


A common occurrence for some, a major upheaval for others. Help can be found on how to pack and protect property whether it is a few doors down or across an ocean.

500 Questions

How can limestone quarries benefit the local community?

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Asked by Wiki User

Limestone quarries can benefit the local community by providing employment opportunities, stimulating economic growth through local supply chains, and supporting infrastructure development in the area. Additionally, some quarry companies may invest in community development programs or initiatives to improve the quality of life for residents.

Help selling your washer and dryer?

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Asked by Wiki User

To sell your washer and dryer, clean them thoroughly inside and out, take high-quality photos, and write a detailed description highlighting their features and condition. Share the listing on online platforms like Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, or local classified ads. Respond promptly to inquiries, negotiate a fair price with potential buyers, and arrange for pick-up or delivery.

Who is the best packers and movers in Delhi?

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Asked by Southpackers

the best packers and mover in Delhi are Rajbala Packers and Movers as they provide the best house shifting, office shifting, warehouse storage services, and packing and Unpacking.

They Provide all such services at affordable prices.

In Chemistry what does ns Stand for?

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Asked by Wiki User

In chemistry, "ns" typically stands for the principal quantum number for electrons in the outermost electron shell of an atom. It helps to define the energy levels and spatial distribution of electrons within an atom.

Does a moving object tend to continue moving in a straight line unless something pushes or pulls it out of its path?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, this is described by Newton's first law of motion, which states that an object in motion will stay in motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force.

Why is a moving dolly called a dolly?

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Asked by Wiki User

The term "dolly" for a moving device likely comes from the 18th-century slang word "doll," meaning a small child or a puppet, to emphasize the ease and maneuverability of the device. The term has since stuck and is now commonly used to refer to a small platform with wheels used for transporting heavy items.

What is is tendency of a moving object when no forces act on it?

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Asked by Wiki User

If a body is in motion, some force, of necessity, acted upon it to get it moving in the first place. However, if no furtherforces are acting upon it, including, for example, friction, gravity or solar radiation as with an object traveling through space, for example, the object would tend to continue on its path, unaltered, ad infinitum.

How do euplotes move?

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Asked by Wiki User

Euplotes moves by using cilia, which are hair-like structures on its body that beat in a coordinated manner to propel it through the water. The cilia create a current that helps Euplotes move towards its food source or away from danger.

Do the refrigerator get the heat out or cool in?

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Asked by Wiki User

Refrigerators remove heat from inside the unit and expel it outside in order to cool the interior. This process is facilitated by the refrigeration cycle, where refrigerant absorbs heat inside the fridge and releases it outside, keeping the interior cool.

What is the study of charges that are not moving?

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Asked by Wiki User

The study of charges that are not moving is called electrostatics. It focuses on understanding the behavior of stationary electric charges and the forces between them. Electrostatics is a branch of physics that plays a crucial role in various aspects of science and technology, from designing electronic devices to explaining natural phenomena like lightning.

Quantum moving company has the following data?

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Asked by Wiki User

I'm ready to help! Please provide the specific data or information you would like assistance with from the Quantum moving company.

Objects in space continue to move because there is no?

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Asked by Wiki User

Objects in space continue to move because there is no significant force acting to stop their motion, such as air resistance or friction. In the vacuum of space, objects will keep moving in a straight line or following their orbital path unless acted upon by an external force.

A moving merry-go-round house is not accelerating True or false?

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Asked by Wiki User

False. Any change in velocity, including a change in direction, is considered acceleration. Since the merry-go-round house is constantly changing its direction as it moves in a circular path, it is indeed accelerating.

Why doesn't freezer work after laying on it's side?

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Asked by Wiki User

When a freezer is laid on its side, the refrigerant can move from the compressor to other parts of the system, causing a blockage. This can prevent the compressor from functioning properly or potentially cause damage to the compressor. It is recommended to let the freezer stand upright for at least 24 hours before turning it on to allow the refrigerant to settle back into place.

Name 5 physical properties of matter that can be observed?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Color
  2. Density
  3. State (solid, liquid, gas)
  4. Melting point
  5. Boiling point

What keeps an object moving?

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Asked by Wiki User

A moving object will stay moving until a force is applied to that object in the opposing direction. To stay moving is an objects natural state. Here on earth, we have many forces that can act on an object to eventually bring it to a halt (relative to the ground). Air friction (wind resistance), rolling resistance, good old fashion friction, and by a force placed on it by other matter (as in the force applied by the ground to a rain drop as it finally hits the ground). So really the question is, what keeps an object stationary. At the moment I'm moving really fast in relation to the sun, but not moving in relation to the ground I'm sitting on. Congratulations, you now understand the "theory of relativity".

Properties of matter are typically broken into two categories physical and?

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Asked by Wiki User

chemical properties. Physical properties describe the characteristics of a substance that can be observed or measured without changing its composition, such as color, density, and melting point. Chemical properties refer to the ability of a substance to undergo a chemical change, such as reactivity with other substances or flammability.

What time will Santa be in Florida?

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Asked by Wiki User

Santa is believed to visit Florida around the same time as other parts of the world, usually during the night of December 24th. However, the exact timing can vary, so it's best to be sure to be nestled all snug in your beds before then.

What is the volume of a cube with a side that measures 3 centimeters?

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Asked by Wiki User

The volume of a cube is calculated using the formula V = side length^3. Therefore, for a cube with a side length of 3 centimeters, the volume would be 3^3 = 27 cubic centimeters.

Move across the country for love?

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Asked by Wiki User

Moving across the country for love can be a big decision. It's important to communicate openly with your partner about expectations and to consider how it may impact your career, family, and social support system. Make sure to have a plan in place for the move and to prioritize your own well-being and happiness in the decision-making process.

What are the physical properties used to describe matter?

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Asked by Wiki User

Physical properties used to describe matter include mass, volume, density, color, texture, shape, odor, and state (solid, liquid, gas). These properties help us characterize and differentiate different substances based on their observable traits.

If a tornado is moving 100 kmh and its 160km from your house how much time do you have to prepare?

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Asked by Sing4eva

If a tornado is 160 km away moving at 100 km/h you have 96 minutes, or a little more than an hour and a half before it hits, assuming it is heading toward you. In a real life situation this should be taken with a grain of salt as a tornado's speed is given as an approximate value and can easily change. Also note that it is rare for a tornado to last 96 minutes.

Why doesn't my freezer work after laying refrigerator on its side during a move?

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Asked by Wiki User

Laying a refrigerator on its side can cause the oil in the compressor to flow into the refrigeration lines, which can cause problems with cooling. To fix this issue, leave the refrigerator unplugged and upright for at least 24 hours to allow the oil to settle back into the compressor before turning it back on. If the freezer still does not work after this time, it may indicate a more serious problem that requires professional assistance.

Why does a fast moving car have more momentum than a slow moving car of the same mass?

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Asked by Wiki User

A fast-moving car has more momentum than a slow-moving car of the same mass because momentum is the product of mass and velocity. Since the fast-moving car has a higher velocity, its momentum is greater. Momentum is a measure of the motion of an object, so the faster the object is moving, the more momentum it has.

Where is a good place to retire?

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Asked by Wiki User

A good place to retire is subjective and depends on individual preferences. Popular options include areas with mild climates, access to healthcare services, affordable cost of living, and a variety of recreational activities. Some popular retirement destinations include Florida, Arizona, and parts of the southeastern United States.