

Obesity and Metabolism Disorders

Obesity is a disorder described as having too much fat reserve in the body. An obese person often has a lower basal metabolic rate (BMR), which means that the body converts nutrients into fat faster, resulting in lower metabolism.

500 Questions

How do you find your BMI?

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The easiest way is with a BMI calculator or chart. You first need to know your exact measured weight and height. You can use metric or US measurements on most charts. These are available at different sites online. Good calculators (for adults and children) are available at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website. See the related question in the related questions section for more information on finding BMI charts and calculators.

What is BMI? From the CDC:

"Body Mass Index (BMI) is a number calculated from a person's weight and height. BMI provides a reliable indicator of body fatness for most people and is used to screen for weight categories that may lead to health problems."

As an alternative, you can mathematically calculate this yourself in various ways. Here are some methods provided by contributors:

Get your height in metres.

Divide this by your weight in kilograms.

Divide your answer by your weight again.

This will give you your BMI.

take your weight, multiply by .45 then take your height in inches and multiply it by .025 then square the result. divide the product of your weight by the product of your height and youll get a number.

ex: weight: 100 lbs height: 67 inches.

100x.45= 45 and 67x.025=1.675 1.675x1.675=2.806

45 divided by 2.806= 16.037 which rounds to a BMI of 16.

The calculation for BMI is weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared.


or you can just use a free calculator.

Use an online calculator or if not, these sums:

For Imperial

BMI = ( Weight in Pounds / ( Height in inches x Height in inches ) ) x 703

BMI = ( Weight in Kilograms / ( Height in Meters x Height in Meters ) )

BMI=weight in kilograms/(height in meters)2

What is T3?

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T3 is another word for the hormone triiodothyronine which is produced by the thyroid gland

What does obese means?

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Simply stated: Obesity means having too much body fat. It is being too overweight and it is unhealthy. Some define it as being 20 percent over the ideal body weight for their stature.

Technically speaking in the medical community: Obesity is a condition where there is excess body weight due to an abnormal accumulation of fat. Defined objectively as a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or more, obesity is associated with markedly increased health risks.

The BMI test is the medically accepted method of determining presence of obesity. It is the most accurate measurement to take into account probable differences in bone weight versus muscle weight versus the weight associated strictly with fat. It is not a perfect measure, but it is the industry standard, as its formula makes it certainly accurate enough to determine presence of increased health risk.

In some demographic groups like the elderly, very muscular people like weight lifters, and of course pregnant women it is less accurate since the tissue composition present in those patients is not of the average density, e.g., the low density bone common in the elderly and higher density muscle in athletes. As is obvious, the mix of tissue types in a pregnant woman's body is also not "average". But the BMI is accurate enough to give cause for concern and lifestyle changes based on those results.

Some of the many increased serious health risks associated with obesity are:

  • Heart disease and heart attacks
  • Strokes and high blood pressure
  • Colon cancer (now associated with excess fat consumption in the diet)
  • Degenerative Joint Disease (Arthritis), sometimes crippling and leading to a need for joint replacement
  • Diabetes Mellitus (high blood sugars), with a long list of related complications in the circulatory (heart), renal (kidney), neurological (nerves), retinal (visual) systems and with Infectious Diseases and problems with healing.
  • Depression (obese patients are typically inactive which can lead to increased incidences of chronic clinical depression that could be treated and greatly improved with exercise).

What is the purpose of obesity?

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Obesity surgery, also called bariatric surgery, is performed only on severely overweight people who are more than twice their ideal weight. This level of obesity often is referred to as morbid obesity since it can result in many serious.

Can obesity lead you to have stroke?

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Yes. Strokes happen when a blood clot forms in the brain. Obesity leads to high amount of fat and cholesterol flowing through the veins and arteries which can lead to buildups of plaque in them which may eventually lead to a clot.

Is high blood pressure curable?

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In some cases, yes - it's easily preventable. But they're the minority. Sadly, the overwhelming amount of blood pressure cases are what doctors call "essential" hypertension: They don't know why you have high blood pressure - you just do. But in virtually every case, it can be successfully treated.

What is your opinion on obesity?

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My opinion on obesity is that it is a big problem in almost every way.

Statistically, it's a huge problem, all over the world.

Physically, it's challenging.

Physiologically, it's depressing.

Emotionally, it's difficult.

Logically, you can deal with it, and get in shape, but you really have to commit.

See, I could go on and on and on but I won't.

It's okay to be a little overweight (5-7 pounds) but when you are at risk, so are the people around you.

It's not difficult. You don't need a crazy diet, you don't need to starve yourself.

Just exercise regularly, eat right, and get sleep.

It's that simple. I'm serious. Try it.

Can a doctor refuse to treat a patient because they are obese?

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Yes they can. If they do that just because you or some one else is they are just jerks. But there are medical reasons as well , if he doesn't then he/her probably does not trust themselves enough to treat you and might need more help.

Hoped that helped!

What diseases cause obesity?

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Answer 1: MOMO syndrome is an extremely rare genetic disorder which belongs to the overgrowth syndromes and has been diagnosed in only four cases around the world, and occurs in 1 in 100 million births. The name is an acronym of the four primary aspects of the disorder: Macrosomia (excessive birth weight), Obesity, Macrocephaly (excessive head size) and Ocular abnormalities. It is unknown if it is a life-limiting condition. MOMO syndrome was first diagnosed in 1993 by Professor Célia Priszkulnik Koiffmann, a Brazilian researcher in the Genetic and Clinical Studies of neurodevelopmental disorders.


Answer 2: There are many diseases that can cause obesity or difficulties to lose weight, but it is not widely acknowledged and no one educates the public about them. Usually overweight and obese people are portrayed as uncontrolled overeaters and lazy. Many people think that obese people gain weight simply by overeating and not exercising, but this is not always true. Through this kind of outlook there is very little to no compassion for people who suffer with this very troublesome and traumatic problem. Excess weight gain can also be a symptom of another disease.There are many overweight people who really cannot seem to lose weight or have extreme difficulties in keeping weight off, no matter how well they eat or how disciplined they are in trying to keep fit, and are often plagued by food cravings and digestive problems. One which causes weight problems is an infection in the digestive tract called Candida Albicans (you can research about this infection online at many websites). But if people would just educate themselves and do some research on the internet they would be surprised what can cause obesity besides 'stuffing yourself with food and lack of exercise'. However, that does not mean that 'EVERYONE' who has these illnesses are 'ALL' overweight, but many people who were once very fit and thin suddenly begin to put weight on for no reason, until a little later they begin to feel unwell and they cannot do their usual activities. Later they find through medical tests that they have a disease or illness that has caused the weight problem [not the other way around as so many portray obesity to be today]. Here are some diseases that can cause obesity: Endocrine disorders including Hypothyroidism, Leptin Resistant, Cushing's Syndrome, Fibromyalgia [fibro people are often in too much pain to exercise], depression, Adrenal fatigue, Low Dopamine, Low Serotonin (women only produce about two-thirds as much serotonin as men. This is believed to be the reason women are more prone to serotonin-related disorders such as depression and obesity), Insulin Resistant, etc.....

There are also some inherited conditions and other diseases of the brain that can cause excess weight gain.

Certain medications, like steroids, some anti-depressants, seizure medications, and high blood pressure drugs, can also cause excess body weight.

Are most obese people sick?

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Being overweight carries an increased risk factor in several diseases such as Diabetes, Hypertension and Heart disease. Being overweight does not guarantee that the person will get sick more often than someone who is not overweight.

What are 3 things that cause child obesity?

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Sugar, sugar, and sugar.

Well this is not quite correct, but sugar is the main reason we all struggle with weight problems these days.

What we don't realize is that sugar is in almost all processed foods we eat, and it is known that one particular ingredient of sugar (Fructose) is the main culprit in causing obesity.

About 100 years ago, the average person consumed around 2 pounds of sugar a year. Now the average yearly consumption of sugar is more like 120 pounds per year.

So, yep, sugar is the main thing to better understand in terms of where it is hiding within our foods.

Can you die from fatty liver?

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Yes, if you traumatize that liver for instance and suffer fat embolism.

What Nutrient eaten in excess could cause obesity?

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The nutrients Fat, Sugar, Carbohydrates, and Protein otherwise known as macronutrients. The nutrients we are discussing you eat every day without even realizing it. But the only way to get these nutrients, are by eating healthy. Like everything you eat, having to much of these nutrients can cause Obesity.

What is glucogon?

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Glucagon is a hormone, secreted by the Islets of Langerhans by Alpha Cell in Pancreas, that raises blood glucose levels. Its effect is opposite that of insulin, which lowers blood glucose levels

If you are overweight can this stop you from getting a period?

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I just recently saw my doctor for this same question and she said it is totallt possible for an overweight or obese woan to have irregular periods or even have no periods at all. She said it is still possible to get pregnant but would not recommend it due to the stress it could cause to both mother and child. Also she said that the periods would likely return to normal if weight is lost and exercise is regular.

Are obese children more likely to become obese adults?

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If you watch what you eat, and stay healthy - despite your parents -- you can stay away from obesity.

Does eating meat raise your blood sugar?

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Blood sugar is the body's way of getting energy to all its tissues, so they can survive. Anything you eat with calories (energy) will turn into blood sugar, including meat.

But some things turn into sugar more quickly than others. The GI (Glycemic Index) is partly a measure of how quickly a particular food is turned into glucose in the blood. Meat is pretty low on the Glycemic Index scale and thus pretty slow and steady being turned into glucose. If your pancreas can produce even a reduced amount of insulin, meat should not raise your blood sugar all that much.

Sweets and simple starches (like bread) are at the opposite end. They're converted to glucose very quickly, producing a spike in blood sugar within minutes, which can strain a diabetic's pancreas.

What is ricketts disease?

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This question is phrased such that it could have two answers.1) Rickets (note spelling, only one "t") is a condition in which the bones form abnormally due to insufficient calcium in the growing bones. This can be due to a lack of calcium itself in the diet, but is most commonly due to a lack of vitamin D, which the body needs to absorb and use calcium normally.2) Rickettsial disease is an infection with certain types of proteobacteria, transmitted by the bite of ticks, fleas, and lice. Some rickettsial diseases found in humans include typhus and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

What does a swollen ankle indicates?

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I am not a doctor, but one swollen ankle is often an injury. Two swollen ankles can mean congestive heart failure. It is serious and you should see your doctor as soon as possible.

Why are overweight people always hot and skinny people always cold?

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more weight affects body temperature.

What is weight? It is a layer of fat covering not just your outer muscles, but also your inner organs. Fat is heavy. It's like having a blanket covering your entire body, the thickness of which can be measured with calipers. Considering that a) you are covered with a blanket of fat, and b) your muscles have to work harder just to move the rest of your body with this heavy blanket of fat... it's no wonder heavy people are warmer. In northern climates some people put on weight on purpose because it helps keep them warm. Animals do the same thing.

It's interesting that the temperature of your skin alone does not determine whether you feel cold or hot. It's your body's core temperature that is important. Blood at your skin cools off and returns beck to the core. Fat rewarms the cool blood, and it takes longer to feel cold. A skinny person has no insulation so the cold blood returns to the core and cools it off immediately.

What is a good thesis statement for childhood obesity?

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"The mature synthesis of ideas and innovations in science, sociology and most other fields is severely threatened by the shortened lifespan predicated by extreme childhood obesity." (How'd I do?)

Im 15 and 12 stone are you obese?

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I'm 12 too! I am 10 stone 4 ish and ive heard that it depends on how tall you are i am probably just over 5 ft tall which is probably not that bad. If your happy then it's okay it's sad how parents pressure there children to loose weight and say "it's for the best" because it's not. It just makes you feel bad about yourself stressed out and makes you feel horrible.

:L I wish i was like my 5 stone sister who is 10. LOOL:')

What fiber is most effective in treating obesity?

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Yes, fiber is essential to weight loss. in fact, studies have shown that fiber helps you absorb less calories. Most studies show that for every gram of fiber, you lose around 5-10 calories. This is what the fiber 35 diet is based upon. If you look up the fiber 35 diet, its a good one. I recommend it.

What are Recommentdations to an obese patient?

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According to the Centers for Disease Control in 2005-06, the percentage of noninstitutionalized adults age 20 years who were obese (meaning a BMI over 30) accounted for 67% of the American population. With easy availability of fast foods and processed foods, the world's developed nations face increased risks of obesity.

Dietitians say that people should reduce the intake of fat, sugar, and white flour/carbohydrate products. But for many people this is hard. First, most people don't understand all the names that mean "sugar is in here" even if they read labels. On labels "sugar" is listed as dextrose, fructose, and other "-tose" words. So be aware of the chemical names that mean "sugar". Also, "white flour" is in so many products. Carbohydrates fill the usual American's plate at all 3 meals.

I'd suggest to first keep track of every item you eat and drink for 1-week. You can't be aware of your eating habits until you really see it, in black and white. List amounts, and the types of foods. Leave room on the side to list what the packages have for the daily amounts of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and calories. At the end of a day, look at those percents. Did you exceed the "recommended daily allowance"? Most of us do.

After you do a food diary, pick just one thing to change for each day of the week. Let's say you usually eat cereal but you add 4-heaping teaspoons of pure white sugar onto your cereal. Can you cut that sugar in half just one day a week? Could you afford to buy strawberries or blueberries and pop those onto your cereal bowl instead of so much sugar? Or, let's say you regularly eat at a fast food chain 4 days a week for lunch with a hamburger, french fries, and a drink. Could you choose a better meal (not fast food) just one day a week? The more you can revise or replace of bad habits, the more you can devise good habits.

Lastly, exercise. Every person who is overweight has added stress on bones, joints, and the heart. Most overweight people sweat more with activity. Or maybe the heart feels like it is pounding. Each overweight person has to live through a time of discomfort when they first start exercising. Some overweight people hate being seen outside of the house. Some hate being seen exercising. But it doesn't matter where or how you exercise, the point is to get moving. Look at your clock and set a goal of 3 to 5 minutes. Walk through every room of your house/apartment until the 5 minutes is up. If you like the outdoors, set a time goal and walk. Walking is one of the best, non-jarring exercises that any of us can do.

And there's one other thing you can do to help yourself to lose weight. Look at your diary again and circle any of the times you ate in front of the TV, or when you felt rushed, or when you ate because you felt lonely / sad / angry /frustrated / happy / or felt empty (emotionally). Be aware of those times. We all do it. But work on being aware of the emotions before you eat and try to do something different. One friend of mine decided that when she wanted to eat because of being "mad", she'd instead take a bubble bath to "treat" herself. She didn't eat to "eat" the anger. Eating in front of the TV means that people are not mindful of what they are putting into their mouths. So, as a mind-trick, make a deal with yourself that you'll only munch during one set of commercials during each hour of TV you watch. (A set of commercials usually lasts about 2-3 minutes, so your snack should be small, for example, a handful of chips or half a sandwich.) Also eating fast when in a hurry doesn't allow the brain to register "fullness". So don't eat full meals "on the run".