


Lotions refer to topical preparations commonly applied to the skin with bare hands, cotton wool or a clean cloth in order to achieve a softer and smoother skin. Classified as a cosmetic, lotions nowadays often contain various fragrances.

500 Questions

Where is the cheapest place to purchase nimue skin products on line?

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What is the purpose of pink color of the calamine lotion?

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bec of the presence of ZNO by lester gaviola

Do tanning tablets work?

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Tanning Pills normally contain an ingredient call L-Tyrosine. This ingredient helps increase melanin production. The more melanin that is created...the more it will rise to the surface of your skin. In basic terms...UV Light will cause the melanin to react, darken & spread out on the skin. Thus a tan is created.

The body naturally produces melanin...but kick starting the production using a tanning pill will work. Note: This same ingredient is also in almost all indoor tanning accelerators that are available for purchase when visiting a tanning salon. Whether applied topically or ingested, it basically works the same.

Does coty still make wild musk lotion and bath gels?

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YES! Coty do make the one and only sensual Wild Musk Oil. My all time favourite. I am stockpiling it! Google Coty for detalis. Hi there I sell Coty Wild Musk Oil if you are interested please contact me

Can you take lotion on an airplane?

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yea but it has to be less than 3 ounces and packed in a ziploc baggie.

What makes lotion not watery?

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There are many ingredients in lotions that can make a lotion thicker. Such as Polymers like Acrylate Copolymer, Carbomer 940, Sodium Acrylate,Hydroxyethyl cellulose and more. More natural ingredients are bee's wax,candelillawax, carnauba wax and more.

Lanolin can also be added to the mixture.

How do you use jergens face cream?

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Aplly very lightly. I recommend really only putting it on very lightly on the cheaks and temples

Is suntan lotion a homogeneous mixture?

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Yes, suntan lotion is a homogeneous mixture. All of the ingredients are evenly distributed throughout the lotion. If you took a sample from the top of the bottle it would be the same as a sample that you took from the bottom of the bottle, or any other place in the bottle.

On a molecular level, suntan lotion is a mixture of many different ingredients, so it is heterogeneous in composition.

Difference between lotion and emulsion?

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Both lotion and emulsion are colloidal liquid mixture, having a difference that lotion is thicker than emulsion... [Mamun Mahmud]

What store sells equaline lotion?

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Does after sun lotion go off?

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yes ofcourse

What can you use if face is dry and peeling?

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To properly treat dry skin requires deep moisturizing. In other words...... must be able to moisturize both the epidermis and dermis of the skin. The epidermis is the top layer of skin. It is made up of dead cell. And it's main purpose is to protect underlying skin cells and tissue. The dermis is the lower layer of skin. And it comprises of: 1. living skin cells 2.blood vessels 3. nerves 4. and hair follicle This layer keeps the skin alive and functioning. Now to properly treat dry skin you will need: A. a normal Moisturizer B. and also a Deep Penetrating Serum An normal-everyday moisturizer will treat the epidermis. And most of us familiar with these products. We use them everyday. However...... ...... if facial moistuirizers are used alone.....then your face will still feel dry and tight. This is due to a lack of moisture at the dermis level. But this is where a deep penetrating serum comes in. Serums are designed to penetrate and moisturize deep into the skin. They are ideal for treating the dermis. So add a moisturing serum to your skin care routine if your skin is dry. It'll help improve your condition.

What does lotion stain?

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Lotions stain your clothes.

Is Nivea lotion good for?

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of course!! its for your whole body!!

Where can you get Bacchus aftershave lotion?

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I might have a few bottles of Bacchcus cologne for sale. I have purchased a box of these items of discontinued Coty line at the auction.

What does it rubs the lotion on it's skin or else it gets the hose again mean?

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The phrase, 'It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again' is taken from a scene in the horror movie 'The Silence Of The Lambs'. It is a line spoken by serial killer Buffalo Bill to his victim, Catherine Martin, who is being kept in a pit in Bill's basement. Bill is threatening Catherine with the torture of being hosed by cold water unless she applies lotion to her body. Bill 'skins' his victims, and the lotion keeps the skin malleable and hydrated to facilitate its removal. The phrase became somewhat of an Internet meme after it was recited by the character Stewie from the television show Family Guy, as well as the character Cartman from South Park, both seeming to allude (in a comedic way) to a dark and disturbed side of the character. Lulz may be achieved if the phrase is used in a situation where one person has complete control of another persons actions.

What is better tanning lotion or spray on tanner?

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well self tanning will get you tan faster, but it is also more dangerous. self tanning lotion is simply just a lotion you apply to help you get the glow! but the lotion can give you a orange look if your not careful. hope i could help!!!!

What is the best lotion to use on your face?

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The products who have been prepared with the help of ayurvedic ingredients are best for all types of skin because it does not contain any harmful substances and help to get rid of impurities from the body and keep it hydrated all day. So if anyone is searching for the best brand then I will suggest trying once Lass Naturals Skin Cream once because my wife uses personally this brand. So if you want to try then visit the webpage - Buy Ayurvedic Skin Care Products Online at - wwwdotlassnaturalsdotcom

What are functions of hand lotion?

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The function of a hand lotion is to replace natural oils that are removed from the skin due to washing-up dishes, especially if plastic gloves are not worn. The lotion helps to protect the skin from chapping and cracking - often a greater problem during cold winter weather - and keeps the skin supple.

I have bad dry feet and they are totally cracked they hurt like heck Ive used athletes foot cream Vaseline and lotion what else is left to try?

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Applying an oil based moisturizing cream twice daily is really important to get on top of this problem.Avoid open backed shoes or thin soled shoes.

Never try to reduce the hard skin your self with a razor blade or a pair of scissors. There is a risk of an infection developing and taking too much off. A pumice stone can be used to reduce the thickness of the hard skin. stone can be used to reduce the thickness of the hard skin. Try the following home remedies for softening dry callused feet instead of buying expensive products that might not work. # Soak your dry callused feet once a week in a large dishpan or similar container filled with warm water, a drop of dishwashing liquid, and approximately one cup of white vinegar. Soak them for about a half hour.

After soaking, rinse your feet, and thoroughly pat them dry. Apply your favorite lotion especially formulated for very dry skin, and put on a pair of clean cotton socks. This is one of the best doctor recommended home remedies for dry callused feet. # For those who don't care for the smell of vinegar, try soaking your dry callused feet in a soothing solution of baking soda and warm water. Add about ½ cup of baking soda for every gallon of warm water, and stir the solution until the baking soda dissolves. Soak them for about a half hour.

After soaking, rinse away the baking soda, and pat your feet dry. Generously apply dry-skin lotion of your choice, and cover them with a pair of clean cotton socks. # You can let your favorite lotion work to end dryness and slacken dead skin all night long. Before going to bed, generously apply lotion to your feet, and protect sheets and blankets by slipping on a pair of breathable clean cotton socks. You'll awaken to softer feet, and after several nights, your once dry callused feet will be much softer and exceptionally smooth. # Soak feet in very warm, soapy water for 20 to 30 minutes just before bedtime. Rinse and dry feet well and apply a thick layer of "heel cream" that is formulated to soften calluses. Choose a product with an acid-free exfoliant and rich moisturizers. Avoid wearing socks made out of synthetic materials such as rayon, and wear well padded footwear at all times to prevent dry cracked heels. Synthetic materials don't let skin breathe and further contribute to the dryness problem. Individuals with diabetes or poor circulation should consult their regular doctor or podiatrist before beginning a foot care regimen. If foot problems persist, see a doctor to rule out these and other more serious conditions.

Can you be allergic to calamine lotion?

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Depends on what your skin type is. If your skin is sensitive you might see red marks on your body or develope a serious rash. If you buy a lotion product that contains some ingredient that yu might be allergic to then yes you can be allergic to the lotion.

What's a good after-sun lotion that prevents you from peeling if you get sunburned?

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I've found using a nice 99 cent can of Barbasol works pretty well. Yup, that's right...shaving cream.

Can self tanning lotion prevent you from tanning?

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Nothing will completely block all UV light and stop you from tanning. An SPF will simply delay the amount of time it takes for you to receive MED's (minimal erythemal dosage). So in theory, a SPF 30 vs an SPF 8 will allow you to spend more time in the sun and delay the tanning process(by minimizing the penetration of UV light)