Caliph Hazrat Umar Farooq (RAU) made the greatest achievements.

How did Islam affect history?

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The Islamic religion has had a immense impact on the ancient and modern world.

During the Crusades, Christian and Muslims clashed in battle for Jerusalem. Afterwards, people had a varied opinion on their radical beliefs and "Jihad" holy wars.

On September 11th, the bombing of the World Trade Center and Pentagon by Muslim extremists gave a negative impulse to the victims and to many people worldwide who witnessed the crisis.

However, a handful of ignorant, uneducated individuals should not cast a shadow of generalization upon Islam. Islam does not support or promote killing or violence.

Like Judaism and Christianity, the Islamic religion is monotheistic, or has a belief in one absolute God or divine deity. All three are correlated in the roots of God and praise Moses, Jesus and God as one. The Muslims acknowledge the Old and New Testaments of the Bible and include the last chapter, the Torah as the true revelation of God's plan for Humanity. So all in all, those who are part of one of these big three religions denounce or persecute those of another, but in the end they are all related in one big cosmic and realistic way.

Differences between the Muslim community of Muhammad and the society that developed after the Arab conquests?

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Well the difference between Muslim community of Muhammad and the society of Arab is because the Muslim's concerns about God while the Arab believes in God and his oneness