


Lentils are an ancient food, and are known to have been eaten for around 13,000 years. They are very high in protein. Although there are many lentil dishes, soups and stews are common ways to consume them.

500 Questions

Where should you store Lentils?

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Asked by Wiki User

They should be stored in a cool, dark and dry place.

Washed Lentils?

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  • 1 c Lentils
  • 2 1/2 c Water
  • Salt 2 ea Garlic cloves
  • 1 ea Green chili, chopped
  • 1 ts Black mustard seeds
  • 3 tb Ghee
  • 1 ts Cumin seeds

Chili powder Wash lentils thoroughly. Place in pot with the water & bring to a boil over medium heat. Cook about 10 minutes. Stir in salt, garlic, chili & mustard. Lower heat & simmer for 30 minutes till lentils are soft. In a skillet, heat the ghee & toss in the cumin seeds & chili powder. Top cooked dahl just before serving with ghee mixture.

Difference between red lentils and green lentils?

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Asked by Wiki User

According to wikipedia they are different varieties of the same plant (lens culinaria). Red lentils are brown (masoor) lentils with their husks removed, so they will cook faster than green lentils.

How long does it take to cook lentils?

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Asked by Wiki User

Depending on what you want to cook with Lentils, will the time take to cook. Example, if you want to cook Lentil Salad, then here are the steps and the time taken to cook.

For those who want to cook with less time, this salad is a good one. First, prepare 1/2 cup chopped green pepper, 2 pieces of finely diced ribs celery and a piece of finely you need a chopped large-size onion. Also, 4 teaspoons of olive oil is needed, 2 spoons of salt and olive 5 cups of water are also needed. A pound of lentils and keep aside a teaspoon of salt, 2/3-teaspoon of black pepper, 2-tablespoons of wine vinegar and 1/2 cup of olive oil.

Next, keep a pot ready with some water. On a stove if you got one and keep it on it to start heating it. Add 2 teaspoons of salt to the water and wait for it get boiled. Keep it low and start simmering the dish for about 25-30 minutes. Once the lentils get tender, it is time to drain them. Once done, you have got to place them in a nice clean serving dish and then add the celery, onion and olive oil. Next, add the green pepper. For the vinaigrette, simply combine the salt, pepper, wine vinegar and olive oil. Next, mix thoroughly to distribute the flavors. Pour the mixture on the lentils and then mix well. next it is a good idea to refrigerate before the serving it finally.

Are lentils alive?

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How much is 4oz of raw lentils cooked?

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There are about 640 calories in 1 cup of uncooked lentils, on average.

Can you feed lentils to chickens?

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Asked by Wiki User

They will eat cooked chicken if it's thrown out with other food scraps, but if you are raising your chickens to eat, it probably will not be a good food to give them often (could affect the taste). It's probably not good for them either. Cracked corn is best.

How many types lentils?

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