

Kim Jong Il

Born in 1941, Kim Jong-il was the "supreme leader" of North Korea since 1994, until his death in December of 2011.

500 Questions

Who are the mistresses of kim jong il?

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Kim Jong Il had 3 mistresses and one wife.

His mistresses were:

Song Hye-Rim (1968-2002)

Ko Young-Hee (1977-2004)

and Kim Ok (2004-till his death in december 2011)

His wife was Kim Young-Sook (1974-2011)

When was North Korean leader Kim Jong-il diagnosed with life-threatening pancreatic cancer?

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I read it from South Korea Today. I was stationed in south Korea in the 70's.

Why does Kim Jong-il have statues of himself in North Korea?

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Because, kim jong il is most handsome peoson in north korea.

What was Kim Jong-il's hair color?

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Kim Jong-il had black hair.

When did Kim Sun-il die?

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Kim Sun-il died on 2004-06-22.

Who taken kim jong il's place as supreme leader of north Korea?

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When Kim Jong-Il died, His son taken his place as The supreme leader of North Korea and has done it from december, 29, 2011- present.

Kim Jong-il's son is called Kim Jong-Un, who is 28-29 years old.

What is Kim Jong-il's position today?

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Kim Jong Il was the political leader of North Korea all the way until his death in December of 2011.

Did an American kill Kim Jong-il?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, the official announcement stated that he "died of physical and mental over-work." There should be more information over the next few days.

How long did kim Jong iI rule?

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Kim Jong-il was in power from 1994 to December 2011.

Who is Kim Jong-il?

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He is the Supreme Leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (also known as North Korea). He is the Chairman of the National Defense Commission, Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army, and General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea (the ruling party since 1948). He succeeded his father Kim Il-sung, founder of North Korea, who died in 1994, and commands the fourth largest standing army in the world. North Korea officially refers to him as the "Dear Leader" and the "Great Leader". (I wouldn't call him Dear Leader and Great Leader, he is horrible.)

What ar the similarities between Kim Jong Il and Adolf Hitler?

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Both evil dictators who had lots of people imprisoned, enslaved, tortured and killed. Hundreds of thousands in Kim Jong Il's case, millions in Hitler's case. However, the difference is that Hitler was a Nazi whereas Kim Jong Il was a Communist like Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot.

Where does Kim Jong-il live?

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Kim Jong Il is a figure shadowed in mist. There are no exact locations for him, but the most probable location is in his palace in Pyongyang.

How do or did either Kim Il Sung or Kim Jong-il keep control of North Korean people?

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with a strict army (dick-tatorship) and they feed the north korean people the wrong info they control internet and contols what they learn

How long did kim jong il ruled North Korea for?

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I believe it was 18 years: from 1994(after the death of Kim Il Jong) until last year, Dec 7, 2011.

Was Kim Jong-il a good or a bad leader?

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He was a communist dictator who cut off North Korea from the rest of the world. He could be nearly recognized as being on the same shameful level as Hitler and Stalin...

How old is Kim Sung-Il?

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Asked by APIBirthday

Kim Sung-Il is 63 years old (birthdate: August 24, 1948).

How long has kim jong un ruled in north Korea?

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Kim Jong-un has ruled in North Korea for about 4 years.

Did the great leader Kim Jong-il invent the internet?

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No, the internet was invented by Al Gore, however the great leader Kim Jong Il invented the hamburger and helped Bill Gates to invent the PC withouth taking any credit.

How did Kim Jong-il use scapegoating?

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he pissed himself