



Questions about Ibuprofen, also known by the names Brufen, Nurofen, Advil, and Motrin.

500 Questions

Is it safe to mix unisom with NyQuil?

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No, do not take these together. Both of these have an ingredient which causes sleepiness. If you check the label --- you will see that it is the same drug (diphenhydramine). You would be taking a double dose of this, which could cause trouble breathing or trouble waking up in the morning. If you are over 60, you could run a risk of falling from taking a double dose.

Can you take Advil with soda?

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that's poisinous you could die.....................................................................................................................just kidding.

you can take aspirin with anything but alchohal

Where is Ibuprofen metabolized?

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Ibuprofen is metabolized by the Kidneys and is thus excreted in the Urine. Actually, "...NSAIDs are metabolized by the liver via oxidative and conjugative pathways and have the potential to cause liver injury, with some agents being more hepatotoxic than others"


Can you take acetaminophen and Ibuprofen together with Naprosin?

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You might take acetaminophen with ibuprofen. You might take acetaminophen with Naprosyn. But you CAN'T take ibuprofen and naproxen (Naprosyn) together, as long as both drugs are NSAID and works on the same receptors. Naproxen is a little bit more powerful than ibuprofen.

Can you take Ibuprofen and amoxicilin together?

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Ibuprofen can be taken or prescribed alongside amoxicillin. There are no known side effects as the liver functions are thought to be within the normal operating limits with ingestion of these medications. However, it is advisable to seek professional medical advice when dealing with drugs.

Are nsaids opioids?

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No, NSAIDs are not opioids, but some opioids are formulated with NSAIDS in the pill.

Can cialis be taken with ibuprofen?

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Yes, as long as you follow the recommended doses.
Viagra is known to cancel the effects of painkillers. there are many types of aspirin so it is not best to generalize your question with "aspirin". There have been studies but nothing seems to be proof positive. There have been reports of gastral problems like aching and swelling. But it seems that no one has died of it. I would go for not using any aspirin with Viagra. and with gastral pains as a possible side effect...well I know I couldn't perform with my stomach in pain.

What is the recommended therapeutic dosage of Advil for osteoarthris pain?

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200-400mg every 4-6 hours, no more than 1200mg/day without a prescription from your medical professional.

How much paracetamal and ibrofen can you take at once?

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Asked by DavidWrightfb0046

You can take paracetamol four times a day, and ibuprofen 3 times. So you could take 1000mg of paracetamol (2 tablets, if you're over 12) with breakfast, lunch and dinner and at bedtime, and 400mg of ibuprofen (if over 12) mid morning, mid afternoon and mid evening, for a painkilling regime where you get to take something every couple of hours. If you were having to do this all day every day, you should be visiting your GP for optimal help with your symptoms. You can take the tablets together, if you had a headache you could take two paracetamol and 400mg ibuprofen together, or 500mg of paracetamol and 200mg ibuprofen - always better to start with the smaller dose and see if it works for you before going in with the maximum! But you still need to remain within the daily limits described.

Can you take 800mg ibuprofen with oxycodene 325mg for different reasons at the same time?

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Asked by Lindeeb

You may not realize it, but you are talking about 3 different drugs right now. When you say oxycodone 325mg, you are most likely referring to percocet, which is made up of oxycodone (the opiate) and acetaminophen (aka Tylenol). The most common dosage of each drug is Oxycodone 5mg, acetaminophen 325mg. So if you look at the prescription bottle, it will probably say "Oxycodone/APAP 5/325." APAP is an abbreviation for the chemical name for acetaminophen. The third medication you asked about is ibuprofen. This is the generic for advil and motrin. It is in the family of NSAIDs-Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs. There are no significant interactions between ibuprofen-acetaminophen-oxycodone. More important are side effects and your reasons for needing all these medications. Most important side effects: Acetaminophen- liver toxicity if too much is taken, the general rule is no more than 4 grams per 24 hour period. This number is decreased in the presence of other factors, ie. malnutrition, chronic alcohol abuse, etc. But most people do not approach the limit and therefore, acetaminophen is a relatively benign drug. Ibuprofen can have significant side effects. It can cause gastric distress and bleeding, increased bruising of the skin throughout the body, and even kidney problems. 800 mg of ibuprofen is a very high dose, if you do take that much, please make sure to take it on a full stomach. Oxycodone, like other opiates, has risk of addiction and all of its problems. Other side effects include constipation, urinary retention, sedation, and acute toxicity leading to respiratory depression --> failure--> death. With all of this information, think about why you need this combination of medicines. If you have enough pain, whatever the cause is, I suggest you see a doctor for a thorough evaluation. If you have seen a doctor and received the percocet prescription, but its not enough so you are considering adding ibuprofen, go back to your doctor and tell him/her you are still in pain. Don't add to your pain regimen without your doctor's advice. There is a lot of information here, but I hope some of it answered your question.

Uses of Advil?

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To relieve pain from conditions such as headache, dental pain, menstrual cramps, muscle aches, or arthritis. It is also used to reduce fever and to relieve minor aches and pain due to the common cold or flu.

Can you combine advil cold and sinus and mucinex-d?

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Yes, you can take Advil Cold and Sinus and Mucinex together. However, make sure you're just taking regular Mucinex and not Mucinex DM with Advil. Mucinex DM can cause bad interactions if taken with other cold medications.

Does Advil lower your heart rate?

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Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAI's) will, in fact, increase your heart rate and blood pressure. Not by much, but prolonged use and overdosage can become dangerous, especially in people with existing heart problems. If it has a bad reaction with another drug or you're allergic to it, that could lower your heart rate by quite a lot (and cause jaundice, nausea, and a host of other symptoms); but that would be an indication to seek urgent medical attention.

Is norco considered a anti inflammatory?

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Norco is not considered an anti-inflammatory drug. It is a combination of hydrocodone and acetaminophen and is used to relieve pain.

Is it safe to take Ibuprofen and codeine?

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Yes, the combination is safe. You can take 600mg ibuprofen up to 4 times daily if needed. Take it with plenty of water and with food in your stomach

Can you take Zyrtec on an empty stomach?

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I would not recommend that you take Zyrtec on an empty stomach because it can give you a upset stomach and diarrhea as well. It can also make you feel really bad too.

Can you take Opiate and ibuprofen at the same time?

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Research indicates that this combination is okay.

Check with a medical professional before changing your medication plans.

Can 200mg of ibuprofen hurt a 17 pound dog?

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Yes, when I broke my ankle the doctor gave me 200 milligrams of ibuprofen, and I am a 165 pound human adult male.

A 165 pound adult male can handle 200 milligrams of ibuprofen

A 20 pound puppy cannot

Can ibuprofen 800mg fail a drug test for THC?

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Ibuprofen won't cause you to fail your Marijuana urine test, so don't worry!

Is it safe to mix oxycodone 10mg with with ibuprofen 800mg?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes I would say! Not alot of it together but just normal doses wouldn't hurt! That's what my doctor gave me when I pulled a muscle in my back!

Can you take Ibuprofen and whiskey together?

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Not sure,just taken some,I'll let you know if I still live through it

Is a dose of Adderall XR 30 mg twice a day excessive for a 52 pound child?

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Asked by Wiki User

Dosage of Adderall for 12-year old GirlThe dose of Adderall is determined more by what dose subsides the symptoms. Taking in simple consideration children. As far as the weight it really has little to do with dose. Whether the medication is going to work, or if your child adjusts well. Stimulants should be carefully monitored for side effects. You should also be aware that if your child is being overstimulated while taking Adderall XR you can simply open the capsule up and pour some of the beads out. I take Adderall XR 30mg 3 times daily and sometimes that is what I do if becoming overstimulated is a problem. Checking with the prescribing doctor is a good idea before making any changes though. Also staying away from citrus when the dose is first taken because the PH balance in the GI tract affects how Adderall is absorbed. Alkaline, and Acidic foods really affect how Adderall works. A meal high in fat will also affect how Adderall works. I would look into those things. It really makes a difference.

Read on for more information from Wiki s contributors:

  • My son is 8 years old and weighs 55 pounds. He was prescribed 10 mg Adderall and it was very effective. Doctors seem to start with small doses and raise them until the desired effect is reached.
  • My daughter is 9yrs old weighs 72 pounds is on 15 mg of adderall xr. we started about 1week ago she was straterra on 40 mg of it. this stuff is so much better then straterra she was get sick before and had bad stomach aches. my 7 yr is 44 pounds we started her on 36MG OF CONERTA

Just as a reference point, I am a 22 year old college student and at 165lbs and I take 20mg doses of non-extended release Adderall, which has a very strong effect on me. Though it isn't "prescribed by weight," it's still a stimulant. Yes, it will react differently in all people, so you can't go strictly by weight, but obviously if you give an 88lb twelve year old two cups of coffee, it's going to be way different than if you give a 165lb person 2 cups of coffee. There are exceptions, and of course the severity of ADD symptoms may warrant a large dose, but 20mg of narcotics is a lot! So definitely work from the smallest dose up.

  • Monitor your child closely for depression, anxiety, nervousness, and social withdrawal. Adderall at those levels will probably cause all of these eventually, especially if your daughter is so young. If she is tweleve, she should be starting middle school, or has started. Middle school is hard enough without drugs that screw up her emotions and her thought process. Be careful, and remember that doctors hand that stuff out like candy. If at all possible, try to fix your daughter's life without medication. Adderall is extremely addictive, and, should your daughter choose to get off the medication, she will experience withdrawal and will have to relearn how to cope with everyday life all over again.
  • I wouldn't worry too much, as long as she doesn't have an severe side effects. when i was a child i took meds from before i can remember until i was 14. i always had a pretty high tolerance for medications and i was on the highest dose that was physically possible without overdosing for someone my weight. i took more mg of Ritalin every day than my older brother... it just depends on the person
  • I'm not a doctor but I called Adderall about their dosage for mg. They do not go by weight. Thre is a chart they follow. My daughter is 10-years-old and weights 90 pounds. We just changed her Adderall XR from 20 mg to 25 mg, but then the doctor decided on 30 mg. I decided it should be more than 25, but less than 30 mg, so I open her pills and give her less than 30 mg. I don't give it to her on weekends, either. My other daughter takes Concerta 54 mg. and needs it all the time. Adderall XR made her depressed. Always talk with your doctor about your child's medications

  • i am a 28 year old woman. 20 mgs of adderall has a huge effect on me physically and mentally. 5 mgs also has a huge effect! you need to be careful with your daughter. adderall is amphetamines, pure and simple. speed. think of how much you would feel safe taking yourself. as a child she may not be aware of the changes in her body and mind or able to express them well. just because something is sold by a pharmaceutical company and is legal doesn't necessarily mean it's the best option for dealing with an attention span problem. in fact, it's probably the worst way to deal with the problem in most cases.

1:07 am

How do you guys sleep at night??? I am 22 years old and I work full time and am taking 3 night classes. I am on 10 mg not extended release and I am still awake doing school work (psychology, that hpw I cam across this) I would just like to say that 20mg of XR is way to much for a 12 year girl plus she is going through puberty and this combination could really bring on bulemia, addiction, and other bad influences. I am no doctor, but I was prescribed to 20 XR adderall at 13 It helped, but not as much as it helped me lose weight, I grew an addiction to it and became bulemic because when it wore off I would be starving so I would stuff and barf. Then I picked up a ciggrette habit because I like the way i felt when smoking on adderral and it helped my throw up. I am just placing my concern. Like i said before Im no doctor and the truth is everyone is diffrent. Please just watch for her weight change, make sure she is busy with good activity so that she is not taught bad influences like cigrettes. i am fine now and I do not smoke cigerretes, but I would have been better off without it

a survey of U.S. middle schools, grades 6-8, found that one in eight students were experimenting with some form of tobacco such as cigrettes, cigars, and chewing tobacco. -Visualizing Pschology - Carpenter, Siri and Huffman, Keri

Research on here( Wiki s): Can you smoke cigarettes while on Adderall XR

Eating Disorders affect up to 24 million Americans and 70 million individuals worldwide.

The Renfrew Center Foundation for Eating Disorders, Eating Disorders 101 Guide: A Summary of Issues, Statistics and Resources, published September 2002, revised October 2003,

90 % of those who have eating disorders are women between the ages of 12 and 25.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, The Center for Mental Health Services, offices of the US Department of Health and Human Services.

its not unusual.


I wouldn't recomend it but i haven't seen her to be sure myself, it is between the doctor and the girl on the dose of the drug and cannot be told by weight and age. But in my opinion, i wouldn't give her that much.

Can xanax and Advil pm be taken together?

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Asked by Wiki User

lets go with No...why would you take 1 CNS Depressant with another CNS depressant?