

Miniature Games

Games using miniatures (tiny statues) to represent the characters, but which are not role-playing games on the individual one-player-to-one-character level. This category includes collectible miniature games such as HeroClix, and tabletop wargames like Warhammer: The Game of Fantasy Battles.

500 Questions

Should you play as tyranids or eldars?

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Tyranids seem more fun with their biomorphs and such, but Eldar seem very cool, and elite. In the end the decision is if you want a horde of monsters (Tyranids), or a group of cool, calm and composed alien warriors (Eldar).

In a dark angels army can you have deathwing and raven wing?

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By using the Dark Angel codex and taking the appropriate HQ choices, you can field an all Deathwing army or an all Ravenwing army. It is also possible to field a joint Deathwing / Ravenwing force.

How do you use the tau manta?

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Answer The Tau manta is a super-heavy vehicle. The rules for it can be found in Imperial Armour 3: The Taros campaign. General super-heavy rules can be found in other Forge World books

In warhammer 40k what do markerlights look like and where would you find them in the tau fire warrior sprues or devilfish sprues?

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Well I am not a Tau player, so it's a rough guess for me. To my knowledge the marker light drones look like Gun Drones, just instead of the guns on the bottom there's a comm-like relay on the top of the drone.

Now as to where to find them on the sprues, I have no idea, Hope what I posted can help you some.

What is the cavalry rule for 40k?

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there is no cavalry rule, they count as just fast attack

Who invented the Uno game?

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Merle Robbins (c. 1912 - January 14, 1984) was the American game designer who invented the popular card game UNO along with some of his family members. It is believed that Mattel has sold over 150 million copies of the game worldwide.

How can you get a tyranid swarmlord?

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Asked by Wiki User

Like most new tyranids there is no official model but you can make one: Buy and make a normal hive tyrant without the arms. Then (off eBay from other players or however you can get your hands on them) get four boneswords and use those for arms, find yourself a second hive tyrant tail and cut it so you can glue it halfway down the original tail then get yourself a spike (the hive tyrant comes with one) and glue it behind the first on the head.

How many men do you need to play Warhammer?

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There is no set amount of 'men' required to play Warhammer, as it is a points and unit based system. Each character or unit of 'men' (Elves, dragons, Chaos Space Marines, Monsters... the list goes on) is worth a set amount of points. When you play a game or Warhammer 40,000 or Warhammer Fantasy, you and your opponent will agree on a certain points limit for the battle.

You select units for your army, ensuring that the sum total of their points does not exceed the total agreed upon by the waring parties. The force you select also has to include certain elements, and these differ between then Warhammer systems.

To play a Warhammer 40,000 game, you have to have a HQ (Commander type character) and two units of troops.

For Warhammer Fantasy you must take a Lord, and two units of core.

Where can you find a interactive Tyranid painter?

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At, but don't use the pink.

Where are the best places to buy battletech miniatures in Ottawa Ontario Canada?

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There really aren't any good places, but you can try Fandom II downtown on Laurier. They keep some in stock and will order specific packs. However, you're usually better off buying online, either from Iron Wind Metals directly, or from an online retailer such as Warstore.

What is the 40k fast attack rule?

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"Fast attack" is a section in the codex usually including that race more mobile units.

However. There are some units that have special rules that allow them to charge 12" instead of the regular 6".

I have a budget of 70.00 for a warhammer army what should i do?

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It depends, are you talking about a 40k army or just a Warhammer army? A codex costs $25, and you need it to play. You will need 2 Troops and an HQ for a basic force. You might be able to start a small space marine army with two 5 man squads and a captain. You could start a very small Daemonhunters army if you buy 2 boxes of Cadians and use them as Stormtroopers (a pretty simple conversion) that should run you $45ish (unless you make two 5 man squads then you only need one box and that cuts the price in half) alone then you'd need an Inquisitor or a Grey knights hero which runs $15ish. You could also do the same thing with a Witch hunters army except instead of the Hero it's a Sisters of Battle Heroine. Wtih $90 you could get started with almost an army, $70 is cutting it close. I don't know enough about the xenos armies or chaos to know the prices. Hope this helps!

What do they mean by Toughness tests in Warhammer 40K?

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When asked to do a toughness test you roll one die and compare it to the models toughness. You pass if you are equal to or less then your stat. a roll of a 6 always fails this test.

What are the Rules for a warhammer bolt thrower?

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You'll find the answer in the Warhammer Rulebook or in the army book you are playing.

Can you use warhammer agaainst warhammer 400000?

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No you can't , the rules are completely different.

What Warhammer army are you?

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If you are serious about Warhammer 40K you can only play Orks.

What is a blister in warhammer?

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A blister is like a carded action figure, it's usually one or two models on a card that costs less than a boxed set.