


Industries and Professions

Industries refer to the production of economic goods – materials or services – in an economy. Industries are divided into four sectors: primary (such as farming), secondary (manufacturing), tertiary (medicine) and quaternary (computer programming). Many countries depend on several industries. A profession is a type of career that requires specialized knowledge and often intensive academic preparation. Selecting a profession can be challenging, so learning all you can about professions that interest you is extremely helpful. That is what this category is all about, so ask and answer questions about professions here.

500 Questions

Mechanical separation techniques in sugar industry?

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In the sugar industry, mechanical separation techniques such as filtration, centrifugation, and evaporation are commonly used. Filtration is used to remove solid impurities from sugar juice, while centrifugation is used to separate sugar crystals from the mother liquor. Evaporation is employed to concentrate sugar solutions by removing water through heat. These techniques help in refining and processing sugar to meet quality standards.

What is the code in monkey go happy?

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I need code for Monkey go happy stage 354, thanks !

Which gas is released from industries?

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Various gases can be released from industries, including carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, sulfur dioxide, and volatile organic compounds. These gases can contribute to air pollution and climate change if not properly managed and controlled.

What is role of microbes in leather industries?

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Bacteria is used in the pre-tanning processes ,i.e, soaking, dehairing, bating and degreasing. And most important it produces proteolytic enzymes known as proteases which are extracted and used in dehairing, soaking and bating processes which is required to produce leather.

What is the relevance of chemistry in occupational safety and health?

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Chemistry is relevant in occupational safety and health because it helps in understanding the properties of hazardous chemicals found in workplaces, enabling the assessment of potential risks and the implementation of proper control measures to protect workers. Knowledge of chemistry also helps in the proper selection and use of personal protective equipment and in the development of safe handling procedures for chemicals in the workplace.

How can i get the professor's telescope to him from clubbk?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can send the professor's telescope to him from ClubBK by using a reliable shipping service like FedEx or UPS. Make sure to securely pack the telescope to prevent any damage during transit, and provide the professor's correct shipping address for delivery. You can also consider insuring the package for added protection.

Use of chemistry in plastic industries?

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Chemistry is essential in the plastic industry for polymer synthesis, material characterization, and quality control. Chemists design and develop various types of plastics by manipulating molecular structures and properties. They also utilize chemical analysis techniques to ensure the performance and safety of plastic products.

What kind of forest is the redwood forest?

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The redwood forest is a type of temperate rainforest found along the Pacific coast of the United States, primarily in California. It is known for its tall and ancient redwood trees, which can reach heights of over 300 feet. The redwood forest ecosystem is characterized by its high rainfall, dense vegetation, and unique biodiversity.

What Is Chiles Natural Resources?

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Chile's natural resources include copper, lithium, timber, fish, and agricultural products such as fruits and vegetables. The country also has significant geothermal and solar energy potential. Additionally, Chile is known for its rich biodiversity, with unique flora and fauna found in its diverse ecosystems.

What equipment is used for making a standard solution in industry?

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In industry, equipment such as analytical balance, volumetric glassware (such as pipettes and burettes), beakers, and stirrers are commonly used for making standard solutions. Additionally, a magnetic stir plate and a pH meter may be utilized depending on the specific requirements of the standard solution being prepared.

What type of industry is Walmart in?

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Walmart operates in the retail industry, specifically in the general merchandise and grocery store sector.

What improved the process of making steel?

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The Bessemer process, developed in the 1850s, revolutionized the production of steel by allowing for the mass production of high-quality steel at lower costs. This process involved blowing air through molten iron to remove impurities and carbon, resulting in a stronger and more malleable steel product.

How does industry harden casein plastic?

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Industry hardens casein plastic by adding formaldehyde or other crosslinking agents during the production process. These agents help the casein molecules bind together more tightly, forming a stronger and more durable plastic material.

Why is the open ocean so low in productivity?

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The open ocean is low in productivity because it has lower nutrient levels compared to coastal areas, limiting the growth of phytoplankton, which is the base of the oceanic food chain. Additionally, light penetration is reduced in deeper waters, affecting photosynthesis. Ocean currents and mixing also play a role in dispersing and diluting nutrients.

How does cotton prevent us from sweating?

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Cotton is a breathable fabric that allows air to circulate close to the skin, helping to draw moisture away from the body. This helps to keep the body cool and prevent sweat from accumulating on the skin's surface. Additionally, cotton can absorb and wick away sweat, keeping you feeling more comfortable and dry.

What is density of honey and cotton?

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The density of honey is about 1.36 g/cm^3, while the density of cotton is around 1.54 g/cm^3.

Why are chemical industries clustered?

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Chemical industries tend to cluster together due to benefits such as access to shared infrastructure, specialized labor force, suppliers, and customers. Clustering can also foster innovation through knowledge exchange and collaboration. Additionally, proximity to research institutions and regulatory agencies can further support the growth of chemical clusters.

How does potassium make its oxide and hydroxide?

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Potassium reacts with oxygen to form potassium oxide (K2O) by a direct combination of the elements at high temperatures. Potassium hydroxide (KOH) is produced when potassium metal reacts with water, undergoing a rapid and exothermic reaction.

Is a cotton ball more absorbent than a sponge?

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No, a sponge is typically more absorbent than a cotton ball. Sponges are designed to hold more water compared to cotton balls due to their porous structure.

How could cotton be made more absorbent?

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Cotton can be made more absorbent by treating it with certain chemical agents like silicone or fabric softeners. These treatments help open up the fibers in the cotton, allowing them to absorb more water. Additionally, using a higher thread count or weaving method can also improve the absorbency of cotton fabric.

What is Professor McGonagall's favourite colour?

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In the "Harry Potter" series, Professor McGonagall's favorite color is not explicitly mentioned.

Which potential hazard is associated with pockets of flammable gas within a confined space?

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The potential hazard associated with pockets of flammable gas within a confined space is the risk of explosion or fire. Flammable gases can ignite when exposed to an ignition source, leading to a dangerous situation due to the confined nature of the space which can intensify the impact of an explosion or fire. Adequate ventilation and monitoring are crucial to mitigate this risk.

What is Halls process?

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The Hall process is a method of extracting aluminum from its ore using electrolysis. It involves passing an electric current through a molten mixture of alumina and cryolite to separate out the aluminum metal. This process revolutionized the aluminum industry by making large-scale production of the metal economically viable.

What is delawares chief products?

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Delaware's chief products include poultry, corn, soybeans, dairy products, and pharmaceuticals. The state is known for its strong agricultural industry, as well as its significant role in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors. Delaware is also a major producer of chemicals and processed foods.