



The world is home to 4260 named species of mammals. Mammals, or Mammalia are a class in the Phylum Chordata and the Subphylum Vertebrata. An animal is a mammal if, providing it is female, it can produce milk to feed its young.

500 Questions

What are the similarities and differences between mammals and reptiles?

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Similarities: Both mammals and reptiles are vertebrates, breathe air, and are warm-blooded.

Differences: Mammals give live birth, have hair or fur, and produce milk to feed their young, while reptiles lay eggs, have scales, and do not produce milk.

How many species of mammals are there in north America?

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There are approximately 462 species of mammals in North America. This includes a diverse range of animals such as bears, deer, squirrels, and bats, among others.

Does hair in mammals have any uses other than warmth?

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First of all, most mammals have fur rather than hair.

Both fur and hair primarily provide warmth. Fur and hair, however, also provide distinctive markings that can be involved in mating, aid in touch-sense input, and provide protection from the sun.

In addition, some more aquatic mammals (such as seals and otters) have a high oil content in their coats, which aids in buoyancy in the water.

I'm almost certain that fur and hair have other uses, especially if you add whiskers into the larger hair-and-fur discussion.

What is a mammal that sleeps hanging upside down?

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One example of a mammal that sleeps hanging upside down is the bat. Bats are able to hang upside down due to special tendons in their feet that lock into place when they roost. This position allows them to take off quickly if needed while providing safety from predators.

What are other animals apart from mammals?

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Other animals apart from mammals include birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and invertebrates such as insects, spiders, and mollusks. These groups make up the vast diversity of the animal kingdom.

What are the advantages of mammals having internal lungs?

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Having internal lungs allows mammals to efficiently exchange gases with a large surface area, maximizing oxygen uptake from the air. It also helps protect the lungs from drying out and injuries. Additionally, internal lungs provide a better control over the breathing process, enabling mammals to regulate their respiration rate as needed.

Why did humans evolve but cheeks?

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Humans evolved to have buttocks (cheeks) as part of their anatomy for various reasons including providing cushioning for sitting, aiding in balance and movement, and facilitating heat dissipation. Additionally, having well-developed gluteal muscles is important for posture and overall body strength.

Why might mammals store lipids rather than carbohydrates?

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Mammals store lipids rather than carbohydrates because lipids contain more than twice the energy per gram compared to carbohydrates. This high energy density makes lipids a more efficient long-term energy storage solution, as they can provide a sustained source of energy during times of scarcity or increased energy demands. Lipids are also less bulky than carbohydrates, allowing for more compact energy storage in the form of fat tissue.

Is a Yorkshire Terrier a heterotroph or an autotroph?

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A Yorkshire Terrier is a heterotroph. Heterotrophs are organisms that cannot produce their own food and must consume other organisms to obtain nutrients for energy.

What mammals eat the most?

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Blue whales are the largest mammals on Earth and they consume up to 4 tons of krill per day. In terms of land mammals, elephants are known to eat large quantities of grasses, leaves, and fruits, consuming hundreds of pounds of food daily.

Are the legs of a cat and fins of a whale homologous or anologous?

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The legs of a cat and fins of a whale are analogous structures because they have different evolutionary origins but serve a similar function in terms of movement. Homologous structures would be when two species share a common ancestor and have similar structures with different functions.

The gestation perod for all mammals is?

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The gestation period for mammals can vary significantly, ranging from as short as 12 days for the Virginia opossum to as long as 22 months for the African elephant. On average, most mammal species have a gestation period between 2 to 9 months.

Why are vampire bats nocturnal?

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Vampire bats are nocturnal because their prey, primarily livestock, are usually sleeping at night, making them easier to feed on without detection. Additionally, nighttime offers better cover and protection from predators for vampire bats while they hunt.

Do all mammals need lungs to breathe?

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No, all mammals need lungs to breathe, as lungs are the primary organs responsible for gas exchange. Mammals have evolved to depend on lungs for respiration due to their efficient exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide with the blood.

Does a Jackal lay eggs?

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No, jackals do not lay eggs. They are mammals and give birth to live young.

Are any mammals born without hair?

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Many animals are born without fur. Among them are rats, mice, aardvarks, rabbits, wombats, squirrels, groundhogs, raccoons, birds, and bats.


And humans! Even though our hair is vestigial rather than a full coat.

What is a nocturnal animal?

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A nocturnal animal is one that is active during the night and sleeps during the day. These animals have adaptations such as keen night vision, enhanced senses of hearing and smell, and specialized fur or feathers to help them navigate and hunt in the dark. Examples include owls, bats, and foxes.

Can mammals eat seeds?

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Yes, many mammals can eat seeds as a part of their diet. Some mammals, such as rodents like squirrels and chipmunks, have specialized adaptations for consuming seeds. However, not all mammal species can digest seeds effectively due to their digestive systems.

Do all mammals eat grass?

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No, not all mammals eat grass. While some mammals like cows and deer are herbivores and primarily eat grass, others are carnivores or omnivores and eat a combination of plants and animals. Each mammal species has evolved to have a specific diet based on their environment and evolutionary history.

Is a hen mammal?

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While birds are vertebrates, they are not mammals. Mammals have a series of general characteristics that include (with exceptions) birthing live young, having hair or fur as an outer covering, and producing milk to feed their young.

Is a warbler a herbivore?

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No, warblers are not herbivores. They are insectivores, which means they primarily feed on insects rather than plants.

What does a mother mammal make?

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A mother mammal produces milk to feed her young. This milk provides essential nutrients and antibodies necessary for the offspring's growth and development.

What type of animal is a lizrad?

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A lizard is a type of reptile with scaly skin, four legs, and a long tail. They are known for their ability to change color, bask in the sun for warmth, and capture prey with their quick reflexes.

Form in which carbohydrate is transported in mammals?

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Carbohydrates are transported in mammals in the form of glucose. Glucose is carried in the blood to tissues where it is either used for energy or stored as glycogen. Transport of glucose is facilitated by specific transport proteins called glucose transporters.

What unique traits probably helped mammals survive?

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Mammals' unique traits, such as fur or hair for insulation, mammary glands for milk production, and a complex brain for problem-solving and adaptability, have likely contributed to their ability to survive and thrive in various environments. Additionally, their endothermic metabolism allows them to regulate their body temperature internally, giving them an advantage in diverse climates.