


Morocco is an independent country located in North Africa besides Algeria, Libya, Mauritania and Tunisia. It has a population of approximately 32.2 million as of 2009 and has a total area of 710,850 sq km.

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What is the elevation of Morocco?

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The elevation of Morocco's capital Rabat is about 9,840 ft.

What is the continent to Morocco?

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Morocco is a Muslim nation in northwestern Africa. It is typically considered to be part of the Arab World and specifically the Maghreb region. Morocco has a large Amazigh (Berber) population in addition to the Arab population, especially in the mountains.

How many Morocco dirham equals one US dollar?

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1 Moroccan dirham is roughly worth $0.12 USD.

What are the names of famous buildings in Morocco?

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There are a number of famous buildings in Tunisia. These include Byrsa Hill, the Carthage National Museum, as well as Dougga.

What is a city near Casablanca?

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What is richer Somalia or Morocco?

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Pro-Algeria Answer

Algeria is an incredibly rich country boasting approximately $200 billion worth of reserves, and have become a net contributor to the IMF, most recently contributing $5 billion to the institution.

There is just no financial comparison between Morocco and Algeria. The Moroccan king has been visiting Gulf countries, requesting financial assistance, most recently in the mould of of $1 billion bonds. Algeria score far better than Morocco on almost all development indices, disbarring corruption- with the latter remaining an endemic problem for the largest country in Africa.

Simply put, Algeria is much richer than it's neighbour to the west and with the opening of the economy, so much more is to come.

Pro-Morocco Answer

morocco by far is richer as it attracts lots of tourists and is one of the worlds greatest phosphate producers. despite a little oil in algeria the country is not very modern and very old and full of slums

Where is madeiras islands located?

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They are located on the coast of Morocco in the Atlantic ocean.

What is the weekend days in Morocco?

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The weekend in Morocco begins on Saturday. The weekend is Saturday and Sunday for the rest of the world, as well.

What is the flight time from Calgary to Morocco?

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The flight time from Calgary in Canada to the nearest airport in Morocco is approximately 10 hours and 24 minutes.

The total distance is 8403.97 km or 5222 miles.

The flight time is approximate. Factors such as weather conditions could alter the length of the flight.

What is the absolute location is Morocco?

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The absolute location of Rabat, Morocco is 34 degrees 1' 12" N, 6 degrees 50' 24" W. The elevation of Rabat is 82 feet above sea level.

How does Morocco use its natural resources?

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Morocco has a number of natural resources such as phosphates, iron ore, manganese, lead and zinc. Other resources include fish, salt, agriculture (e.g. barley, wheat, citrus, wine, vegetables, olives and livestock) and a leather goods industry. The local culture, terrain and financially advantageous location mean it has a developing tourist industry and is a location for film producers to film there latest movies. Land use if approximately 21% arable land, 48% permanent pastures and 20% forest and woodland.

Does the Nile River run through Morocco and Western Sahara?

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Morocco and Western Sahara are in Western Africa and the Nile is in eastern Africa. Furthermore, there are no major rivers in Western Sahara at all.

Should you move to Morocco?

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For a Muslim country, it is a relative good place to live. For Arabic standards it's high developed and modern. In large cities like Casablanca, Rabat or Tanger look more like Southern-European than African/Arabic cities.

Does Morocco have a president or a king?

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Morocco has had a king ever since its establishment as a unified polity in the 700s C.E. It has never experienced any non-monarchical form of government, even though it has been under numerous different dyansties.

How long does it take from England to morocco on a plane?

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3-4 hours on a plane

Can you describe a wedding ceremony in morocco?

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This is what my students wrote about some of our celebrations:

We are writing this article so as to describe some of our ceremonies.

There are many kinds of ceremonies:

1)Engagement: This ceremony is the first step before celebrating the wedding. The way this ceremony is carried out depends on traditions & customs of the town, but in general, the groom's family visits the bride's family and they take gifts and flowers with them.

When the guests arrive, the hosts meet them with flowers, milk and dates and they sit with each other and talk with the bride's parents so as to agree about the date of the wedding ceremony.

2)Marriage:We celebrate it in a big place, where there are many guests(from the groom's family, the bride's family& their neighbours) to whom a music band sings traditional as well as modern songs. People spend the night dancing and having fun.

Concerning the bride's clothes, she wears traditional ones like "Takchita, Caftan", and at the end of the ceremony she wears a white wedding dress like the one we see in most films. The groom generally wears two types of clothes a traditional "Jellaba" and a modern suit.

As for meals, guests eat pastilla, meat with dried prunes, chicken, dessert. They also have tea with several varieties of cookies…

3)Baptism: Seven days after the baby's birth; the family celebrates it by inviting relatives, cousins and neighbors and preparing food for them just like in a wedding. This is what my students wrote about some of our celebrations:

We are writing this article so as to describe some of our ceremonies.

There are many kinds of ceremonies:

1)Engagement: This ceremony is the first step before celebrating the wedding. The way this ceremony is carried out depends on traditions & customs of the town, but in general, the groom's family visits the bride's family and they take gifts and flowers with them.

When the guests arrive, the hosts meet them with flowers, milk and dates and they sit with each other and talk with the bride's parents so as to agree about the date of the wedding ceremony.

2)Marriage:We celebrate it in a big place, where there are many guests(from the groom's family, the bride's family& their neighbours) to whom a music band sings traditional as well as modern songs. People spend the night dancing and having fun.

Concerning the bride's clothes, she wears traditional ones like "Takchita, Caftan", and at the end of the ceremony she wears a white wedding dress like the one we see in most films. The groom generally wears two types of clothes a traditional "Jellaba" and a modern suit.

As for meals, guests eat pastilla, meat with dried prunes, chicken, dessert. They also have tea with several varieties of cookies…

3)Baptism: Seven days after the baby's birth, the family celebrates it by inviting relatives, cousins and neighbors and preparing food for them just like in a wedding.

Monaco type of government?

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Government type: constitutional monarchy.


What voltage of electricity is used in Morocco?

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480 volts 3 phase

Who were the first people to live in Morocco?

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The Imazighen (Berbers) were the first to live in that area. Later Phoenicians came and then the Romans.

How big is Australia compared with Morocco?

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Australia is 17.33 times bigger then Morocco

Why did the Moroccans take over the Songhai kingdom?

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The Empire of Mali lasted from the thirteenth to the late fifteenth centuries. The great leader was Mansa Musa. However, his sons were unable to hold the kingdom together after his death. A result, Mali was taken over by the Songhai Empire.

What is a strait in between Spain and morocco?

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The Strait of Gibraltar